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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Star Fox Zero Review Thread: MC: 69 / GR: 68.84%

Star Fox Guard is actually getting better reviews. 74 on Meta now.

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Slarvax said:
You would think reviewers adore simple short games, since they can complete them in one or two sittings, instead of having to go through a 70 hour RPG with 20 hours of cutscenes and 30 hours of needless walking around and grinding.

After the order it was made clear short games = bad reviews.

72 with 45 reviews now. I think it's safe to say at this point it'll remain in the 70-75 range, which is what many predicted.

Official Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Thread


CaptainExplosion said:
method114 said:

After the order it was made clear short games = bad reviews.

The industry really is going to hell. -_-

Yep I dont take reviews seriously anymore. Started early this gen when I realized it. I look for bugs and that's it the rest of their opinion means nothing to me. Once they started attacking games for being "linear" it hit me. They were basically saying if your game isn't open world it loses points.

It was already clear that the reviews won't be good when the game was announced by Nintendo.
It won't do good sales-wise either since the competiton (Ratchet & Clank) offers a much better quality, quantity and price.

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mZuzek said:

Thus why I predict a 96 for Zelda this year.

Not saying Zelda's going to suck, of course not, it'll be amazing... but if it wasn't open-world, it was done for.

That would be an amazing comeback for the series. But I don't think it's unrealistic. Skyward Sword was the most linear game so far and it was the lowest scoring mainline game with a 93, so I can see a fully open world game bringing the series back that glory.

But yeah, the notion that all games must be open world in order to be good now is insanely inaccurate. I feel like implementing an open world can sometimes bring a game's potential down, actually. Some games benefit from it, others don't. Reviewers need to realize that.

Official Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Thread


Dr.Vita said:

It was already clear that the reviews won't be good when the game was announced by Nintendo.
It won't do good sales-wise either since the competiton (Ratchet & Clank) offers a much better quality, quantity and price.

Lol, this post makes zero sense.

Is a 7/10 not a good score all of a sudden? And what does Ratchet & Clank have to do with it? It's not even the same genre, or on the same platform. This is a needless comment meant to drive console wars. Get that out of here.

Official Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Thread


mZuzek said:

I guarantee you Splatoon would have been 75 or lower on metacritic if it wasn't for Inkopolis Plaza.

I can see that, which is kinda sad.

Granted I love the Inkopolis Plaza, but it's not crucial to the game's quality as a whole.

Official Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Thread


Skullwaker said:
Dr.Vita said:

It was already clear that the reviews won't be good when the game was announced by Nintendo.
It won't do good sales-wise either since the competiton (Ratchet & Clank) offers a much better quality, quantity and price.

Lol, this post makes zero sense.

Is a 7/10 not a good score all of a sudden? And what does Ratchet & Clank have to do with it? It's not even the same genre, or on the same platform. This is a needless comment meant to drive console wars. Get that out of here.

console war is the only reason this site is even alive. lol. 

Skullwaker said:
mZuzek said:

Thus why I predict a 96 for Zelda this year.

Not saying Zelda's going to suck, of course not, it'll be amazing... but if it wasn't open-world, it was done for.

That would be an amazing comeback for the series. But I don't think it's unrealistic. Skyward Sword was the most linear game so far and it was the lowest scoring mainline game with a 93, so I can see a fully open world game bringing the series back that glory.

But yeah, the notion that all games must be open world in order to be good now is insanely inaccurate. I feel like implementing an open world can sometimes bring a game's potential down, actually. Some games benefit from it, others don't. Reviewers need to realize that.

That's a great point. Take Arkham City for example. I think that Arkham Asylum worked perfectly as a Metroidvania. The open world, at least for me, detracted from the experience.

In general it's disappointing that so man "AAA" titles are military shooters or open-world action games. There are so many more genres and mechanics out there.