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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nikkei: Nintendo ceasing Wii U production at the end of the year

spemanig said:

I'm not saying they can't. I'm saying they won't. It's too soon. For a lot of people, it'll be the second MK in 3 years. They can easily push it back and release something else instead. They can release Diddy Kong Racing Returns in May of next year, and not release another Mario Kart until the year after, or the year after that.

Same with Smash. The Smash that launches with NX could very well be the last Smash. Like ever. There's no need for another one. It's too complete. Smash 4 will be the NX Smash and Mario Kart 8 will be relevant on NX for years thanks to BC and the eshop giving it as much visability as they want. Smash may not get another entry ever again, being succeeded by Pokken and the eventual Nintendo vs. Capcom please don't debate this let me have this, and Mario Kart can be held over by a Diddy Kong Racing Returns until the last of that comes out and Nintendo turns it into an open platform to which new tracks and characters can be added indefinitely.

No way a new Mario Kart is coming next year, though. Too soon.

You really honestly think that Nintendo will forgo a new entry in a multi million selling franchise like Smash? 

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Can't imagine they would stop making the Wii U and not have a product out in stores for another year until the NX launched. Guess that means the NX is launching this fall. FWIW they stopped making the Wii a year after launching the Wii U.

Hiku said:
JetSetter said:

You really honestly think that Nintendo will forgo a new entry in a multi million selling franchise like Smash? 

Not sure about that, but how could they ever top this roster without having pretty much every single DLC character brought back again? There's the possibility of a long term strategy with DLC updates. While I don't think it would mean it's the last Smash game, I could see it lasting for many years like Street Fighter 4 did.

Nintendo showed much more willingnss to dip into third party characters this time around.  This might be a sign of things to come.

Soundwave said:

Meh, what's so damn hard at this point about making a Mario Kart game? I mean honestly it's a freaking formulaic racer where half the tracks are just recycled old tracks. They should basically have it down to a science by now. 

If they can't get MK9 out for holiday 2017, like 3 1/2 years after the last Mario Kart ... that doesn't really bode well for the NX in general at all. 

At some point if you're president you just have to put your foot down and say "finish a fucking game already". 

Nothing. Read. READ. You must learn to READ.

Soundwave said:

Maybe 5-9 year olds. By the time they're 10+ kids know damn well exactly what they want. This is also around the age where Nintendo starts to lose kids because young boys especially around that age become obsessed with being "cool" and not being seen as a "little baby" and all that kicks in. 

It's all about getting "Calladooty mom! I gotta have the new Calladoooooty! You promised!" instead of Mario, lol. 

Even when I was 5 or 6 though if my mom bought me a Go-Bot instead of a Transformer .... holy shit, the meltdown in my house would be epic, lol. Most parents don't want the headache. Kids know what they want. 

No, they'd just learn to love it, because they really don't know what they want. Parent's don't have to know what they want either, they just get whatever they think their kid will like, regardless of what their kids actually ask for, and then the kids will like it, because kids don't know what the want and will like anything that plays games.

And you would have been the same. Lol.

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Soundwave said:
SJReiter said:
Ok, so here's the thing that I think some people are missing is all this.

Just because a product 'ceases production' at a certain point, it doesn't mean that all copies of that product immediately vanish from store shelves. I remember reading last year that one reason why Nintendo was so profitable in 2014 was because they didn't have to manufacture any Wii Us that year. Every Wii U sold was produced in 2013. This may not be 100% correct but I remember reading something along those lines.

Anyway, I'm pretty certain that even if they cease production of the Wii U by the end of this year, you will still see Wii Us on store shelves well into 2017, probably even into 2018.

Maaaaybe some into 2017, simply because demand for the system is so low to begin with, but 2018? Nah. 

First of all retail space is not finite, retailers are going to want this gone as fast as possible so they can use that space for something that actually sells. 

Secondly, I don't know if people know the history of the GameCube but about mid-way through the GameCube's life cycle Nintendo made a grave error in overproducing the system so much so that they had to halt production for several months because of a glut of inventory. This was seen as a big black eye for Iwata's early days as president. 

This is also why it was so hard to find Wiis early on, Nintendo underproduced because they were so hurt by what happened with the GameCube that they didn't want that they were overly cautious with the Wii. 

People who don't understand finacials also need to understand a glut of unsold inventory is one of the major things investors look at in financial briefings and that can damage the stock price badly. 

That, I did not know. Interesting for sure. 

As much as i hate to admit it, i feel Nintendo is going the way of SEGA, i think the NX is there last roll of the dice in the home console market after already shifting towards tablets even more, gaming will die for me if this happens, the gaming hardware market will have finally lost all of its authentic players.


spemanig said:
Soundwave said:

Maybe 5-9 year olds. By the time they're 10+ kids know damn well exactly what they want. This is also around the age where Nintendo starts to lose kids because young boys especially around that age become obsessed with being "cool" and not being seen as a "little baby" and all that kicks in. 

It's all about getting "Calladooty mom! I gotta have the new Calladoooooty! You promised!" instead of Mario, lol. 

Even when I was 5 or 6 though if my mom bought me a Go-Bot instead of a Transformer .... holy shit, the meltdown in my house would be epic, lol. Most parents don't want the headache. Kids know what they want. 

No, they'd just learn to love it, because they really don't know what they want. Parent's don't have to know what they want either, they just get whatever they think their kid will like, regardless of what their kids actually ask for, and then the kids will like it, because kids don't know what the want and will like anything that plays games.

And you would have been the same. Lol.

Nope young kids know exactly what they want, Pokemon didnt become huge with kids becuase people just randomly bought Pokemon related things and expected children to learn to love them, same goes for Transformers, Ninja Turtles, Skylanders, Minecraft, etc.These things became huge because kids wanted them.

Honestly what u are saying is just pure nonsense.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

zorg1000 said:

How is it too soon for a Mario Kart? It literally releases every 3 years.


DS-2005, Wii-2008, 3DS-2011, Wii U-2014, NX-2017

Not on the same platform. It really releases once a generation for handheld and once for console. NX makes this a very unique case. Releasing a new MK next year would be the first time EVER that there has been two console Mario Karts in the span of just 3 years. Too soon. Not happening.

Soundwave said:
TheLastStarFighter said:
I think this makes it clear that NX will absorb Wii U, as indicated by Iwata. I think this will be an interesting transition, unlike any other. You may even see some NX games playable On Wii U.

Doubt it. 

Nintendo could have made some Wii games playable on the GameCube too, but they opted not to. Because they kinda, sorta want you to buy new hardware. 

Doubt they're concerned.  The Wii U owners are Nintendo hardcore.  They're gonna buy the NX anyway.  But I could see dual releases of some titles for the first year.