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Forums - PC Discussion - AMD Computex Livestream has begun, RX 480- 5+ tflops for $199, releasing June 29th

980 ti costs 649 - 749$ on newegg.
Getting close to that performance for 199$ is a sweet deal.

Im guessing there will be higher clocked 480 versions too, thats why that leaked slide said 5.5 teraflops.
But AMD just wrote over 5, and didnt mention the gpu clock speeds.


That said... I just watched the presentation.

Man that was boreing.... AMD has cool tech, and good prices but... its marketing >_>'

Around the Network

Most people running 390's still play at 1080p, so the 480 4GB with a decent cooler and OC will probably cost ~$230. That's right in range with price for a 1060, which is rumored to perform between a 970 and i think there will be close direct competition there in no time.

Well thanks to the 1080/1070 hype i just won a bid on an open box new EVGA 980Ti FTW for $440 last night. I had sold mine for $550 just 2 weeks ago getting caught into the hype.

I game in 4K and 2K, and i was just terrible disappointed in several factors- availability and price gouging of Founders 1080 cards and the poor overclocking of the 1070 performance. With overclocking the 980Ti begins to walk the 1070 easily and every fps counts at those resolutions, and that's with the 1070 boosting past 2Ghz. Pascal overclocking just doesn't scale as well as the big Maxwell cards it seems and the nerfed 1070 appears to have limted overclocking potential.

Its clear Nvidia clocked Pascal these high in reference form just to clear the hurdles of the underclocked big Maxwell reference cards.

I'm not waiting half the summer to get my hands on a 1080FTW or other non reference board cards to pay $720+ for it. That makes zero sense.

My 980Ti FTW will ride me into 1080Ti launch just fine and wont lose much more value than the going rates for 1070 as they are that comparable in games performance.

PC I i7 3770K @4.5Ghz I 16GB 2400Mhz I GTX 980Ti FTW

Consoles I PS4 Pro I Xbox One S 2TB I Wii U I Xbox 360 S

It's been confirmed that $199 is only for the 4GB version of the card. I hope the 8GB version isn't going to be much more expensive. The more I think about it, I think I'm gonna go for a custom 8GB RX 480 that has better cooling and good OC capability. I probably won't need more than that on a 2560x1080 75Hz screen, even in ultra settings. Hopefully such a card will cost around $249.

Wii U is a GCN 2 - I called it months before the release!

My Vita to-buy list: The Walking Dead, Persona 4 Golden, Need for Speed: Most Wanted, TearAway, Ys: Memories of Celceta, Muramasa: The Demon Blade, History: Legends of War, FIFA 13, Final Fantasy HD X, X-2, Worms Revolution Extreme, The Amazing Spiderman, Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate - too many no-gaemz :/

My consoles: PS2 Slim, PS3 Slim 320 GB, PSV 32 GB, Wii, DSi.

It should be faster than a normal 980.
This card is between the 980 and the 980ti.
For 199$.

With overclocking it ll probably end up matching a stock 980ti.
Pretty good value for those of us that dont buy graphics cards that cost 600$+.

Now it's absolutly possible that Microsoft releases a 6TF Xbox in 2017 for 399 or less, and then microsoft will have the most powerful console which makes me happy :)

Around the Network
JEMC said:
^If that leak is true, and I think it is given that it falls in line with previous rumors we've had, that would put the RX 480 at the same level of performance of the R9 390X.

That wouldn't be too bad by itself, it's AMD's second best class after all, but the problem is that rumors say that Nvidia's upcoming GTX 1060 will offer that same level of performance too (this is the rumor:, and that would put AMD in a really bad position.

Oh, well. I hope their Zen processors do perform as expected.

Let's not forget the Geforce 1080.
Polaris 10 is expected to chew on 150w of power. That's as much as the Geforce 1070 and only 30w~ less than the Geforce 1080... Both geforce chips should be faster.
AMD reclaiming performance/watt isn't happening with Polaris.

shikamaru317 said:

Yeah, MS can definitely hit their 6 teraflops target for under $450 imo, maybe even $400. 

According to Anandtech and Linus, it's going to be $199 for the regular 480. (Which is 5.0 - 5.5 Teraflop.)
Pretty sure I saw an AMD interview where it was $199 as well.

Soundwave said:

$399.99 will be easy. 

This is cheaper than the 7850-7870 GPUs that the PS4/XB1 used for their time (7870 was $350 when it launched in mid-2012). 

To be honest looking at that Polaris 11 price, Nintendo really dun fucked up by not using that chip (it seems). $130 retail for a 2.5 TFLOP GPU at under 50 watts?

The 7850 started at $250 if I recall, but then the prices quickly tumbled once yields increased.

With that said... Console manufacturers DONT buy GPU's like we buy GPU's. They buy the chips, there is a significant amount of materials and validation which isn't needed which drives their costs down lower. (Not to mention special deals due to buying in bulk etc'.)

Captain_Yuri said:
Hoping for something good! Amd needs some marketshare back

I think that will happen next year, Polaris is pretty much a focus on performance per watt and will not regain the performance crown, nVidia typically has a more loyal following, better advertising and they will have a Halo product.

shikamaru317 said:
So, it seems like full Polaris 10 (480x) will fall just below the GTX 1070 in DX12 games for $80 less. Not bad AMD, not bad at all.

It will have less performance/watt though, that factors into allot of peoples buying decisions.

shikamaru317 said:

Benchmarks for the R9 480x already leaked though. According to those benchmarks, it's performance is on par with the R9 Fury (non-X variant). R9 Fury tops the 1070 in some DX12 games. That being said, I agree with you about DX11, it will still be the standard for another couple of years, and the 1070 has a pretty big advantage in DX11 games.

Polaris is set to be an overclocking monster, so I wouldn't be surprised by that.

I am excited for the true high-end card though, not this mainstream stuff.

haxxiy said:
5.5 TFLOPS probably means that 2048 SP at 1350 MHz was the true leak, rather than 2304 SP at 1266 MHz. Though whether that's the full chip at all remains to be seen.

AMD Has confirmed 36 CU's for Polaris 10.
Thus... If we assume AMD has gone with the same core layout of 64 Stream processors per CU, then we are looking at 2304 Stream processors.

The 480 GPU's themselves are likely die-harvested as well, probably a 40 CU/2560 SP which might make an appearance later as the Radeon 480X, once yields are sufficient. (14/16nm nodes are pretty new still.)

Ariakon said:

I'm not a super-tech guy, so I'm a bit confused. If Sony is going with a custom Polaris 10 as rumored and the card is so cheap, why would they order one that is so much weaker than the rumored custom gpu in the Xbox Scorpio? Are they just that worried (or inhibited) by the rest of the architecture to keep the power low in order to maintain compatibility between ps4 and ps neo? Why not just use the more powerful gpu if it's so cheap? 


Sorry, I realize my question is more ps-focused than pc-focused. 

Mostly because price, power, performance.

Microsoft lost the first round of this generation and will likely try to reclaim some lost marketshare even if they pay extra.

Ariakon said:

Thanks, those reasons make a lot of sense. It's still a bit strange that Sony would so readily give up the power advantage between their systems. You'd think that since they have a very similar relationship to AMD that they would realize MS would just bump up to the greater card. I do wonder, though, if both systems are going to be hampered by the market conditions. Not only will the need for compatibililty between the XB1 and the base PS4 come into account, but so will the public's limited hardware. While the Scorpio will be capable of greater resolutions than the Neo, the fact is that most of the public's TVs are capped at 1080p (4k adoption is decent, but it's going to take a while to reach the mainstream), which means most of the difference between the two would come down to graphical effects and features such as anti-aliasing. 

Even if TV's are capped at 1080P, games are not like movies, there is a substantual benefit from running games higher than your native resolution and then downscaling them. PC gamers have been doing it for years.
And the more available processing, the more expensive and intricate your rendering can become, irrespective of resolution.

AMD would also be under Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA) so would not be legally allows to even HINT what the other company's plans are.

shikamaru317 said:

Ashes of Singularity

GTX 1080- 58.7 fps- $700
Dual RX 480- 62.5 fps- less than $500

Crossfire comes with caveats, I would always propose a gamer goes with a faster single card over two slower cards for a multitude of reasons.

For instance most games, especially those using pretty obscure game engines sometimes may not have driver support weeks/months after release so you won't get any benefit from crossfire to begin with.

shikamaru317 said:

Safe to assume that's DX12, AMD is known to have an advantage in DX12 games. They mentioned that Polaris will work well with Vulkan in Doom, but hard to say how many devs other than id will use Vulkan insted of DX12. 

Vulkan is in a unique position at the moment...

The entire Linux, MacOSX, Android ecosystems main API of choice is going to be Vulkan going forward.
The Playstation 4 also uses Vulkan as well.

Direct X 12 is cornered in Windows and on the Xbox, but the PC is allot more fluid and has had historic swings between OpenGL and Direct X.

shikamaru317 said:

Zen- 40% more IPC performance, 8 cores, 16 threads. Samples going out to first partners soon, more partners in the 3rd quarter.

Eh. 40% more than what though? Excavator? Piledriver? Stars? Still not enough to match Intel unfortunately, might be sufficient to regain some Mainstream marketshare though.

Captain_Yuri said:

That press conf was boring but damn! 480 for $200 is dope. Can't wait for performance numbers

Also... "I AM ZEN"... AMD pls

I think the highlight was Polaris 10/Radeon 480 at $199.
As PC GPU's got bigger and bigger on 28nm, so did their respective prices, this seems to re-align things a bit.

vivster said:

So why do people think Sony or MS will go away from APU design back to dedicated graphics for a console refresh that needs to be backwards compatible.

Having seperate chips doesn't mean you break backwards compatability.
Do you honestly think a software progam being executed on a host machine cares if a GPU and CPU are not on the same die?

Microsoft and Sony, heck even Nintendo have historically combined once seperate chips into the same chip as a way to cost cut, with great success and never broke backwards compatability.

So thankfully your fears are without any kind of basis.

shikamaru317 said:

Wikipedia says 5.6 tflops for the 980ti. 

Flops isn't an accurate denominator for gauging performance.

You can have less Teraflops and still be faster.

vivster said:

It's an APU, so you will likely see sub 1000MHz on the GPU. The 480 should be easily above that.

That was true for APU's of old. However at 14nm and 16nm things are a little different if you haven't noticed.

shikamaru317 said:

Yeah, I always found the whole shrinking thing with consoles baffling. Xbox One runs cool and quiet because the case is so big. I hope that Scorpio has a similar sized case as the original Xbox One with a similar cooling solution (100+mm).

Although the Xbox One's original case was ugly as you can get, it was effective, stupidly effective and did the job fantastically, I live in South Australia where it's not unusual to get a few summer days that hit 50'C/122'F and the Xbox One handles it effortlessly, which is impressive considering my watercooled PC struggles.

Mafioso said:

Most people running 390's still play at 1080p, so the 480 4GB with a decent cooler and OC will probably cost ~$230. That's right in range with price for a 1060, which is rumored to perform between a 970 and i think there will be close direct competition there in no time.

Well thanks to the 1080/1070 hype i just won a bid on an open box new EVGA 980Ti FTW for $440 last night. I had sold mine for $550 just 2 weeks ago getting caught into the hype.

I game in 4K and 2K, and i was just terrible disappointed in several factors- availability and price gouging of Founders 1080 cards and the poor overclocking of the 1070 performance. With overclocking the 980Ti begins to walk the 1070 easily and every fps counts at those resolutions, and that's with the 1070 boosting past 2Ghz. Pascal overclocking just doesn't scale as well as the big Maxwell cards it seems and the nerfed 1070 appears to have limted overclocking potential.

Its clear Nvidia clocked Pascal these high in reference form just to clear the hurdles of the underclocked big Maxwell reference cards.

I'm not waiting half the summer to get my hands on a 1080FTW or other non reference board cards to pay $720+ for it. That makes zero sense.

My 980Ti FTW will ride me into 1080Ti launch just fine and wont lose much more value than the going rates for 1070 as they are that comparable in games performance.

Do you have an evidence to backup that claim of Radeon 390 users mostly being 1080P gamers? That's a bold claim that I would be interested in reading.
Most enthusiast websites I hang around with where the users have relatively high-end hardware are running multi-monitors or 1440P or better.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Pemalite said:
JEMC said:
^If that leak is true, and I think it is given that it falls in line with previous rumors we've had, that would put the RX 480 at the same level of performance of the R9 390X.

That wouldn't be too bad by itself, it's AMD's second best class after all, but the problem is that rumors say that Nvidia's upcoming GTX 1060 will offer that same level of performance too (this is the rumor:, and that would put AMD in a really bad position.

Oh, well. I hope their Zen processors do perform as expected.

Let's not forget the Geforce 1080.
Polaris 10 is expected to chew on 150w of power. That's as much as the Geforce 1070 and only 30w~ less than the Geforce 1080... Both geforce chips should be faster.

AMD reclaiming performance/watt isn't happening with Polaris.

The RX 480 is an "up to" 150W card, at least the 4GB card, with most leaks suggesting that it would use something more like 120-130W.

But that's not that important, is it? What's really important is that Polaris is a huge improvement over previous GCN chips, and that now even the reference cooler might be a valid option. 

Pemalite said:
shikamaru317 said:

Zen- 40% more IPC performance, 8 cores, 16 threads. Samples going out to first partners soon, more partners in the 3rd quarter.

Eh. 40% more than what though? Excavator? Piledriver? Stars? Still not enough to match Intel unfortunately, might be sufficient to regain some Mainstream marketshare though.

It's 40% more than Bulldozer.


By the way, the clock speed of the RX 480 has been confirmed at 1,266 MHz by a screenshot captured by TechPowerUp

Also, for a thread about Polais, I find the lack of pictures of the card a bit disappointing.

Notice how the reference board seems to be rather small. I'd say that some third party cards will come close to the size of the R9 Nano.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Pemalite said:
haxxiy said:
5.5 TFLOPS probably means that 2048 SP at 1350 MHz was the true leak, rather than 2304 SP at 1266 MHz. Though whether that's the full chip at all remains to be seen.

AMD Has confirmed 36 CU's for Polaris 10.
Thus... If we assume AMD has gone with the same core layout of 64 Stream processors per CU, then we are looking at 2304 Stream processors.

The 480 GPU's themselves are likely die-harvested as well, probably a 40 CU/2560 SP which might make an appearance later as the Radeon 480X, once yields are sufficient. (14/16nm nodes are pretty new still.)

It is 2304SP @1266 Mhz. I think the choice I have to make is going to be between RX 480 and RX 480X with, like you're saying, 40 CUs. I hope AMD releases this card soon, this summer holiday preferably, they need a card that can take on the 1070 while being cheaper, even just to get better press. I think RX 480X will be more future-proof, but my choice will depend on the price.

BTW. 8GB RX 480 is going to be $229. Not bad, worth the extra $30 in my opinion.

I can't wait for gaming benchmarks and most importantly - custom cards! No way I'm buying the blower 6 pin version Sapphire, don't let me down!

Wii U is a GCN 2 - I called it months before the release!

My Vita to-buy list: The Walking Dead, Persona 4 Golden, Need for Speed: Most Wanted, TearAway, Ys: Memories of Celceta, Muramasa: The Demon Blade, History: Legends of War, FIFA 13, Final Fantasy HD X, X-2, Worms Revolution Extreme, The Amazing Spiderman, Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate - too many no-gaemz :/

My consoles: PS2 Slim, PS3 Slim 320 GB, PSV 32 GB, Wii, DSi.

TH-Work said:
Now it's absolutly possible that Microsoft releases a 6TF Xbox in 2017 for 399 or less, and then microsoft will have the most powerful console which makes me happy :)

The 5TF RX 480 is 150W TDP.  I suspect power & heat will prevent a 6TF GPU console in 2017.

My 8th gen collection

AMD has always touted theoretical performance and compute. Those thinking the 480 is more powerful than a 980 are ill informed. 480 has been assimilated to the 390, which isn't worlds apart but its nowhere near between a 980Ti and 980.

AMD's theoretical TFLOP performance has never matched the competition's real game performance. Tflops is not a measure of games performance.

R9 290 2.5 yrs ago came with 4.84 TFLOPS...only to be routinely bested by the GTX 970 with 3.9 Tflops. Driver overhead and architecture speed plays a larger role, and now Pascal's IPC is faster in comparison due to the higher clocks.

PC I i7 3770K @4.5Ghz I 16GB 2400Mhz I GTX 980Ti FTW

Consoles I PS4 Pro I Xbox One S 2TB I Wii U I Xbox 360 S