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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What is your opinion on sexual content in video games?

Meh. There's always something hotter on the internet.

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Poorly executed, almost every time. It's like they're using it to distract the player from the game's weaker elements.

I wouldn't mind them, as long as such scenes have a point to the plot and it's not there because some childish programmer(s) thought it would be hilarious to include a senseless and pointless sex scene in a game. I really don't like how it's seen as a taboo, especially when such scenes would be displayed on an M rated game, which parents aren't supposed to get to their children.

I don't think they're lame, nor they make me giggle like a prepubescent teen. But I do think that if programmers have restrictions to include these, they should explore ways around it. Characters don't have to be fully naked to have sex. They could make it slightly interesting to not make it so blatant, like tight clothing. That's just me.

AbbathTheGrim said:

1) Do you mind them, do you wish them away?

2) Does it affect whether you play the game or not?

3) Do you think they are lame and unnecessary?

4) Are you indifferent to sexual content?

5) Do they make you laugh?

6) Or do they get you excited and happy and active?

How do you react to them?

1) no   2) no   3) no   4) no   5) sometimes    6) the flirtation in games like Dragon Age had me semi excited but the sex scenes not so much.For the most part my reaction is amusement 

The right way: Eva from Snake Eater.
The wrong way: Quiet from Phantom Pain.

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If it legitimately informs the narrative then it needs to be there.


The PS5 Exists. 

They are fine when they do not seem really forced like in titles like say the Witcher series. Compare to Japanese title like say the Ar Tonelico series (where there's actually less sex) but the whole thing is just really forced and can get disturbing due to the perceived age of the cast.

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somewhat indifferent, it can add to the experience or take away from it (and be like distracting) depending. I think it helps in an RPG experience, because any game that is trying to get you to 'believe' its world (especially like an open world game) that totally ignores things like sex, drugs, etc.- is never going to be THAT believable

for the RPG genre having more sex would probably be a good thing. Its the taste thats the question mark. Simply throwing in sex to sell games is not the attitude developers should have. but games having romantic options with companions or brothels in cities- thats the sort of stuff that just adds more flavor and belief to a game