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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz WARHAWK bi-weekly league.

@Dogs, add me to the roster...I'll try to get in on it...and let you all shoot me down.


PSN: TheGodofWine (Warhawk / R2 / MotorStorm PR)


PSN: Skigazzi (for KZ2 and future games)

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Dont worry godofwine there is a good mix of skill levels. A lot of people find warhawk hard at first. The warhawk games we play are a good place to improve. I have improved a little seeing how others do things. There are a few really good players but you dont run into them all the time. Mostly they are to busy flying overhead in the warhawks.


Thanks for being so flexible people.

I had work yesterday but normally I am free at the weekends.

Also, I'm away next weekend anyway so no rush for this on my behalf. The weekend after though, count me in.

As for the game, I'm more of a ground fighter myself. I'm well aware that once you get good in a Hawk then you the hawk is easily the best place to be, but I personally prefer having the variety available when on the ground.

One question though - how do you do the dash/charge move in the APV?  I still have yet to figure that out...

PSN - hanafuda

we are trying to start something like this for GTA IV. Check this.

leave a response if you are interested. We can discuss other details and timing. 

Feel free to add


Fanboy (sometimes spelled fanboi) is a term used to describe an individual who is devoted to a single subject in a fanatical manner, or to a single point of view within that subject, often to the point where it is considered an obsession. Fanboys remain loyal to their particular obsession.

Prediction: PS3 will have 25 percent of the nextgen console market be end

of the year i.e. till 31st dec 2008

@GodOfWine: You've been added to the roster. Please keep track of the thread to know when to play.

@Hanafuda: Let us know when you are going to participate, and we will do our best to accommodate you, probably by having someone who is willing to host for an extended period host.

@Hawks: I bumped your thread. Good luck with it, (in as much as it doesn't cannibalize the Warhawk league.)

@Regulars (If you know my PSN without having to check the first page, you're probably a regular):
Are you guys interested in having the league be tracked (See links below)?
Please state your opinion, what you think should be tracked, cast your vote and say if you are willing to be the person responsible of tracking things (I am not willing to take on the workload).

My take:
I honestly believe that the spirit of the league transcends the need to keep track of who is doing what. That being said, I understand that some might want their performances to be officially put on display.

I abstain from voting because I want a league that pleases the players, not myself. So you guys decide. :)

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Im not sure how it works exactly but lets say if ben set up a stats table on page 15, what if after our official games each member of the League are responsible for pming ben's automated bot and updating there own stats and we just have a trust system in the league?


All VGCharterz welcome!!!
PSN: Al_Kickurass, Official Warhawk League Thread!!!->

Not a bad idea. That way those who were interested could PM it their score and those who were not would not have to.

Thing is, once you start, you have to continue if we go by K/D. Unless we ONLY use gaming points (flag capture, zone capture, neutralizing, killing), but I don't like the fact that it can turn CTF into a competition within the teams (since each is worth a whopping 50 gaming points).

Im not bothered about tracking the league to be honest i like our games as they are. If the majority decide they want this I will participate.


dogs has anyone contacted you with a vote on the league bot.


No. In fact there has been no activity League wise since your last post. I didn't post in the mean time, just to see how long radio silence would last. :)

I guess there is little to no interest either way in the bot from the Warhawkers. The debate is still on should anyone wants to reopen it.