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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Emily Rogers: NX not gonna use X86 architecture, raw power close to XBO

Meelow said:
I didn't read the whole thing but I'm going to say this.

Emily Rogers isn't very tech savvy, she doesn't know the full story and if she does she didn't explain it like she should of.

Emily is saying different architecture, which is fine because it's likely ARM which WOULDN'T hurt third party support, X86 and ARM can work together.

As for "power close to Xbox One", on paper the NX can easily look like that but seeing how it has a different architecture it doesn't matter, the NX can easily able to produce better visuals then the PS4.

+1 for the ARM achitecture.

As for the power. It's too much speculation to judge right now, even with an X86 architecture and the same specs as a One, most third parties would still find excuses to say it's not powerful enough. So we'll see how things turns out.

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WolfpackN64 said:
vivster said:
If it's not ARM and instead PowerPC again I'm going to laugh my ass off.

Why? Imagine if Nintendo was secretly working on a POWER8 design (which I don't think they are), Sony and Microsoft would piss their pants.

Piss themselves laughing...

If we learned anything from the PS3, developers aren't very fond of special architechture with hidden powers. And if the PS4 showed us anything, if you use a familiar design that's easy to develop for they will lick your asshole like there's no tomorrow. And if the Wii U taught us anything, then your console will tank without 3rd party support.

Being the special snowflake isn't doing it anymore, you also have to have a thought out and solid product.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

mountaindewslave said:

She/he has almost no particularly impressive leaked info from the past.. I would take what you hear from Emily Rogersbwith a grain of salt... I doubt they have magical info on it considering the extremely serious NDA contracts as well as the fact that the final product put into production may be far different than the rev kits. Lets put it this way: if a leaked like this appears to have NO knowledge on the TYPE of system it is (dedicated, gimmick motion, mobile supported, etc.) and appears to mot know if the launch NX is home console, handheld, or hybrid- why would you take them seriously? At this point it seems fairly obvious that Nintendo has went to great lengths to keep this project under wraps. No one is going to risk their career and a huge lawsuit just to tell some Booz on Twitter info on this. And the poster themselves if genuinely 'connected' would have more info than vague power and spec speculation


I have to agree. We basically should always take everything about NX with grains of salt, which I hope everyone still is. These rumors and speculations are pretty crazy and driving some people insane. 

maxleresistant said:
Meelow said:
I didn't read the whole thing but I'm going to say this.

Emily Rogers isn't very tech savvy, she doesn't know the full story and if she does she didn't explain it like she should of.

Emily is saying different architecture, which is fine because it's likely ARM which WOULDN'T hurt third party support, X86 and ARM can work together.

As for "power close to Xbox One", on paper the NX can easily look like that but seeing how it has a different architecture it doesn't matter, the NX can easily able to produce better visuals then the PS4.

+1 for the ARM achitecture.

As for the power. It's too much speculation to judge right now, even with an X86 architecture and the same specs as a One, most third parties would still find excuses to say it's not powerful enough. So we'll see how things turns out.

Funny enough though most devs said "we want to do something cool with the that's why no Wii U version" was the excuse for this gen, power only got mentioned a few times.

I take rumors, all rumors with a grain of salt. Especially with NX, seeing that it's a totally new concept. Can't wait for Nintendo to say something.

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The way this thread is progressing it seems NX will be second coming of a messiah. Lol. In the end it will be a console which is late in the market with weak power (if Emily Rogers is true).

setsunatenshi said:

x86 is an established architecture which makes the porting very very easy between consoles and PC. You know that games are made on PC, right? When the industry standard is X86 it's a big financial risk (burden) to dedicate resources to only 1 specific console that in 2017 has yet to sell any unit. I have no idea about the power of this NX, but I also have a brain and memory that helps me predict how Nintendo will behave based on previous experience. If it's true that they are not going for X86, they're really only screwing themselves over.

You're placing way to much stock into how important x86 is to console developement, as have everyone else for years. Not having x86 is not even remotely the barrier to porting you people think it is.

derpysquirtle64 said:

Nintendo already tried to do something what Apple did with WiiU. It didn't end up well

Lmfao get outta here with that; no they didn't.

Oh man, if true, it's not hyperbolic to think that's it may already be over. Releasing a console in 2017, that can barely match the power of the second most powerful console released in 2013 would be insane. Cannot f***ing wait to see what the deal is with this system. Much of it looks gruesome at this point, and launch is less than a year away.

- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."

COKTOE said:
Oh man, if true, it's not hyperbolic to think that's it may already be over. Releasing a console in 2017, that can barely match the power of the second most powerful console released in 2013 would be insane. Cannot f***ing wait to see what the deal is with this system. Much of it looks gruesome at this point, and launch is less than a year away.

On the other hand, do you see a Nintendo console on par with PS4 Neo that costs $100-150 more doing significantly better or having vastly more 3rd party support?

A $250 Xbox One level Nintendo console vs a $400 PS4 Neo level Nintendo console.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.