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Forums - PC Discussion - AMD Computex Livestream has begun, RX 480- 5+ tflops for $199, releasing June 29th

vivster said:
curl-6 said:

5 Teraflops at $200 is a pretty impressive price to power ratio.

So basically, you get performance in the ballpark of currently available high end cards, but at a mid-range price.

Current High End is 7-9 TFLOPS. So yeah, you get the performance of a midrange card for a mid range price, which seems fair.

BTW the 980ti is at around 7TFLOPS. Dunno where you get the 5.6 from.

Wikipedia. I was too lazy to double check the info there, I'm multitasking between work, VGChartz, and emails. So if the figures are off, my bad.

Around the Network
vivster said:

So why do people think Sony or MS will go away from APU design back to dedicated graphics for a console refresh that needs to be backwards compatible.

They wont.


My youtube gaming page.

Polaris 10 seems rather disappointing compared to the GTX 1070 ...

It's 150 watts and is more than 15% slower ?

It's both inferior in perf/watt and perf/mm^2 but let's hope DX12 and consoles changes that ...

so Neo 5+ TF confirmed?

Now this should stir up the market. 70% perf of a 1070 for $200-250 less.

PC I i7 3770K @4.5Ghz I 16GB 2400Mhz I GTX 980Ti FTW

Consoles I PS4 Pro I Xbox One S 2TB I Wii U I Xbox 360 S

Around the Network
shikamaru317 said:
vivster said:

Current High End is 7-9 TFLOPS. So yeah, you get the performance of a midrange card for a mid range price, which seems fair.

BTW the 980ti is at around 7TFLOPS. Dunno where you get the 5.6 from.

Wikipedia says 5.6 tflops for the 980ti. 

You are correct. Forgot that it was released with that very low base clock of 1000MHz. I usually only see the custom models that start at 1100MHz and go up to 1300MHz at boost.

5.6 TFLOPS is still not even close to high end though.

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shikamaru317 said:
Ruler said:
so Neo 5+ TF confirmed?

It's strange, the specs that Digital Foundry got for Neo don't match with anything. Same stream processor and compute units count as the 480, but lower tflops (4.1 for Neo compared to 5+ for the 480). So either the specs sheet Digital Foundry got was wrong, or it is Polaris 10 but underclocked for some reason.

Aren't parts often modified for consoles, such as being downclocked or having the number of core reduced, etc?

shikamaru317 said:
vivster said:

So why do people think Sony or MS will go away from APU design back to dedicated graphics for a console refresh that needs to be backwards compatible.

They're not. Both PS4 Neo and Xbox Scorpio are using custom APU's afaik. 

Neo APU has an overclocked version of the PS4 CPU coupled with what seems to be Polaris 10, while Scorpio may have a custom Zen/Polaris 10 APU. 

Yeah, they're still APUs though so they won't even come close to the performance of a dedicated GPU. But I've seen people being optimistic that Scorpio can reach 6TFLOPS, which is ridiculous.

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shikamaru317 said:
Ruler said:
so Neo 5+ TF confirmed?

It's strange, the specs that Digital Foundry got for Neo don't match with anything. Same stream processor and compute units count as the 480, but lower tflops (4.1 for Neo compared to 5+ for the 480). So either the specs sheet Digital Foundry got was wrong, or it is Polaris 10 but underclocked for some reason.

It's an APU, so you will likely see sub 1000MHz on the GPU. The 480 should be easily above that.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

shikamaru317 said:

So both Scorpio and Neo seem to be using Polaris 10, but, the Neo version is underclocked, likely due to the fact that it's using an overclocked PS4 CPU. MS on the other hand may be using AMD's new Zen CPU, because it has better performance per watt than the old Jaguar cores used on PS4/XB1, the overall thermal envelop would be lower for the Scorpio APU than the Neo APU. Because of that lower thermal envelop, MS could potentially get away with a higher GPU clock rate for Scorpio, which would explain the 5.5-6 tflop rumor for Scorpio.

Wonder when they'll finally wise up and stop trying to cram their hardware into tiny boxes with ridiculously pitiful cooling. Just use a slightly bigger case, so you can install a proper heatsink with a slow and quiet 12cm fan and you can overclock the shit out of your APU. As if anyone gives a shit if their console is a few cm thicker and a pound heavier.

They need to realize that this isn't 1990 and that  hardware now needs heatsinks and active cooling.

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