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Forums - Gaming Discussion - All Future Forza Games Are Coming to PC and Xbox, Microsoft Confirms

This spring's Forza 6 Apex will be the first entry in the racing series to come to PC, but it won't be the last. Today at Microsoft's Build conference in San Francisco, the company aired a new Forza video in which Turn 10 creative director Dan Greenawalt says all future Forza games are coming to Xbox and PC.

In the video, Greenawalt says Apex represents the "first step" in the Forza series shifting to Windows 10. It also aims to be a "proof point" of what developers can do using Microsoft's Universal Windows Platform, which allows studios to make games across all Windows 10 devices.

"Moving forward, all of our games are going to be shipping on Windows 10 and Xbox," Greenawalt said. "The Universal Windows Platform is great for the game developers and gamers alike. It's going to become even more powerful as a way of delivering amazing experiences across all of the devices in the Windows ecosystem."

It's also confirmed in the video that Apex is capable of running at 60fps and at a resolution of 4K if your computer can manage it. This is the highest level of fidelity in the history of the Forza franchise.

Apex, a free-to-play version of Forza 6, is due out later this spring, though a release date has not been announced. Another Forza game has been announced and will be properly unveiled at E3 2016. This game's "cover car" is the Lamborghini Centenario, which isn't available in the real world yet.

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I am shocked.

Didn't we know this? Anyways, good news.

CGI-Quality said:

Although something similar has been posted already, given this is directly after a conference, I'll leave it open.

Damn i missed the Gribble thread!

Thanks for leaving it open CGI!

We knew this already,LMAO.

Proud to be a Californian.

Around the Network

Well, my opinion.

Halo and Gears are the last bastions for the Xbox brand.

If i have to guess, i would say that it is a no brainer that they will come too to the PC. What i don't understand is why Microsoft has been so patient with the clear strategy of unifying both platforms, one game at a time. Slooowly.

Looking at this months sales, it is more than clear that the Xbox One sales are pretty much stale and going down, even tho there is a price cut involved, a new bundle, tons of promotions and arguably one of (if not) the biggest exclusive of the year, which weirdly enough it is also semi-underperforming as of today.

Are the people reacting negatively to this strategy from Ms?

Do people want a console and not a steam machine like W10 device?

I mean, there is no logical reason behind the severe drop in sales of this month, i would guess that there have been going meetings behinds the door, discussing the current state of the brand, because it is not positive at all.

Is Phil Spencer to blame?

Cool, more people get to play great games.
I did the math... PC gamers + console gamers = more gamers

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darkenergy said:
We knew this already,LMAO.

I actually didnt. I knew about the Forza 6 APEX Free to Play version for the PC, but the confirmation of future PC version of full fledge main games in the next Forza games i did not.

Mr Puggsly said:

Cool, more people get to play great games.
I did the math... PC gamers + console gamers = more gamers

Not console gamers, Xbox gamers. 

My math says +PC sales -Xbox sales

It goes to the same pocket, but im afraid about the future of the Xbox brand as a console. 



Xbox Believers can argue all they want, this isn't a good thing for the Xbox brand. 

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