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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz WARHAWK bi-weekly league.

dawve24 said:
@Kas + skip

Those were some good games tonight guys. Very fiercely fought. At one point all three of us were rolling down the road in tanks and were obliterated by the same warhawk.

LOL, yeah I saw Skip in a tank going for a base and I rolled behind him in my tank and noticed Dawve coming up my rear in another tank. For about 3 seconds we were the 'VGChartz Parade of Death'.........then one TOW took us out. -_-


All VGCharterz welcome!!!
PSN: Al_Kickurass, Official Warhawk League Thread!!!->
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Serves me right I was going in the other direction trying to avoid warhawks. I saw friends in tanks going the other way and thought I'll have some of this, sure we were going to kick some arse. I got two rounds off and then watched as we went up like pretty little candles all in a row. Spent the rest of the my time trying to shoot him down.


An amnesty has been declared all banned members are allowed to return. Someone who has leos PSN tell him.


I was on MGS4, and so was evilman,I couldnt play warhawk.



It was just myself, skip and kasillas tonight we were having a break for 1 week.

Good to see you back. Now don't rush to get banned. j/k


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Im going to get banned in 1 minute, all I have to say is that I dont like the wii and its will be an instant ban.



I know I and a few others had a long argument with other users after yourself and a few others were handed perma bans.


On topic:
I love how you guys spent your Warhawk league break week playing Warhawk with the leaguers. We have to realize what a nice thing we have here. Good people, good game, good times. I learned this week that the reunion started at 18:00 instead of the 17:00 it was announced for back in January, that is why I was on a little later. Too late to host, but if I had realized you would all be in Warhawk, I would have made an appearance.

Game on next week. I'm looking forward to it.

Welcome back to the thread Leo. :)

Off topic:
The HS reunion went quite well. I saw a lot of familiar faces, many names associated with those faces were forgotten, more so with guys then chicks. The years were surprisingly kind and even generous to many of said chicks. I was expecting to have to kick many of them out of my fantasy roster, but I may even add some in there. ;)
I'm glad I had to whole "I'm a lawyer" trump card to beat just about anyone's profession (luckily, no one was a Doctor, Prime Minister, Astronaut or Pornstar). If not for that, I would have had nothing in comparison to the fact that most of them are married (which is not my thing anyways), have kids or are expecting. Anyways, thanks for the well wishes, guys. :)

I agree dogs we do have a really nice thing going, good folks, good games and some good laughs.

Now were you lucky enough to get someone of the female persuasion from your fantasy list home for some wild debauchery. :)


I did have a chick in my car on the way home, she lives near me, it turns out and was going to have to call a taxi because her boyfriend was at another party. The key expression, being her boyfriend. Maybe my value system is off, but I always thought a ride home at these gas prices should lead to a HJ! ;)

Just to be on topic: WARHAWK rules!