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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Final Fantasy XV director hopes the ending will make fans cry

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Playstation 4 63 96.92%
Xbox One 2 3.08%
Darwinianevolution said:
ReimTime said:


Sometimes I wonder how do people find stuff like this. Did you actively look for it, or did you just stumble across it? And more importantly, where can I find it?

I was posting some nice gifs on friends' walls (from the usual secret sources) and stumbled upon this one in perfect timing to respond to vivster.

If you are wondering where to find things like these all you really have to do is google "wtf japan" haha

iceland said:
ReimTime said:

Only because we were so glad it ended


I will never doubt your gif finding powers. that url "wtf japan funny butt gun" 

Yeah I found it on Square Enix's website - looks like the Japanese Video Game adaptation for Planet Terror lmao

#1 Amb-ass-ador

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I really cannot grasp how a mainline series that has been so run into the ground with bad games can have people actually excited. I cannot understand it.

"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"

BraLoD said:
ReimTime said:
I can see it now:
>We're at the final part of the game. Noctis is panicked, fleeing Niflheim with Luna in tow - the Niflheim forces in pursuit
>There is a blinding flash and a thunderous boom, throwing Noctis and Luna iout of frame.
>The camera slowly moves towards the pair, lying on the ground groaning. Luna is out cold. A single pair of boots on cement can be heard getting closer.
>Noctis turns his head towards the camera and gasps in horror, eyes wide, at whomever is approaching.
>The camera slowly follows his gaze, revealing the ambusher to be......
JOHN CENA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Text takes over the screen: "Episode 2 now in development."
>Everyone cries because they have to wait for a long time again

You based your post so much in mine that I'm thinking about asking for copyrights here Ram!

But it was fun XP

It's ok just call yours FFXV-2a while mine can be FFXV-2b

#1 Amb-ass-ador

IkePoR said:
I really cannot grasp how a mainline series that has been so run into the ground with bad games can have people actually excited. I cannot understand it.

Different team behind it. XII team is different than XIII team. XV team is also different than both. New vision for both the gameplay and story telling. The demo was praised from the majority of the sites. The latest footage shows a major improvement over the demo build... Also not everyone agrees that the last games were bad.

SE in general seem better now than they were in the last few years. And it is showing with their projects.

Just my take on it.

IkePoR said:
I really cannot grasp how a mainline series that has been so run into the ground with bad games can have people actually excited. I cannot understand it.

Well I am first and foremost a FF fan. I buy consoles for FF. If NX or XB1 happens to get an exclusive mainline FF title I would probably buy it day 1.

I still hated FFXIII, but overall Gen 7 was a huge letdown, while Gen 8 is great. I am hoping the games follow suit with all the other games I have enjoyed this gen (in comparison to last gen).

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BraLoD said:
VXIII said:

Different team behind it. XII team is different than XIII team. XV team is also different than both. New vision for both the gameplay and story telling. The demo was praised from the majority of the sites. The latest footage shows a major improvement over the demo build... Also not everyone agrees that the last games were bad.

SE in general seem better now than they were in the last few years. And it is showing with their projects.

Just my take on it.

XII is the best FF ever, you sure are right there are people who don't agree all last games were bad.
XIII-2 was also really good, and XIII is not nearly as bad as people call it.

Agreed about XIII, I enjoyed it despite of its flaws. XIII-2 was better. I can't say I agree about XII though. Despite its strength points it is my least favorite FF. That is common when it comes to FF. Every game is different and unique, some fans like it some don't.

Sobbing mess please.

Like at the end of The Last Of Us prologue.

VXIII said:
IkePoR said:
I really cannot grasp how a mainline series that has been so run into the ground with bad games can have people actually excited. I cannot understand it.

Different team behind it. XII team is different than XIII team. XV team is also different than both. New vision for both the gameplay and story telling. The demo was praised from the majority of the sites. The latest footage shows a major improvement over the demo build... Also not everyone agrees that the last games were bad.

SE in general seem better now than they were in the last few years. And it is showing with their projects.

Just my take on it.

Theres also the fact that XIII is actualy good and sold throngs, XIII-2 is one of tee very bests, Lightning Returns is fun and XIV is probably the best MMO on the market right now.

Ka-pi96 said:


It wasn't even as good as the original 13, let alone one of the best.

It was pretty awesome and Caius is one of the best villains on the series, he is certainly way more sucessfull than even Kefka, he wins in the end,  wich we learn in Lightning Returns doesn't do him any good, but he does win. Not to mention that his theme song is glorious.

Damn only 3% are going to get it on Xbox?