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@GodOfWine: You've been added to the roster. Please keep track of the thread to know when to play.

@Hanafuda: Let us know when you are going to participate, and we will do our best to accommodate you, probably by having someone who is willing to host for an extended period host.

@Hawks: I bumped your thread. Good luck with it, (in as much as it doesn't cannibalize the Warhawk league.)

@Regulars (If you know my PSN without having to check the first page, you're probably a regular):
Are you guys interested in having the league be tracked (See links below)?
Please state your opinion, what you think should be tracked, cast your vote and say if you are willing to be the person responsible of tracking things (I am not willing to take on the workload).

My take:
I honestly believe that the spirit of the league transcends the need to keep track of who is doing what. That being said, I understand that some might want their performances to be officially put on display.

I abstain from voting because I want a league that pleases the players, not myself. So you guys decide. :)