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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - IGN Nintendo Voice Chat Ep. 2 summary

The_vagabond7 said:
Ninman said:
So, the rumor of sonic unleashed on ONM was false?


No, IGN is just stupid. If you listen to the podcast, they're assertion that "no way it's coming to wii" is based entirely off of the graphics of the leaked screenshots. They just say "There's no way the wii can put out those graphics". That's it, that's all their info is based on. The topic on VGchartz has as much credibility as they do on the speculation. Personally, I would trust the guy that leaked the info over those buffoons.


haha, don't be so hard on the ign guys. i think the odds of seeing a stripped down version of the ps3/360 game aren't too likely. anyway, even if that did happen, do you think the version wii owners got would be any good?

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tastyshovelware said:
The_vagabond7 said:
Ninman said:
So, the rumor of sonic unleashed on ONM was false?


No, IGN is just stupid. If you listen to the podcast, they're assertion that "no way it's coming to wii" is based entirely off of the graphics of the leaked screenshots. They just say "There's no way the wii can put out those graphics". That's it, that's all their info is based on. The topic on VGchartz has as much credibility as they do on the speculation. Personally, I would trust the guy that leaked the info over those buffoons.


haha, don't be so hard on the ign guys. i think the odds of seeing a stripped down version of the ps3/360 game aren't too likely. anyway, even if that did happen, do you think the version wii owners got would be any good?

Considering that it's built for the Wii and the PS360 are getting 'souped up' graphics...why wouldn't it?


Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

Words Of Wisdom said:
Soriku said:

Mario Kart

(Notes below are about local play - Bozon and Matt can’t talk about online)
- Grand Prix - one player only
- Battle mode - up to 4 players, must use teams - free for all gone
- Balloon Fight, Coin Runners
- You can come back in Balloon Fight when you lose all of your balloons - scoreboard utilized for the mode
- Timed 3 minutes each
- Coin Runners: lose all of your coins when hit, also 3 timed 3 minutes
- Reviews that are out that haven’t been fully tested - can’t talk about online in reviews

This game just keeps looking worse... and worse... and worse.

Yep.... come back in Baloon Fight?!

Gah. I was willing to overlook teams... but timed and you can come back? Screw that.

If there isn't a mode where you're out and your out... I'm out honestly.

Well I`m reserving my judgement on MK until the reviews come out, however it appears I won`t be purchasing it when it comes out on April 11th down here in Australia. Will wait for it to drop in price. Now I`ll probably buy either the recently released NMH or Battalion Wars 2 and maybe another 360 game.

if it has no 2 player GP mode then i'm not getting it - thats all that interests me, is this a definite fact?  I'm just wondering because perhaps as there is now 11 players on the Grand Prix mode and 4 tracks perhaps they've tried to pad out the 1 player experience a little and this is now the Grand Prix mode and compensated with something else for multiplayer I wonder.


I know 2 people can race on the same console online - perhaps Grand Prix modes onlice a la Mario Kart DS  and maybe customcups in local multiplayer where you can pick your own courses and race locally.  I just find it hard to believe they'd gimp the game like this as local multiplayer is what the wii is all about and Mario Kart would be on of their flagship titles for this reason alone. 


Any info would be really helpful as my pre-order is pending based on this.