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Forums - Sony Discussion - PlayStation E3 2016 Press Conference Thread - It's over!

Tagged games:

BraLoD said:
poklane said:

Spoilet tags bro :p

The interesting thing about the one you mentioned is that it was already trademarked in the US back in January. It got trademarked just today in the EU.

Why is a trademark a spoiler? XP

Because a trademark can hint towards what kinda game it is. I'm also just trying to keep everything behind spoiler tags to keep this thread as spoiler-free for people who don't wanna see even the smallest of potential spoilers.

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1 hour and 55 minutes to go!

TLoU 2 I believe.

Well I just saw a potentially interesting picture....

BraLoD said:
poklane said:
Well I just saw a potentially interesting picture....

If it's about a game to be announced that's the kind of stuff you might want to hold XP

It's just a picture and from a random Twitch streamer so not an insider, but yeah if I think what I think it is it's from a rumored 1st party game... It's also not a screenshots from the game, it's a life-size statue or cosplayer (if it's a cosplayer I guess he might come on stage?). I sure as hell don't recognize the game that's for sure.

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BraLoD said:
poklane said:

It's just a picture and from a random Twitch streamer so not an insider, but yeah if I think what I think it is it's from a rumored 1st party game... It's also not a screenshots from the game, it's a life-size statue or cosplayer (if it's a cosplayer I guess he might come on stage?). I sure as hell don't recognize the game that's for sure.

I'm curious, but hold it XP

If only I could rewind Twitch streams... the streamer who tweeted it is live on Twitch's Twitch stream now so maybe it was simply some game I don't know about :p

Edit: well, the guy just appeared on Stream. It's The Witcher/Gwent.

I dont think TLOU 2 will set tonight! Maybe PSX 2016!

Hype over 9000!!

In Sony We Trust!


Thank you guys for being discreet and using spoilers. That's the only reason I dare to be here.

Like many of you it's 3 in the night here in Denmark when the conference starts and I wanna go in spoiler free :D


Only 97 minutes to go!

cesarmgc said:
I dont think TLOU 2 will set tonight! Maybe PSX 2016!

Hype over 9000!!

All I need is a 5 second CGI trailer.... black screen, suddenly a Clicker pops up and screams into the camera, the end. Don't even need a logo or name of the game.

Mike_L said:


Like many of you it's 3 in the night here in Denmark when the conference starts and I wanna go in spoiler free :D

Same here, its gonna be a long night :D