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Forums - Sony Discussion - PlayStation E3 2016 Press Conference Thread - It's over!

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GoW4 is a given. That alone will win e3 for me :p


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Which stream you watching Bra? I'm in YouTube live.


ABZU looks amazing, wow, August 2nd, Great!!!

Let's rock... AND RIDE!!!

This E3 has been such a let down, especially given what we know is coming (or rather, isn't coming ) from Nintendo.

C'mon, Sony, pull off what you did last year,

BraLoD said:
We need way more hype here guys, way more.
God of fucking War is about to come!

Let me setup my laptop and we'll get this party started.

Around the Network
BraLoD said:
We need way more hype here guys, way more.
God of fucking War is about to come!

I'm fucking HYPED AS FUCK BOIIII. I'm going to the bathroom like every 20 minutes because I'm afraid I'm gonna piss/shit myself out of excitement XD

BraLoD said:
Shadow8 said:
Which stream you watching Bra? I'm in YouTube live.

Youtube as well, but not on the gaming, on PlayStation channel.

Ah I see, I'm watching it with Geoff at gameslice, not Playstation itself.


Sweet insomniac studios interview for their new vr game.


Hawken announced for PS4.

IGN talking about Wild, completely forgot about that one