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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Dead Rising 1 and 2 going PS4, Xbox One and PC

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BasilZero said:

This is megaton news yo!

I finally get to play Dead Rising 1 and on PC too!


Modding community is probably going to have fun with it. I remember the modding community of 2 being very strong and active.

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Ka-pi96 said:
1 & 2? Nice!
3 next please

Very much this!

Never played these before, don't think adding it to the PS4 will change my mind :P

I will buy both if capcom sell them at $20 each.

so both will be bundled?

Around the Network

Megaton. Great to see these 2 games make it to ps4. Dead rising 1&2 plus dead rising 4 later is a massive bonus I never thought would happen.

sweet i love the Dead Rising series so i will definitely be picking these up.

Wright said:
Veknoid_Outcast said:
Would be great if everything was bundled together. Any chance of that?


Considering Capcom re-released all three modern and mainline Resident Evil separatedly, nope. Zero chance. Best thing would be a dual digital offer sometime on the future.

i can see them though pricing them at 20 dollars each just like they are doing with the RE4/5/6 remasters.

So i guess PS4 will never get Dead Rising 3?

BMaker11 said:
LivingMetal said:
Seeing so many remasters that have been released so far this gen, this is not surprising.

Outside of SFV and DR3 (games Sony and MS published), remasters have been the totality of Capcom's business model this gen. It's getting on my nerves. 

It's really frustrating. One one hand it's a testament to Capcom's glorious history and former success. On the other hand, it seems like a cynical cash grab.