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Forums - NSFW Discussion - FurryChartz - The Official VGC Furry Thread

Barkley said:

Thinking about it, I think me not being able to understand furries (or simply fans of anthromorphic characters/creative works) is a much more broad thing than just this particular subject. Honestly there are very VERY few things that interest me, you mention people liking looking at cars and  I have a similair internal thought process to that as with this.

Other then games, movies and animals nothing really interests me at all, so yeah I guess thinking about it, it's not really about me not getting this specific subject. It's more an issue with my own lack of interest in the majority of topics. The point you raised about anonymity is something I didn't think about. As someone with Social Anxiety Disorder I can actually understand the appeal of that, though it wouldn't have to be an animal costume of course.

Sorry you spent a whole hour of your life writing that response! If it's any consolation I just spent the last 35 minutes writing and procrastinating over writing this short post whilst simulataneously failing to express anything of much value.

Its something I'm apparently pretty passionate about :D I just wanted to express my thoughts, and you responded. I'm satisfied.
So you're interested in animals? What about moths?
Insects can be so very fascinating.

Now imagine moth-furry-pics... I've seen some weird anthro-insects, both SFW and NSFW, hahaha, its not something I'd recommend. Certainly not for everyone. But its very different and quite interesting! Could be a gateway into the furryfandom, maaaybe xD

Nature itself is amazing, from flora to fauna to landscapes and extreme weather. There are plenty of interesting things in real life, I think you'll do just fine without furries.

Around the Network

Here's something to lighten up the mood in here

From Matt_Rat


And we're winding down on the Summer season, so I won't get too many opportunities to make summer posts anymore, so here's another one while I still got the time

From 0rang3

Same artist as above. So cute :3

^ broken image, there. :(

Wright said:

^ broken image, there. :(

Second time this happens. When I look at my post here, I see the image. Issue with browsers, issue with regions? Whats wrong :/

Around the Network

Late on my obligatory Monday Gamercat comic post D:

Look alive gentlemen!

I'll try posting something else later tonight too!

Some pieces by Falvie.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Have some Shay

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Yay finally a new post

We need to step up our game! Though the Discord chat has really siphoned most of our activity. Doesn't help that VGC has been exceedingly boring lately.

Anyways it's Monday so.. obligatory Gamercat!

So the party is over on discord? :c
I don't have the confidence to join. Don't let the thread die!

Shay, a few posts up, looks awesome btw