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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - How will the internet react if Zelda U comes to the NX at launch?


How will the internet react if Zelda U comes to the NX at launch?

The internet will burn in flamewars. 32 18.71%
The internet will complai... 68 39.77%
They won't care because ... 5 2.92%
The internet will be rati... 32 18.71%
The internet will be unit... 12 7.02%
Zelda U will be delayed t... 20 11.70%

The NX version of Zelda U is something that a lot of people on the Internet are expecting to happen, so if it happens, no one will be surprised.

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Jesus Christ, how many threads are we going to make about Zelda U going on NX?

spemanig said:
Nobody would care, because everyone saw this coming the moment the delay was announced.

Not everyone. While some of us were saying it, majority didn't want to believe at that time.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

The babies who have 100% allegiance to the Wii U will cry and boycott Nintendo, because you know, it's all about me, me, me and me,

Judging by how many people are on the internet and care about Nintendo, I'll say it will pretty much go by unnoticed.

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RolStoppable said:

As many as you allow to be made.



Also, I love being that guy, so here goes: the guy who leaked that NX is coming this year and that Zelda U would be a launch title just got another verification. Pokemon Sun and Moon are confirmed now to be the Pokemon Niji anniversary game referenced in his leak.

So not only was his source verified by a Neogaf mod, but three of the games he leaked have since been confirmed. It's not a question anymore - NX is coming this year and Zelda NX is launching with it.

Can't wait for NX 2!

Gamemaster87 said:
The internet won't react to this situation because this situation clearly won't happen.

So... Nintendo will put Wii Uless Zelda fans in a situation where they can either buy a dead console that they're no longer really supporting, and make them less likely to buy the console they're counting on to help the company make a comeback.  

Should they do that, or should they release the game on both systems, allow Wii U owners to play the game they've been waiting for, and provide an incentive for Zelda fans who didn't buy the Wii U to get on board with their new console?


If Nintendo chooses not to release the game on both systems (assuming there is not some hardware reason that it couldn't be done) then I would suggest that anyone with Nintendo stock should sell it, because that would be a bafflingly moronic strategy.

JWeinCom said:
Gamemaster87 said:
The internet won't react to this situation because this situation clearly won't happen.

So... Nintendo will put Wii Uless Zelda fans in a situation where they can either buy a dead console that they're no longer really supporting, and make them less likely to buy the console they're counting on to help the company make a comeback.  

Should they do that, or should they release the game on both systems, allow Wii U owners to play the game they've been waiting for, and provide an incentive for Zelda fans who didn't buy the Wii U to get on board with their new console?


If Nintendo chooses not to release the game on both systems (assuming there is not some hardware reason that it couldn't be done) then I would suggest that anyone with Nintendo stock should sell it, because that would be a bafflingly moronic strategy.

The system might not even release this year, which pretty much destroys this point. Also, Skyward Sword released under similar conditions to great success. 

So I'd say keep your stock, because if you only bought stock to see how much of a rise the stock would gain when they announce Zelda U on NX it was a bafflingly moronic move in the first place.

RolStoppable said:

It's not like we really needed that guy to confirm that NX is coming this year (one month ago Kimishima didn't leave much doubt for that to happen), but it's still good to hear that the pieces of the puzzle are coming together nicely.

Oh, I agree. It's just really counter intuitive to talk about obvious conclusions as if they aren't at least mostly concrete. Like with Zelda NX. Some people still want to talk about it as if it isn't a given, and when it's confirmed by Nintendo, then it will be "okay" to talk about it. Which is silly to me. Like people are wasting months of discussion because daddy didn't tell them it was true yet, when we're all smart enough to figure these things out on our own.

Or so I'd like to think.