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Yes and bad mistakes- Ive made a few :-) 49 35.25%
Yes too many 15 10.79%
No regrets they don't work they only hurt! 75 53.96%

I regret buying a XBOX ONE. what a waste

PSN & XBOX GT : cutzman25

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I don't necessarily regret buying this, but I do regret buying my PS4 so early. I got it around launch time for $320 and since then, I've barely touched it. I knew I would be getting one eventually and thought it was a great deal even though there was nothing on the system that I wanted at the time. There are plenty of games coming in the future that I want to play for it, but if I would have waited I could've bought it for less.

The rumours about the PS4K are making things even worse now.

Wii U NNID:  CWegzz
3DS Friend Code:  4210-5277-5484
PSN:  Ronnoc4
Steam:  CWegz

Only ever bought Sony systems so don't regret them at all. Have a pc too. Don't regret it either but it wasn't bought with gaming in mind.

Acevil said:
Vita TV is a bit regret, because I think it failed on what could have been one of the strongest things it could have done which is play netflix.

when vitaTV was announced i thought it was going to be amazing and then they filled in the details of what exactly it is and i was all like "wft".  i should have been a great product and instead it was a poorly thought out cash grab.


i do and don't regret my wii.  i'm certain i got my monies worth but i was still really really really disappointed in that system.

i should have regetted my 360 more than i did.  i barely played that thing.  definetly didn't get my monies worth out of that.

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Acevil said:
Xxain said:
PSP is phenomenal when it comes to being a emulation device.

Honestly PSP itself is not a bad device, it has decent amount of gems. 

Absolutely, but ease of emulation should have been a market point.

Only gaming thing I recall regretting was Wii Music.

I have no idea why I bought it.

"Just for comparison Uncharted 4 was 20x bigger than Splatoon 2. This shows the huge difference between Sony's first-party games and Nintendo's first-party games."

I dont regret buying any game system. They were/are all worth it. Even the WiiU I own has given me a lot of hours of entertaintenment. I do regret buying a couple of games tho. Lords of Shadows 2 for example.

I was a bit pissed when the 3ds ambassador programme hit the scene, but overall I didn't really regret buying a 3ds early.

Don't think I generally regret any larger purchases. (In terms of gaming that is.)

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