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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Emily Rogers: NX not gonna use X86 architecture, raw power close to XBO

setsunatenshi said:

Based on which precedent are you saying this? Which Nintendo console since the SNES had any 3rd party support? And the SNES was the most powerful console at the time when compared with the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive.

I'm not disagreeing that the PS4 would still outsell the X1 even if it was moderatly less powerful btw, but they have plenty of things going for them that Nintendo does not have for many generations.

It's not based on precident. It's based on common sense. Which Nintendo console since the SNES didn't have a crippling design flaw that abrupt halted easy of developement to their consoles. Answer: None of them. Not one. Nintendo had shitty third party support because it made shitty hardware for third parties. NX won't have that. The idea that third parties don't support Nintendo because of politics is the biggest lie ever told. Third parties don't support Nintendo because Nintendo hasn't supported third parties. No big mystery.

Yeah, it's competition crashing and burning before either of them hit their first million. That's literally it. Nintendo mess up. Microsoft messed up. Sony didn't. That's the secret to their success this generation. Next year, they are going to have to go against a Nintendo who doesn't mess up, and they are not going to fare well.

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zorg1000 said:
Soundwave said:

PS4 will be $299.99 with thousands of games, millions of players (and people want to play where their friends already are), and have superior multiplats to what this NX is going to get. XBOne might be even lower than that by next March ($250 perhaps).

Ok so let me get this straight, people wont buy a $299 XBO/PS4 level console from Nintendo because those devices will have thousands of games and millions of players who want to play with friends?

If PS4/XBO having thousands of games and millions of players are going to stop people from buying a $299 NX than why would they buy a $399 NX that is moderately more powerful?

Hence why 2017 is a terrible time to launch an console. Especially since Sony is going to have a more powerful console that's $399 AND has millions of players and thousands of games by then.

The faliure of the Wii U has totally fucked Nintendo. They need to launch something to replace it soon, but it's an awful time to launch new hardware. The other two are just hitting their stride...

Bet with Adamblaziken:

I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.

lmaobox said:
Culipechi said:

Im a Nintendo fan and i dont give a sh## about power. I just want to play Nintendo games, have fun and smile. I was born as a gamer playing a NES. How can i care about graphics? They dont matter.

Nintendo will go 3rd party soon.

Yes. They are doomed.

spemanig said:

It's not based on precident. It's based on common sense. Which Nintendo console since the SNES didn't have a crippling design flaw that abrupt halted easy of developement to their consoles. Answer: None of them. Not one. Nintendo had shitty third party support because it made shitty hardware for third parties. NX won't have that. The idea that third parties don't support Nintendo because of politics is the biggest lie ever told. Third parties don't support Nintendo because Nintendo hasn't supported third parties. No big mystery.

Yeah, it's competition crashing and burning before either of them hit their first million. That's literally it. Nintendo mess up. Microsoft messed up. Sony didn't. That's the secret to their success this generation. Next year, they are going to have to go against a Nintendo who doesn't mess up, and they are not going to fare well.

Do you know why Nintendo always fucks up their hardware? Because they have no idea what they're doing. They throw shit just to see what sticks.

The biggest success Nintendo has ever had in the console market beat the biggest failure Sony has ever had in the console market by less than 15%. And it was a total fluke Nintendo even had success with the Wii. 

Nobody is ditching their PS4 after (at most) 3 years for a new Nintendo console. Especially one that's weaker than what they already have and is digital only.

Actually, dead serious question. What about the NX is going to make people want to buy it? What is going to be the thing that makes it a success?

Bet with Adamblaziken:

I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.

Soundwave said:
I personally don't think the PS4 would be no.1 if it didn't have a decided horsepower advantage. By having this advantage it means it gets the best versions of the big multiplats.

When the PS4/XB1 are so close together people do look for what the difference is, and the PS4 had better performance. Unless you're going to die without Halo, what was the incentive to choose an XB1 over a PS4?

Their main utility as game devices is to play 3rd party titles and the PS4 does that better than the XB1 does. Once people started choosing the PS4 it creates a snowball effect where now your friend has a PS4, so I mean you're going to buy a PS4 too to be able to play online with them (South Park parodied this very well).

Power may have had some affect but not even close to the only thing causing PS4 to outsell XBO.

PS4 was going to dominate basically everywhete outside of America regardless, PS3 outsold 360 by 20 million outside of America despite making many mistakes, PS4 would again dominate in these regions even if it was weaker than XBO.

Microsoft made a lot of mistakes which hurt it early, $100 more expensive, mandatory Kinect, always online, no used games. These things really caused PS4 to be seen as the more consumer friendly choice and Microsoft has not been able to steal PS4's momentum.

Power may have been a factor but PS4 would still be soundly beating XBO even if it had a 1.2tflop GPU and used DDR3 RAM.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

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Culipechi said:
lmaobox said:

Nintendo will go 3rd party soon.

Yes. They are doomed.

They aren't doomed. A 3rd party Nintendo would make more money than they ever could as a console maker. How well do you think Mario Kart or Smash Bros. would sell on the PS4 and Xbox One? Twice what they did on the Wii U? And Nintend would have to spend $0 on designing and making a console.

Bet with Adamblaziken:

I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.

Who is this chick? Captain 'Murica's little sister or something?


Normchacho said:

What you're describing is not an Iphone moment for consoles. At best it's a step ahead of a future that we already see is coming. 

Every next generation console is going to be fully compatible with games from this gen, and both Sony and MS have alredy started getting older games onto the newer platforms to that they'll be there in the future. This is clear as day and has been pretty much since they revealed that the PS4 and Xbox One use X86.

The home console market is also not ready for digital only. It's simply not, and certainly not from a Nintendo console. Partially because a majority of gamers still buy their games physically, partially because retailers make all of their money on games and they need them to sell their consoles, and partially the two other players in the console market haven't even really begun to push it yet. Nintendo going fully digital would be like MS trying to do always online in 2013. Gamers and major retailers would reject it, and they'd have options to go to when they did.

You talk about remote play and cross buy like they are this utopian thing that nobody has ever seen before while at the same time ignoring their limitations. Having the same game on a mobile and home patform is great. But it needs to be able to work on both platforms. Is Assassins creed whatever going to be able to work on the PS5, Xbox 2, NX home console, and NX handheld? How limited is the handheld version going to have to be for that to work? Is Ubisoft going to be okay with only selling their game once instead of twice? Is EA going to be okay with cross buy? Is Activision? They are going to have to put in the work to make two different versions after all. Since nobody in their right mind would sell and handheld and a home console close enough in power for one version to work on both. Since you'd either have a pathetically weak console, or a $1000 handheld.

None of this even takes into account this rumor either. If this doesn't use X86 and is around an Xbox One in terms of raw power...None of this matters. Because unless sales explode right out of the game, third parties won't make games for a sytems that's more limited and harder to develop for. Especially one that wants them to sell two versions of a game for the price of one and won't let them sell physical games.

It's absolutely an iphone for consoles. It is literally a monumental shift in the way people interact with these things. And of course we see it coming. Anyone paying attention can see this stuff coming. You seriously think that tech guys didn't see a touch screen computer phone coming when blackberry and palm pilots planted the seeds for it? Come one.

There won't be a next generation, but that's a different topic.

Of course it is. Doesn't matter if a majority of console gamers buy physical. They won't when NX launches. That simple. Mind blowing, I know. It's not like MS always online at all. Like not even a little bit. One rendered your console unusable - the other makes your gaming experience more convenient in every objective way. Retailers have no influence on progress. Nintendo is doing to sell NX without physical media and retailers are going to suck it up because they won't have a choice. They didn't have a choice with music or movies or books getting less shelf space - they definitely won't have a choice with NX. The only people who would reject it are who people in the industry call the 2%. You'll know it better as the vocal minority. They don't matter. If you seriously think people won't buy a good console with good exclusives that they want because of the media it provide, when it's 2016 and everyone has been digital for a decade, there's no helping you.

I'm not talking about remote play at all. Cross play like this has absolutely never been seen before on dedicated gaming hardware. Not once. Not once has there been a unified firmware gaming platform by which the same game was playable on multiple hardware SKUs, so yes, this is a "utopian thing." The limitations are not unreasonable. 99% of your "limitations" are accounted for on mobile platforms. Literally everyone is okay with crossbuy. The only ones who haven't been are Nintendo, and they've since made clear their intention to change that.

As for "work," the platform is built for scalability, and handhelds have reached the point where diminishing returns, smaller screens, and lower resolution help them make up for weaker hardware by comparison to console hardware. The Nvidia shield handheld will be well over 2 years old by the time NX the NX handheld comes out. It's like 10 times more powerful than the Vita, and has a 720p screen. If the NXDS is only that strong but has a 540p 4in top screen like the 3DS XL, the graphics it will output will look near NX console level with ease, and that's with lower quality assets in every regard. No $10,000 handheld required. Just a proper understanding of how maths work.

And of course third parties will support an NX at the XBOs level. And you clearly don't understand how this "two games for one" thing works if you seriously think it's an issue. The whole purpose of a unified platform is to built the hardware and firmware in a way that makes you only need to make one base game and tweak it for different formfactors. That's why you don't see iOS devs complaining about crossbuy. It's a literal non issue you're making up because you don't understand it.

Mar1217 said:
Normchacho said:

They aren't doomed. A 3rd party Nintendo would make more money than they ever could as a console maker. How well do you think Mario Kart or Smash Bros. would sell on the PS4 and Xbox One? Twice what they did on the Wii U? And Nintend would have to spend $0 on designing and making a console.

Isn't that the wet dream of all PS4/Xbone owners ? lol

If you think they are so much for these games, why so do they not buy them ? In fact, I think their game would sell less just because they would get less exposure since they would have to compet with other games on the same console.

They need their own console to get that exposure to sell their games. Sorry, but it wouldn't work.

I don't think thats their wet dream at all.
The chances Nintendo would go full mobile if their console line ups fail scares the hell out of me.

Also I don't think they would make a game exclusively, if they did it would be for sony.
So if they would go third party I would assume everything would also be released on PC, that would be a disaster also.

Many bad outcomes, not to begin with the competition to deminish in the Console space, the more people own a console, whatever console, the better it is for our future in the livingroom. Xbox and PS have also messed up, its just hoping Nintendo doesn't hit wrong twice and I believe most X/PS fans agree with that, there isn't that much hate for Nintendo games or Nintendo out their, its just hate for the WII and/or WII U

Twitter @CyberMalistix

spemanig said:
setsunatenshi said:

Based on which precedent are you saying this? Which Nintendo console since the SNES had any 3rd party support? And the SNES was the most powerful console at the time when compared with the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive.

I'm not disagreeing that the PS4 would still outsell the X1 even if it was moderatly less powerful btw, but they have plenty of things going for them that Nintendo does not have for many generations.

It's not based on precident. It's based on common sense. Which Nintendo console since the SNES didn't have a crippling design flaw that abrupt halted easy of developement to their consoles. Answer: None of them. Not one. Nintendo had shitty third party support because it made shitty hardware for third parties. NX won't have that. The idea that third parties don't support Nintendo because of politics is the biggest lie ever told. Third parties don't support Nintendo because Nintendo hasn't supported third parties. No big mystery.

Yeah, it's competition crashing and burning before either of them hit their first million. That's literally it. Nintendo mess up. Microsoft messed up. Sony didn't. That's the secret to their success this generation. Next year, they are going to have to go against a Nintendo who doesn't mess up, and they are not going to fare well.

based on common sense? what insider info do you have on the NX that I don't? Assuming this leak is true, not going for X86 and still remaining underpowered compared to the competition, not only it will put huge barriers on porting games, but also not be enticing enough to make anyone that isn't a hardcore Nintendo fan go out and buy it.

It will be the Wii U all over again, but worse :/