Azuren said:
Soundwave said:
Like no ... shit, lol?
Anyone who actually thought that way is on planet Mars.
Optimzation, Soundwave. I mean, seriously. Optimzation is a huge deal. And it is highly dependent on the architecture of what you're running. Not just anything will work.
But this is the last time I'll be replying to you, or to anyone who brings the topic of you up to me (Sorry, Craig). It's clear that you don't want to consider any reason that Microsoft might not be able to make a 6tf XB1 and that you just want a rumor to be fact. Good luck with that affordable 6tf XB1.2.
You'll need it.
Optimization is up to the software designers, software designers already work with 6 TFLOP GPUs on the PC side.
I think you're confusing several things here.
MS is going to use something likely based on the Polaris tech, because for 2017 that simply makes sense, they're not going to use something on an older 28nm node for one.
I don't think you really know what you're talking about at all here to be honest and you're letting your fanboyism really cloud the discussion here.
Also if anyone is doing a half-iterative leap here, it's Sony, not MS. Phil Spencer even said straight up he's not interested in the approach the PS4 Neo is taking he wants to do something more substantial than that.
And quite frankly I think he's right, I think Sony is the one rushing a "1.2" revision here, what MS is doing is making a more legit XBox 2.
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