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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Are you a sexist Pokemon trainer?


Do you have gender preferences for your Pokemon?

Yes 42 55.26%
No 34 44.74%

I only ever pick all girls in all games.
Unless the guy is really badass

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I had no idea people actually cared this much :o
Never ever cared about gender. Would heavily care about stats though, and throw out those who werent good enough. I don't know if thats better or worse haha

Yes, I prefer male Pokémon unless the Pokémon has an inherently feminine appearance or is represented as feminine in the anime (ie. Chansey or Jigglypuff). It's the same reason why, if I owned a dog, I would prefer a male dog. I am a man and I would like for as much of myself as possible to be reflected in the team that I raise. For me, it's part of injecting my unique identity into my game experience.