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Forums - Gaming Discussion - My prediction of Xenoblade Chronicles X was true.

Nautilus said:
Wont reach 1 Million?lol

First, the game has just launched about 3 months ago and you are already saying that?Give it more time.A year at least.As we all know, Nintendo games have legs, and this will be no exception.Slow legs, but it has.

Second:It is already at 760k physical only.Digital numbers should be significant.For example, we know that in Japan the game has sold at least 30k(actuaslly is 23k, but to make the number more pretty, raised to 30k).And thats just the number of around 1 month worth of sale.Imagine if you put the rest of Japan digital sales and the rest of the world.The number should be closer to 900k.

Third:Its been 3 months for gods sake.DK TF took a while to get past 1 million didnt it?Or Captain Toad.Or Pikmin 3.Give it time.

The question you should be asking is how much further from 1 million can it make.Unfortunally not that much, but hey, who knows

Xenoblade is NOT a Mario, Donkey Kong or Pikmin IP. It's much more niche and a much, much harder sell. I don't think the "Nintendo legs" argument will hold true in this instance. 

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I predicted 1.5M back in the days. I don't think it will reach that number now, but when you take into consideration that the game is still selling and the digital sales I think it will pass 1M eventually.
I remember someone here was expecting Super Smash kind of numbers or something. He also told me that I made it sound like a flop with my prediction. I can't recall who. I might do some digging

eh.... it can still reach 1 million...

My guess is its overtracked like bayonetta 2
I guess we will have to wait for official numbers from nintendo

Kudos for predicting it right. Digital though?

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Nogamez said:
My guess is its overtracked like bayonetta 2
I guess we will have to wait for official numbers from nintendo

well this thread is based on vgchartz numbers.  We know it was overtracked in december in the US and it's overtracked in Japan though not by a huge amount.   I really don't understand why these numbers haven't been fixed but whatever.  It's not hugely overtracked though because it still sold 200k december NPD and 117k LTD in Japan plus 40k at launch in France and it charted well elsewhere in Europe.  We actually have somewhere to start with the sales on this game unlike some other games.  

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

binary solo said:
It's like other "hard core" Wii U game that the Nintendo fans rave about pre-release from IPs that have a history of only modest sales. All of a sudden these franchises were going to do great things for Wii U and sell much higher than past sales woud suggest.

Bayonetta 2, fatal frame, and this. All got hyped as going to be big on Wii U and push hardware.

I think you confuse things. They got hyped cause they are good games, not cause they move tons of consoles. With that said, i totally got a wii u for Xeno X.

I decided to buy a Wii U the moment we were shown another Xenoblade game. If the NX is backwards compatible then Xenoblade will sell over a million.

The original Xenoblade only reached the 1m sold when we take into account all the versions (OG Wii, VC Wii on WiiU and N3DS), and that was after years of people and media praising this game. X would have reached the 1m units sold if the WiiU had a bigger userbase, but as it is, is a niche game on a niche console.

I hope the game becomes avalible on the NX, considering how expensive and time consuming its developement cycle must have been, I'm sure they will push it there too.


Also, this gave me flashbacks of my Splatoon VS Xenoblade X thread. XD

You know it deserves the GOTY.

Come join The 2018 Obscure Game Monthly Review Thread.

AlfredoTurkey said:

Xenoblade is NOT a Mario, Donkey Kong or Pikmin IP. It's much more niche and a much, much harder sell. I don't think the "Nintendo legs" argument will hold true in this instance. 

Is Pikmin comparable to Mario and Donkey though? I had never heard about Pikmin before I got a wiiu but xenoblade I had heard a lot about since the wii days.