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Forums - Gaming Discussion - which console will be more powerful PS4 Neo or Xboxone 2?


Most powerful console

PS4 Neo 158 43.65%
Xboxone 2 204 56.35%

With PSNeo launching nearly a year earlier (rumor) then it will have the best performance until XB Scorpio comes out but we can probably expect a new PS again the following year.

So really the crown will alternate between the two each year.

The real issue is do you want to buy a console from a manufacturer that tried to implement DRM, closed down most of their 1st party studios and have no exclusives as now they will be on pc as well as denying Non-white males to be on the cover of their games?

Think about what you are supporting before you buy.

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Super_Boom said:
Azuren said:

Hey now, I'm just a guy trying to keep a friend from getting himself into deep doody. Backseat moderating would be if I threatened them with moderation and reported them (which I didn't).

I didn't see your comment until I posted, so don't worry. I was referencing zero's earlier reply to Ruler.

If you believe a comment to warrant moderation, report it. This thread is not the place to discuss whether or not someone should have received mod action.

I worked hard to made a friend out of Zero. I'd rather talk him into bowing out than report him D:

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2013 since x1 released.

x1.1 slim coming soon!!! with same power.

xbox1.2 should be the more powerful version and a new gen. 4 years after x1 released sounds like a gen.

On topic: the rumors about its power don't match up with reasonable prices. That, and it was Polygon reporting the rumor.

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Azuren said:
On topic: the rumors about its power don't match up with reasonable prices. That, and it was Polygon reporting the rumor.

Randal Thor was on my buddies podcast other night and said the aim is 6Tflops with room to go up to 8 if Sony "get cute", he is friends with Phil so he probably knows best...

Around the Network
Bryank75 said:
Azuren said:
On topic: the rumors about its power don't match up with reasonable prices. That, and it was Polygon reporting the rumor.

Randal Thor was on my buddies podcast other night and said the aim is 6Tflops with room to go up to 8 if Sony "get cute", he is friends with Phil so he probably knows best...

"Aim" means they haven't done anything yet, and unless they're shooting for a $800+ console, 6tf isn't feasible. No matter how reliable the source is.

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Azuren said:
Bryank75 said:

Randal Thor was on my buddies podcast other night and said the aim is 6Tflops with room to go up to 8 if Sony "get cute", he is friends with Phil so he probably knows best...

"Aim" means they haven't done anything yet, and unless they're shooting for a $800+ console, 6tf isn't feasible. No matter how reliable the source is.

This is wrong and has been shown to be wrong several times. 

The Polaris 10 is a 32 CU part that is a mid-budget GPU for $299.99 retail this year. It clocks in at 5.5 TFLOP. This is actually cheaper than the 7870 GPU that the PS4 is based on was in 2012 when it released a year ahead of the PS4/XB1 (that cost $350 at the time). 

Give the Polaris 10 a minor bump to 36 CUs and you get 6 TFLOPS. Not a big deal. 

There's no reason for a console with a Polaris 10 style GPU to cost $800 or even close. Try half that. 

6 TFLOPS is nothing amazing. PS4 @ 1.8 TFLOPS is old as shit now, people need to realize that, by fall 2017 that'll be 4 four years old which is an eternity in tech cycles. 

Soundwave said:
Azuren said:

"Aim" means they haven't done anything yet, and unless they're shooting for a $800+ console, 6tf isn't feasible. No matter how reliable the source is.

This is wrong and has been shown to be wrong several times. 

The Polaris 10 is a 32 CU part that is a mid-budget GPU for $299.99 retail this year. It clocks in at 5.5 TFLOP. This is actually cheaper than the 7870 GPU that the PS4 is based on was in 2012 when it released a year ahead of the PS4/XB1. 

Give it a minor bump to 36 CUs and you get 6 TFLOPS.

There's no reason for a console with a Polaris 10 GPU to cost $800 or even close. Try half that. 

6 TFLOPS is nothing amazing. PS4 @ 1.8 TFLOPS is old as shit now, people need to realize that, by fall 2017 that'll be 4 four years old. 

If you think it will be affordable, more power to you. But sitting at $300 on just the GPU when that's the cost of a PS4... Microsoft must be aiming for premium users. Which would be weird, because those already exist. 


They're called PC gamers. 

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Azuren said:
Soundwave said:

This is wrong and has been shown to be wrong several times. 

The Polaris 10 is a 32 CU part that is a mid-budget GPU for $299.99 retail this year. It clocks in at 5.5 TFLOP. This is actually cheaper than the 7870 GPU that the PS4 is based on was in 2012 when it released a year ahead of the PS4/XB1. 

Give it a minor bump to 36 CUs and you get 6 TFLOPS.

There's no reason for a console with a Polaris 10 GPU to cost $800 or even close. Try half that. 

6 TFLOPS is nothing amazing. PS4 @ 1.8 TFLOPS is old as shit now, people need to realize that, by fall 2017 that'll be 4 four years old. 

If you think it will be affordable, more power to you. But sitting at $300 on just the GPU when that's the cost of a PS4... Microsoft must be aiming for premium users. Which would be weird, because those already exist. 


They're called PC gamers. 

It's not really any different from the PS4/XB1 GPUs which were based on the 7850-7870 2012 GPUs from AMD. 

Actually the Polaris 10 is cheaper than the 7870 was when it released. Polaris 10 is only $299, 7870 was $350. And the price of RAM has also dropped from 2013. 

Here's a pro-tip ... Sony/MS which order components on the scale of *millions* for multiple years get a better price than what a 13-year-old does buying a single GPU from their corner Best Buy. $300 range PC GPU being sourced for a newly released console is nothing mind blowing, the PS4/XB1 both already did that 4 years ago.

Soundwave said:
Azuren said:

If you think it will be affordable, more power to you. But sitting at $300 on just the GPU when that's the cost of a PS4... Microsoft must be aiming for premium users. Which would be weird, because those already exist. 


They're called PC gamers. 

It's not really any different from the PS4/XB1 GPUs which were based on the 7850-7870 2012 GPUs from AMD. 

Actually the Polaris 10 is cheaper than the 7870 was when it released. Polaris 10 is only $299, 7870 was $350. And the price of RAM has also dropped from 2013. 

Here's a pro-tip ... Sony/MS which order components on the scale of *millions* for multiple years get a better price than what a 13-year-old does buying a single GPU from their corner Best Buy. $300 PC GPU being in a newly released console is nothing mind blowing, the PS4/XB1 both already did that 4 years ago.

Again, more power to you if you think you'll get that for an affordable price. I'm just saying you're probably getting one or the other, not both. 

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