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Forums - Sony Discussion - With all due Respect....Indie games are ruining my Playstation experience.

For what? Sharing my opinion?  

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Sony is the problem, not indie games. Vita turned to indie games because it essentially ran out of retail titles to give away and Sony promised bigger releases on PS4's PS+ so if its lacking they're to blame. Realistically most third parties are not going to give their games away to sony at a reasonable price until we pass the half way point in the generation. Give it time.

Whats quite sad is that your playstation experience is seemingly based on the games you get "free" with PS+.

I don't get the mentality of "I'm not an indie gamer" or "I'm not a AAA type of gamer." I like good games, whether it was made with a budget of 20 grand or 200 million.

So you just forgot about Bloodborne, Until Dawn, The Last of Us (nearly 300 GOTYs won and thus becoming the most award winning game of all time), Infamous, Uncharted, Heavy Rain, Beyond Two Souls, Everybody's Going to the Rapture, The Order 1886, God of War, Killzone, Knack, Wild, Horizon, Dreams, Detroit Become Human, The Last Guardian, Ratchet and Clank, etc... all those great titles available on PS4 just because of a service like PS Plus? I couldn't care less about Plus having so many great exclusive titles that you will not be able to play on any other console if you don't have a PS4.
My comment isn't fanboy since I play on every platform, but in my opinion PlayStation always had the best exclusives of all, so don't let some indies that you aren't even forced to play let ruin your experience.

I mostly agree with you. PS plus has been crap for at least a year now. The occasional indie title is good and interesting but we've gotten so little variety for months now. It's 8 bit style 2d platformers, 2d top down shooters, and tons of buggy online co-op games. Other than walking dead and rocket league last year I didn't enjoy any of the crap they put out. $50 for two games I enjoyed completely wasted. In not resubscribing until the service improves. Requiring Plus for online on PS4 has ruined the service.

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PS+ hasn't been as good as it used to be lately but come on, you're complaining about games you're getting for free.

What you shoulda said is "SONY indie hard on when it comes to making PS+ and Vita seem valuable is obnoxious"

Just ignore them then.

I must be odd because I would MUCH rather have some of the great indies than stuff like Knack and Killzone Shadowfall, as well as most super big budget AAA games. I think they're more fun.


Also, I don't understad the "indies are not real games" mentality. I think it's kinda sad. Just don't play them. 


Nintation360 said:

I'm not the indie type of guy at all. I love playing high budget titles because it's the true gaming experience of today. Yes Indies are needed for today for chances of making a big franchise in the future, and there's some people out there who actually play them.  

Playstation tries so hard for us to play them. I  really want them to realize they aren't any good for Playstation Plus titles. When Sony stopped higih budget games for the Vita, everytime I asked are there any good Vita titles, I'll get a bunch of Indy titles I haven't heard of before AND no interest at all.  Xbox has Borderlands 2, Rayman Legends and all these other good games for their subscribers. BUT NONE FOR PLAYSTATION. It dissapoints me everymonth to see these Innocent Indy titles getting major heat because there's not enough high budget games. In my opinion Sony are hurting these Indy titles because there's too many of them.

I want games such as Black Flag, Killzone Shadow Fall, maybe Knack and other high budget games that released years ago. This has to be my biggest complaint about Sony as of right now. Who knows, maybe I'll switch to Xbox One if they keep this nonsense up, we'll see for sure in a year from now.        

 Yeah theres people gonna say "then don't play them". YES I do that all the time. But since I'm doing that, I'm missing out on free games! XBox is having these awesome games while there's nothing for us to play. Sony isn't giving most of their audience the "free games" feature. That's like me giving out free food and it's boiled eggs, there'll be people out there who wouldn't like them and I'd say "Then don't eat them".. THEN WHAT ARE THEY GONNA EAT? What are we gonna play? ...  I know that's a weird example but it works lol        

I would've wrote SO many crap rants about Sony's nonense about this. But as I stated in my Apology thread. No more over exaggerating rants lol.  This is all my opinion of Playstation Plus. I'm pretty alot of other people will agree with me.    

So are you saying you never buy games, just waiting for the monthly freebies, how do you have money to buy PS+? Maybe you should start wondering why your gaming habits have changed, or if you don't have enough money to buy games whether you should keep continuing this hobby.