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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz WARHAWK bi-weekly league.

I Think the kills I racked up in the first round of CTF I played made me a marked man. I swear it seemed like I couldn't take two steps without someone puttin holes in me on the archipelago.

PSN ID: WAR_MACHINE77  Wii friend code: 7186 4304 6064 5134 Gamertag: WARMACHINE mk2


Post here to play with fellow VGC members in WarHawk! ->
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SlumsofOhio said:
Same here. I missed it.

 We noticed, I died half as much as last time!

Totally forgot, too many things to do on Saturday; Sorry.
Something to note; I took advantage of that new combo add ons pack on the PSN and got both of the add ons- so i am ready to go for all out Warhawk fun.

I don't presume to change things around here but maybe VGchartz should meet every saturday. And whoever can make it , can make it.

Or another day of the week possibly. I am not suggesting any responsibility or delegation be issued on this matter. Just a suggestion.

̶3̶R̶D̶   2ND! Place has never been so sweet.

Well, to be honest, we have played every Saturday since the creation of the league. :) Those are the unofficial games we speak of. Anyone can use this thread (or another, but this one would garner more attention I think) to organize something outside of the regular schedule (including Map Pack mayham).

Once I get the Map pack combo (next American Express billing cycle, I think ;) ) every 2nd and/or 4th Saturday of the month could be Map Pack Mayham. This is assuming there is a)enough interest and b) that few people who are super commited to the league cannot get their hands on the Maps.

Has any1 tried 2 play warhawk 2 day. I have been unable 2 sign in 2 the servers. Are they due to go down for any reason.


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Its ok i finally got back on after an hour.


I know I wont be able to play next week, or the week after (then I'll be playing GTA!!!)

@munkeh u can stop for a couple of hours.


dawve24 said:
@munkeh u can stop for a couple of hours.

 Well... I'm not so sure

I might try and pop in one day, have been playing Warhawk a lot more recently.