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Forums - Sony Discussion - PlayStation E3 2016 Press Conference Thread - It's over!

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Veknoid_Outcast said:
Shadow8 said:

Wooh Yeah! :)


If Killzone 4 exists, I hope Cambridge sticks with medals/contracts and the ability to purchase/upgrade weapons and armor.

And I hope they treat Shadow Fall as a bad dream. The whole Apartheid thing didn't make any sense. Why would the ISA invite into Vekta a group of people bent on its destruction, and then allow them to create a semi-autonomous government and military??

Yeah that would be for the best. From the very beginning it didn't make sense why they would do that. Also, yeah keeping those things is a must for any future entry.


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All I want is Borderlands 3 and Bully 2



(and some sweet new JRPG's, of course)

BraLoD said:
GribbleGrunger said:

I'm only saying...KH 2.8? World of Final Fantasy? They don't need those onstage. Shit's packed baby.

FF 7 Remake Episode 1 release date (2017) + more gameplay footage
Kingdom Hearts 3 footage
Maybe even some more FF XV footage

About reveals... dunno if SE will reveal anything big this year

Parasite Eve

BraLoD said:
Roronaa_chan said:

Parasite Eve

Aren't we taking out of the conversation irrelevant stuff?

No because you mentioned FF7R

Detroit is confirmed to be at E3

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Detroit is gonna be so sweet, always enjoy David Cage's work. I don't think it'll come out this year sadly, but they probably will show off a scene at E3 and maybe a time frame. Kind of don't want to see it, since it's such a story driven game, I want to experience everything blind.


So the guy who says insomiac is making a Spider-Man game was just verifed on Gaf.

It's looking more and more likely that the Spiderman game is being made my Insomniac.

Originally Posted by Kagari

Re: that Insomniac thing... Carry on.


The PS5 Exists. 

BraLoD said:
GribbleGrunger said:
It's looking more and more likely that the Spiderman game is being made my Insomniac.

Originally Posted by Kagari

Re: that Insomniac thing... Carry on.

Dammit, wanted a Crash from them XP

And I really wanted a Spidey game from Sucker Punch XD

BraLoD said:
Mike_L said:

And I really wanted a Spidey game from Sucker Punch XD

Well, if Sucker Punch is not doing it I hope they move from inFAMOUS as well, time to try something new.

Or maybe Sly 5 or remake of the first Sly for the movie just like the Ratchet remake. (: