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Forums - Politics Discussion - For those who support the death penalty

When do you think people should be killed? Are there certain guidelines you have in mind for when a person should be killed?



12/22/2016- Made a bet with Ganoncrotch that the first 6 months of 2017 will be worse than 2016. A poll will be made to determine the winner. Loser has to take a picture of them imitating their profile picture.

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Recidivists for serious crimes like rape, murder, mugging, etc.

Lawlight said:
Recidivists for serious crimes like rape, murder, mugging, etc.

^ what he said. 

Well its a tricky business but first the investigation should be without bias and conducted more then once by different cops. Secondly I don't think first offences should count. Thirdly the mentality of the individual individual should be judged on whether he feels sorry or he is desenticized. Fourthly if he commits the same crime thrice then he is morally depraved and can act otherwise so be done with him. It should be for large offences like murder and rape, not mugging not thievery because that is being too strict.

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also

Australia doesn't have the Death Penalty... And it works for us, so I will back it all the way... And going by the USA's jail rate, it hasn't worked as a deterrent anyway.
Not only that, but sometimes you get false convictions turned over decades after someone was put to death thanks to new evidence, it's one of the reasons why Australia abolished the Death Penalty to start with.

Besides... To me they should be put to work in order to better society and pay for their crimes as free labor while they are in Jail, seems a waste to simply kill them off in my opinion.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

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The death penalty is tricky. On a basic level, I support it, because paying to let the dredges of society live an even remotely comfortable prison life is absurd. The remorseless murderers aren't going to turn over a new leaf and become a boon to society while serving their seven consecutive life sentences. It's only the ridiculous notion that all human lives should be weighed equally that lets these people live out long lives, even if bound within walls of concrete and iron.

On a more complex level, at least in the US, our prison and legal system as a whole is too broken. We've turned into a society that values the idea of guilty until proven innocent, leading to so many wrongful convictions based on profiling and a flawed jury standard that outside of cases of truly undeniable guilt, I can't see the death sentence as a reasonable measure. If someone is a convicted and confessed serial killer? Toss them in the chair, on the table, let the lethal chemicals flow. If someone is convicted just because, well, damn it, the jury just had to convict someone, suddenly the grounds for assigning death become shaky at best.

Of course, even then, our death penalty is laughable. We let people live for so long after being assigned the death penalty because we can't trust our own system even a little, it becomes a "when we get around to it" thing that may or may not happen within the decade.

Overall, it's just a mess. In a perfect legal system, it would be both viable and smart to have a death penalty, as it would remove those who only exist to physically and mentally destroy others. We hardly have a perfect legal system in the US though, making the death penalty a far too reactionary choice for the uninformed majority.


The oxygen thieves that carry out brutal crimes like terrorism and murder should be sentenced to death and within a short time face execution. America continuously delays executions and makes it a long drawn out process. In Middle Eastern and Asian countries executions can be carried out soon after the court's decision.

Death penalty is a complete aberration that should never be allowed.

LuckyTrouble said:
The death penalty is tricky. On a basic level, I support it, because paying to let the dredges of society live an even remotely comfortable prison life is absurd. The remorseless murderers aren't going to turn over a new leaf and become a boon to society while serving their seven consecutive life sentences. It's only the ridiculous notion that all human lives should be weighed equally that lets these people live out long lives, even if bound within walls of concrete and iron.

On a more complex level, at least in the US, our prison and legal system as a whole is too broken. We've turned into a society that values the idea of guilty until proven innocent, leading to so many wrongful convictions based on profiling and a flawed jury standard that outside of cases of truly undeniable guilt, I can't see the death sentence as a reasonable measure. If someone is a convicted and confessed serial killer? Toss them in the chair, on the table, let the lethal chemicals flow. If someone is convicted just because, well, damn it, the jury just had to convict someone, suddenly the grounds for assigning death become shaky at best.

Of course, even then, our death penalty is laughable. We let people live for so long after being assigned the death penalty because we can't trust our own system even a little, it becomes a "when we get around to it" thing that may or may not happen within the decade.

Overall, it's just a mess. In a perfect legal system, it would be both viable and smart to have a death penalty, as it would remove those who only exist to physically and mentally destroy others. We hardly have a perfect legal system in the US though, making the death penalty a far too reactionary choice for the uninformed majority.

That hit the nail in the coffin. I don't want the death penalty as a deterrent but as a way to get rid of scum but in any legal system around the world, due to wrongful conviction this becomes an impossiblity to correctly implement. I alsl want those people whose lies lead to someone innocent being killed get punished someway when found out. Because their lies inadvertently led to murder. That should be a deterrent for false convictions.

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also

I just look at the rampant corruption and widespread criminality in my country and I know we need the Death Penalty back.

Drug Lords turn our prisons into mansions and professional killers can freely leave because some corrupt official has a job for them, they just go back to jail once the job is finished. We also have a terrorist group who is tied with ISIS and their number 1 business is kidnapping. No ransom = beheaded.

Complete and total breakdown of the justice system. So if we can't punish them in prison, may as well kill them off.