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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PSN alone almost generated the same sales than all of Nintendo in 2015

Nintendo had huge profits from Pokemon merchandising/TV/etc. in the early 2000s too along with GBA ... it's not that PS2 wasn't making money ... it's just that Nintendo was making even more, despite being beaten with the Gamecube.

Gamecube also had a fairly high attach rate of software.

Say what you want about Nintendo, but they've made a lot of money over the years with high profit business emphasis and Sony/Sega/Microsoft really weren't able to put a dent in that, it's not until this generation with the rise smartphones/tablets that Nintendo's finally been slowed, but traditional game companies have not been able to stop Nintendo from making tons of money. 

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setsunatenshi said:
Teeqoz said:

The PS2 era numbers are correct though


You have to consider that Nintendo had the massively succesful GBA and DS.

again, we're talking SCE numbers or Sony as a whole?are you saying during the ps2 era SCE couldn't make 1b$ in any year while Nintendo has done it since 98? maybe if we're including losses from Vaio, Bravia and other divisions, fine. SCE alone during ps2 not reaching 1B in black sounds very very strange

Much Strange, the Early numbers are the ones that don't make any sense at all The 2001 Numbers are the one that is bothering me, isn't this a Video Game Division only ?, or the one who made this want to make the Multi-Billions of loses of Sony Mobile, the loses of Sony Computer Entertainment ?, Nintendo,is a Video Game Company, Sony, have a lot of other bussiness, and i think that they are using some weird Math.


How Sony Computer Entertainment, lost over 500 Millions (Console Market, was worth 6-8 Billions if i remember well) when GTA 3, Jak & Daxter, Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec, Final Fantasy X, Sillent Hills 2, Ico, launched in the same year ?, plus, PS1 Was still selling and wasn't a 100 Millions seller console in that year.

We can understand that Nintendo, have successful franchises, have the Money, but  Nintendo, don't have proper third party support since Snes, the Wii Had some in the beggining but lost it.

Swordmasterman said:
setsunatenshi said:

again, we're talking SCE numbers or Sony as a whole?

Much Strange, the Early numbers are the ones that don't make any sense at all The 2001 Numbers are the one that is bothering me, isn't this a Video Game Division only ?

I was the one that posted the table. It as been around forums for a couple of years. My understanding of it is that someone (I have not been able to locate a source) has tried to break out the numbers for the Playstation and Xbox brands. Nintendo numbers seem to be the whole company (handheld + home console).

That's great news for Sony.

baloofarsan said:
Swordmasterman said:

Much Strange, the Early numbers are the ones that don't make any sense at all The 2001 Numbers are the one that is bothering me, isn't this a Video Game Division only ?

I was the one that posted the table. It as been around forums for a couple of years. My understanding of it is that someone (I have not been able to locate a source) has tried to break out the numbers for the Playstation and Xbox brands. Nintendo numbers seem to be the whole company (handheld + home console).

I Think that is nearly impossible to track Playstation, or Xbox's Numbers, Nintendo is a Video Game Company, but  Nintendo, also is one of the Owners of Pokemon, a Franchise that is worth more than 50 Billions of US$, with Anime, Games, Toys, Merchandising.

I Don't know about Sony, or Microsoft, this far back, i wasn't even born, if Some company was like Microsoft, is today, so is impossible to track.

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Swordmasterman said:
baloofarsan said:

I Think that is nearly impossible to track Playstation, or Xbox's Numbers, Nintendo is a Video Game Company, but  Nintendo, also is one of the Owners of Pokemon, a Franchise that is worth more than 50 Billions of US$, with Anime, Games, Toys, Merchandising.

I Don't know about Sony, or Microsoft, this far back, i wasn't even born, if Some company was like Microsoft, is today, so is impossible to track.

Nintendo is still easy to track back to 1981 (  ).

To get the numbers for the Playstation brand out of Sony and the Xbox brand out of MS will demand some more work.

kowenicki said:
baloofarsan said:

Nintendo is still easy to track back to 1981 (  ).

To get the numbers for the Playstation brand out of Sony and the Xbox brand out of MS will demand some more work.

its impossible to get a like for like comparison no matter how much work.

Isn't impossible, you just need to call Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony, after that you just need to wait they accept to give all the numbers since the start, i don't think that they would  give numbers from actual years.

Luke888 said:
Qwark said:

But it's PS4, PS3, for PSN Vita vs 3DS, DS, Wii U and Wii for which Nintendo still sells software. Even though 7th gen software is pretty much dead.

DS had no online shop, only DSi did iirc but I think it was terminated a while ago...

This isn't just online sales for Nintendo, it's everything, hardware, software(retail), online etc.

"There is only one race, the pathetic begging race"

kowenicki said:
baloofarsan said:

its impossible to get a like for like comparison no matter how much work.

Yes, the economic departments of any company are very good at showing numbers they like and hiding what they do not want investors to see. 

Anyways here is Sony IR for those that like a lot of numbers: In the Earnings Report the game  segment is somewhat isolated.

So Somy gave away more games for FrEe than Nintendo sold for 30-60 per unit? I guess they aren't free with the subscription but yeah, applies vs oranges.