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Forums - Movies & TV - Batman Vs Superman is at 872.66 million WW- Final update, with some DVD/Blu-Ray sale charts



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DevilRising said:
I guess more proof people will flock to pay to see shit these days. *shrug*

Please tell me more on how you hate you movie that you have never seen.

It is the same with people that criticise video games that they have never played. It is ludicrous. Unless of course you are dealing with Duke Nukem Forever, in which it has been out for long enough for people to know that it was panned by both critics and audiences alike. 

The Big Lebowski initially released to quite a few negative reviews. The movie did bad at the box office. However, later on, the movie had a resurgence due to word of mouth, and the movie has been successful with the general audience who have seen it. This just goes to show that critics are not infallible.

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It already passed:

The Incredible Hulk
Captain America: The First Avenger

X2: X-Men United
X-Men: The Last Stand
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
X-Men: First Class
The Wolverine

All i'm gonna say is that Critics aren't always right and, and proof is in some of the classics that are in this world, one being "Scarface". And I can guarantee that everyone here knows that Scarface is a major movie well deserved of all the rep it gets in the present, however when it was released it wasn't seen and bombed at the box office and also the Critics hated it, but nowadays people love it and its heralded as one of the greats.

Just trying to say the critics are not always right and you should not always trust them, and maybe with time they will say the same thing about BvS. I thought the move was pretty good, not incredible but a very enjoyable movie, and this is coming from a big batman fan, also Gal Gadot is fuckin hot.

think-man said:
Aerys said:

Except it doesnt suck at all

I'm just basing that off what most my friends have said seen as I don't like super hero movies. My gf saw it a few days ago and said it's top 5 worse movies shes ever seen xD and I think she has amazing taste :P she dates me after all hahaha.

So, you haven't seen the movie? Don't be a hater.

Lawlight said:
think-man said:

I'm just basing that off what most my friends have said seen as I don't like super hero movies. My gf saw it a few days ago and said it's top 5 worse movies shes ever seen xD and I think she has amazing taste :P she dates me after all hahaha.

So, you haven't seen the movie? Don't be a hater.

I trust my gf and my friends judgement. I wont give my money away to see a movie I know im not going to enjoy. Plus I hated the last Superman and this has reviewed even worse than that. 

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think-man said:
Lawlight said:

So, you haven't seen the movie? Don't be a hater.

I trust my gf and my friends judgement. I wont give my money away to see a movie I know im not going to enjoy. Plus I hated the last Superman and this has reviewed even worse than that. 

So, you have the exact same taste and experiences as your gf and your friends? Ok.

PwerlvlAmy said:
film getting blasted even by dc fans

Lots of people overreacting and generalizing based on the vocal minority and lack of knowledge.


Steve Younis, a DC and Superman fan, from the Superman Homepage (which is one of the biggest fan page out there) gave a positive review of it. That's enough feedback for me.

I have no interest in this movie but it really feels like people are getting overly defensive about it.

I'm now filled with determination.

Lawlight said:
think-man said:

I trust my gf and my friends judgement. I wont give my money away to see a movie I know im not going to enjoy. Plus I hated the last Superman and this has reviewed even worse than that. 

So, you have the exact same taste and experiences as your gf and your friends? Ok.

Yeah they know what I like and told me I wouldn't enjoy it due to "Blah blah blah" :P

think-man said:
Lawlight said:

So, you have the exact same taste and experiences as your gf and your friends? Ok.

Yeah they know what I like and told me I wouldn't enjoy it due to "Blah blah blah" :P

That's odd.