BasilZero said: This is megaton news yo! |
Modding community is probably going to have fun with it. I remember the modding community of 2 being very strong and active.
BasilZero said: This is megaton news yo! |
Modding community is probably going to have fun with it. I remember the modding community of 2 being very strong and active.
Never played these before, don't think adding it to the PS4 will change my mind :P
Megaton. Great to see these 2 games make it to ps4. Dead rising 1&2 plus dead rising 4 later is a massive bonus I never thought would happen.
sweet i love the Dead Rising series so i will definitely be picking these up.
Wright said:
Considering Capcom re-released all three modern and mainline Resident Evil separatedly, nope. Zero chance. Best thing would be a dual digital offer sometime on the future. |
i can see them though pricing them at 20 dollars each just like they are doing with the RE4/5/6 remasters.
BMaker11 said:
Outside of SFV and DR3 (games Sony and MS published), remasters have been the totality of Capcom's business model this gen. It's getting on my nerves. |
It's really frustrating. One one hand it's a testament to Capcom's glorious history and former success. On the other hand, it seems like a cynical cash grab.
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