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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nikkei: Nintendo ceasing Wii U production at the end of the year

zorg1000 said:
ps4tw said:

If YOU had put some thought into it, you'd realise that VR also includes Samsung Gear VR, Occulus Rift, Hive and OSVR, not one measly headset. Again, with literally billions of dollars being pumped into VR (and AR) with continous positive feedback from veteran and casual gamers alike, as well as private industry, there is NO reason to think that there will not be a lasting impact from VR. 

Again, if YOU had put some thought into it, there is no reason to say Nintendo's next console would cost around $800. Want to break that figure down or is my assumption that you pulled it out of thin air correct?

So instead of being patronising, stop and think about what you are saying and how knowledgeable you are on the topic you're about to write about. 

Oculus & Vive are $600-700 and require a high-end PCs. PS4+VR+Camera is about $800. Gear VR is only $100 but requires a $600+ phone and only plays mobile quality games.

What Rol said is valid, if NX is a PS4 level or above console than it will be $300-400 and if it has a VR headset on par with PSVR than thats another $400.

Care to explain how Nintendo can release a console on par with the competitors and a high-end VR headset for a mass market price?

I would.. :)

But first let me say this.. In 1-2 years all new (highend) phones will be VR ready (and they only getting stronger) Also.. In under 5 years.. a normal laptop/desktop pc can proberly power some of the headsets.. and if only looking at the headset price.. chiness manufactors and other will make some that are much cheaper in the comming years. (and I could also see a solution.. where we use phones for "PC VR" so we can use the space and some of the power from pc)

(and its not gaming that "kicks the door in" for massmarked VR.. its live sports.. concerts.. dating.. porn.. facebook and other "dive with the whalles and walk on mars" stuff))

But back to Nintendo.. look at the WiiU gamepad.. its an extern screen with gyro.. (same as in a VR set) and it cost arund 100$ to produce..

Also the High-end pc that power OR and vive.. are not made specally for VR.. they run alot of other stuff to in the background.. and they are not "custumized"  becourse there are so many different manufactors.. drivers and settings.

And last.. Nintendo (if they made some VR) will not go for the high resolution OR and Vive does.. and they have alot of experings with gyro/motion.. (imo) its not imposible they could make a Console for around 300-350$ and a VR headset +game for.. proberlly around 200-250$.. Or they could go for the high-end handheld and use a "gear VR" solution.. for also (proberlly) 300$ (remember.. it dont have to be as strong as a galaxy 7 phone to deliver "same class"  VR.. becourse the phone also use power for other stuff)

(and Nintendo do have worked and testet VR many years.. so its not totally out of the qustion.. that they have a better way to track.. becourse as we know VR is just startet and even the 4 solutions (samsung/psvr/or/vive) track in different ways)

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curl-6 said:
ps4tw said:

You make a lot of false assumptions. Firstly, while Sony was selling the PS3 initially at a loss, after the second interation that stopped. Secondly, it allowed Sony to determine the next-gen format, bluray, which their competition now has to use. Thirdly, Sony actually won the marketing segement - the Wii was not in the same market as the 360 or PS3 due to the utterly different audiences they catered for. No one compares Audi sales to Hyundai sales, and the same can be said for the Wii and PS/360 sales - the game lineup and marketing campaigns show that they were not selling to the same audience and therefore comparing their sales makes absolutely no sense at all. 

The "different markets" argument is just an excuse used by those don't like that fact that Playstation lost a generation. Let me ask you this: do you consider it "different markets" when Sony wins a console race, or do you just make this one special exception to try to discount the time they lost?

And in the first 3 years of the PS3, Sony's Playstation division lost $4.7 billion. Again, there's a good reason nobody, even Sony, is trying to replicate their PS3 strategy. Nobody wants that kind of "success".

You should be thankful really; if you really do love your PS4 that much, as your username suggests, then you owe its mid-range price and accessibility to developers in part to the lessons learned from PS3's failings. 

look at the type of games that sold well on WIi versus the type of games that sold well on PS360 vastly different types so no the different market argument is not false. If it was then how would one explain why Wii went from 100mil userbase to the WIi U doing 13mil probably ending in 15mil?

oniyide said:
curl-6 said:

The "different markets" argument is just an excuse used by those don't like that fact that Playstation lost a generation. Let me ask you this: do you consider it "different markets" when Sony wins a console race, or do you just make this one special exception to try to discount the time they lost?

And in the first 3 years of the PS3, Sony's Playstation division lost $4.7 billion. Again, there's a good reason nobody, even Sony, is trying to replicate their PS3 strategy. Nobody wants that kind of "success".

You should be thankful really; if you really do love your PS4 that much, as your username suggests, then you owe its mid-range price and accessibility to developers in part to the lessons learned from PS3's failings. 

look at the type of games that sold well on WIi versus the type of games that sold well on PS360 vastly different types so no the different market argument is not false. If it was then how would one explain why Wii went from 100mil userbase to the WIi U doing 13mil probably ending in 15mil?

And Gamecube sold different games to PS2 and Wii U sells different games to PS4. Yet would you claim those weren't Sony wins over Nintendo?

The only reason ps4tw is trying to separate PS3 from Wii is that he can't stand the thought of a Playstation console not winning.

oniyide said:
curl-6 said:

The "different markets" argument is just an excuse used by those don't like that fact that Playstation lost a generation. Let me ask you this: do you consider it "different markets" when Sony wins a console race, or do you just make this one special exception to try to discount the time they lost?

And in the first 3 years of the PS3, Sony's Playstation division lost $4.7 billion. Again, there's a good reason nobody, even Sony, is trying to replicate their PS3 strategy. Nobody wants that kind of "success".

You should be thankful really; if you really do love your PS4 that much, as your username suggests, then you owe its mid-range price and accessibility to developers in part to the lessons learned from PS3's failings. 

look at the type of games that sold well on WIi versus the type of games that sold well on PS360 vastly different types so no the different market argument is not false. If it was then how would one explain why Wii went from 100mil userbase to the WIi U doing 13mil probably ending in 15mil?

You do realize that wii "won" that market (lets call it casual.. kids and people that not play that much "normal" games) back from sony.. Becourse of PS2 with dvd cabebilities.. eytoy.. singstar.. buzz and G hero totally dominated that.

FromDK said:
oniyide said:

look at the type of games that sold well on WIi versus the type of games that sold well on PS360 vastly different types so no the different market argument is not false. If it was then how would one explain why Wii went from 100mil userbase to the WIi U doing 13mil probably ending in 15mil?

You do realize that wii "won" that market (lets call it casual.. kids and people that not play that much "normal" games) back from sony.. Becourse of PS2 with dvd cabebilities.. eytoy.. singstar.. buzz and G hero totally dominated that.

were were the WII types games on PS2 how well did they sell? EYEtoy? lol that didnt come out till toward the end of the PS2 cycle and they had long destroyed the other two consoles by then. Singstar didnt do much for PS2. It wasnt like it was doing say, GTA numbers. Ill give you the DVD.

Around the Network
curl-6 said:
oniyide said:

look at the type of games that sold well on WIi versus the type of games that sold well on PS360 vastly different types so no the different market argument is not false. If it was then how would one explain why Wii went from 100mil userbase to the WIi U doing 13mil probably ending in 15mil?

And Gamecube sold different games to PS2 and Wii U sells different games to PS4. Yet would you claim those weren't Sony wins over Nintendo?

The only reason ps4tw is trying to separate PS3 from Wii is that he can't stand the thought of a Playstation console not winning.

whats any of that have to do with the question i asked? if the different market thing is not true then the WII U shouldnt be doing as bad as it has. 

What did pstw seperate? whats there to seperate. Its clear that those systems had different audiences. Notice how none of the best sellers on PS did as well on Wii and vice versa. those are facts. COD for example Just Dance for another.

oniyide said:
curl-6 said:

And Gamecube sold different games to PS2 and Wii U sells different games to PS4. Yet would you claim those weren't Sony wins over Nintendo?

The only reason ps4tw is trying to separate PS3 from Wii is that he can't stand the thought of a Playstation console not winning.

whats any of that have to do with the question i asked? if the different market thing is not true then the WII U shouldnt be doing as bad as it has. 

What did pstw seperate? whats there to seperate. Its clear that those systems had different audiences. Notice how none of the best sellers on PS did as well on Wii and vice versa. those are facts. COD for example Just Dance for another.

ps4tw is trying to claim that Wii outselling PS3 doesn't count, basically because he doesn't like the idea of the console he favours not winning.

oniyide said:
FromDK said:

You do realize that wii "won" that market (lets call it casual.. kids and people that not play that much "normal" games) back from sony.. Becourse of PS2 with dvd cabebilities.. eytoy.. singstar.. buzz and G hero totally dominated that.

were were the WII types games on PS2 how well did they sell? EYEtoy? lol that didnt come out till toward the end of the PS2 cycle and they had long destroyed the other two consoles by then. Singstar didnt do much for PS2. It wasnt like it was doing say, GTA numbers. Ill give you the DVD.

Just saying The PS2 won the kids room that gen (i personally got ps2 for my daughter becourse of singstar.. she wanted a karoke system.. the cheap ones was like 100$.. singstar was much better and then she also got a dvd)

But do you agree in the point.. that PS2 was the "casual" machine of that gen (it was like wii offcourse also for the hardcore and got many games that "serious" gamers loved)

FromDK said:
zorg1000 said:

Oculus & Vive are $600-700 and require a high-end PCs. PS4+VR+Camera is about $800. Gear VR is only $100 but requires a $600+ phone and only plays mobile quality games.

What Rol said is valid, if NX is a PS4 level or above console than it will be $300-400 and if it has a VR headset on par with PSVR than thats another $400.

Care to explain how Nintendo can release a console on par with the competitors and a high-end VR headset for a mass market price?

I would.. :)

But first let me say this.. In 1-2 years all new (highend) phones will be VR ready (and they only getting stronger) Also.. In under 5 years.. a normal laptop/desktop pc can proberly power some of the headsets.. and if only looking at the headset price.. chiness manufactors and other will make some that are much cheaper in the comming years. (and I could also see a solution.. where we use phones for "PC VR" so we can use the space and some of the power from pc)

(and its not gaming that "kicks the door in" for massmarked VR.. its live sports.. concerts.. dating.. porn.. facebook and other "dive with the whalles and walk on mars" stuff))

But back to Nintendo.. look at the WiiU gamepad.. its an extern screen with gyro.. (same as in a VR set) and it cost arund 100$ to produce..

Also the High-end pc that power OR and vive.. are not made specally for VR.. they run alot of other stuff to in the background.. and they are not "custumized"  becourse there are so many different manufactors.. drivers and settings.

And last.. Nintendo (if they made some VR) will not go for the high resolution OR and Vive does.. and they have alot of experings with gyro/motion.. (imo) its not imposible they could make a Console for around 300-350$ and a VR headset +game for.. proberlly around 200-250$.. Or they could go for the high-end handheld and use a "gear VR" solution.. for also (proberlly) 300$ (remember.. it dont have to be as strong as a galaxy 7 phone to deliver "same class"  VR.. becourse the phone also use power for other stuff)

(and Nintendo do have worked and testet VR many years.. so its not totally out of the qustion.. that they have a better way to track.. becourse as we know VR is just startet and even the 4 solutions (samsung/psvr/or/vive) track in different ways)

So u dismissed Rol saying a Nintendo console+VR headset could cost up to $800 then counter by saying it could cost up to $700?

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

zorg1000 said:
FromDK said:

I would.. :)

But first let me say this.. In 1-2 years all new (highend) phones will be VR ready (and they only getting stronger) Also.. In under 5 years.. a normal laptop/desktop pc can proberly power some of the headsets.. and if only looking at the headset price.. chiness manufactors and other will make some that are much cheaper in the comming years. (and I could also see a solution.. where we use phones for "PC VR" so we can use the space and some of the power from pc)

(and its not gaming that "kicks the door in" for massmarked VR.. its live sports.. concerts.. dating.. porn.. facebook and other "dive with the whalles and walk on mars" stuff))

But back to Nintendo.. look at the WiiU gamepad.. its an extern screen with gyro.. (same as in a VR set) and it cost arund 100$ to produce..

Also the High-end pc that power OR and vive.. are not made specally for VR.. they run alot of other stuff to in the background.. and they are not "custumized"  becourse there are so many different manufactors.. drivers and settings.

And last.. Nintendo (if they made some VR) will not go for the high resolution OR and Vive does.. and they have alot of experings with gyro/motion.. (imo) its not imposible they could make a Console for around 300-350$ and a VR headset +game for.. proberlly around 200-250$.. Or they could go for the high-end handheld and use a "gear VR" solution.. for also (proberlly) 300$ (remember.. it dont have to be as strong as a galaxy 7 phone to deliver "same class"  VR.. becourse the phone also use power for other stuff)

(and Nintendo do have worked and testet VR many years.. so its not totally out of the qustion.. that they have a better way to track.. becourse as we know VR is just startet and even the 4 solutions (samsung/psvr/or/vive) track in different ways)

So u dismissed Rol saying a Nintendo console+VR headset could cost up to $800 then counter by saying it could cost up to $700?

No.. I say that Nintendo could make a "normal priced" console.. And release a VR headset as an extra (like psvr) with a game) for 200-250$ (meaning if you take "game price" 50$ away from that.. you end up with a price of 150-200$ (around the same price as kinect launched for)