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Forums - Sony Discussion - Did NX influenced on decision of sony making the PS4.5?

Nintendo didnt influenced Sony to created Ps4 Neo but PC

But it doesn't mean Nintendo would be an easy competitor in Sony's point of view


NNID : ShenlongDK
PSN : DarkLong213
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PSVR is the reason that Sony needs PS4K.

FloatingWaffles said:
fatslob-:O said:


Nintendo is an ant in the eyes of other console manufacturers ...

An ant that completely destroyed all the competition last generation by miles, has billions more than the other companies, and has the best selling and most worldwide known IP's ever to be made. 

Yeah, I bet they totally look at Nintendo like they're an ant. 


So you're saying that an unknown nintendo hardware "NX" influenced sony into making the rumored PS4K or neo? Whether NX is a home console or handheld or hybrid, it's next gen. Sony doesn't need to do anything about it this gen.. I highly doubt that if the PS4k is real.

Ka-pi96 said:
Not a chance.

Not only would this likely have been planned before NX was even mentioned there is literally nothing known about it, other than that it's a games console of course. Why would anyone be influenced by something they nothing about?

They aren't fans on the internet, they are 3 large companies that have resources to find out what the competition is doing and that is part of what directs them.  All 3 are also using AMD so they basically know what's available to themselves and their competitors.

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i think its simply because AAA games should be at least 1080p 60fps as a standard for current gen, but original PS4 just unable to make it that's the main reason why they are upgrading it now instead of waiting for next gen

Soundwave said:
Probably not as the primary reason but it may have had an secondary influence. I suspect PS4.5 was co-developed with Playstation VR (Neo -- Morpheus).


So it really is a Matrix Reference :0


Anyway I think it could have gone both ways, certainly the announcement of NX put pressure on Sony and it might have affected the release date of PS NEO, but as someone else mentioned one year ago Sony already knew that Vita was a failure so it's likely that they want this thing to get out to make up for the money that they won't get by the mobile division...

Nah, you don't plan a new hardware upgrade in a year. It was always going to happen.

spemanig said:
fatslob-:O said:


Nintendo is an ant in the eyes of other console manufacturers ...

No, they aren't. They were responsibl for the single most overwhelming generational win of any console manufacturer last generation with an installed base of 250m. No one at Sony or Microsoft is idiotic enough to look at Nintendo as an ant.

That's a cherry picked statistic if I ever heard one. While technically true, the entire concept of a "generation" is completely arbitrary.

I don't think Sony created this PS4 Neo in response to Nintendo NX. However, I think the timing of these "leaks" about PS4 Neo and the fact that they are not just plain rumors, but they are actually supported by big names like Digital Foundry (Eurogamer) is surprisingly... convinient? It's just like if they released them on purpose in order to counter the rumors about NX being more powerful than the PS4 and to overshadow a possible revealing of the console (full or partial) at the end of this month or during May.