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Forums - Gaming Discussion - 30 vs 60 fps - can you really see the difference?


Can you see the difference?

Right 60 fps; Left 30 Fps 220 62.32%
Left 60 Fps; Right 30 Fps 52 14.73%
Cant see a difference/Results 81 22.95%

This is important because gaming consists of watching a video instead of being reliant on instant button feedback.

We can give up anyway. 60 fps deniers will always lie to themselves, there is no chance for rational arguments.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

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JRPGfan said:

60 fps only matters for shooters & raceing games imo (also competitive games like mobas).
Everything else 30 fps is fine, and eye candy is a better goal to aim for.

Honeslty I think removeing screen tearing and such is more important.

G-Sync or Freesync, is something Id want more on a pc, than a pc thats able to run everything at 60 fps.


I hope both slim versions of Xbox One & PS4, will be able to support Freesync.

I'd rather have a G-sync and run at 60fps with higher quality visuals than simply force trading one for the other.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

The right one is clearly 60fps. When I played this, I tried locking it to 30fps, but it was so choppy, and there was such a huge loss in responsiveness to make it nearly unplayable. I actually thought there was a glitch, and it was locking it to 25fps, but the Witcher 3 is the same.

Those of you who can't tell, or see a minimal difference, what are you watching this on? In my experience, the larger the display, the more noticeable framerate is. On my 3DS I barely notice my fps, but on PC a drop of just 10 is painfully noticeable. 30fps on youtube isn't as noticeable as during actual gameplay, as well.

It's noticeable to me, but a bit awkward side by side on a smart phone. I think PLAYING in 60 FPS makes more of difference

Vini256 said:

If you are a laptop gamer you can see the difference right away. When I'm playing something while on the battery, games run at 30-35fps, but when I connect the power plug, I can immediately notice the fps increasing.

Also, Splatoon is a great example for this, because when you play too many rounds and go back to the plaza (Which is the only part of the game that's not 60fps), it will feel like the game is lagging and not as smooth.

the plaza got updated and run in 60 fps scince an update some weeks after release.

Check the patch notes if you dont believe it.

So its probl just placebo.

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vivster said:
This is important because gaming consists of watching a video instead of being reliant on instant button feedback.

We can give up anyway. 60 fps deniers will always lie to themselves, there is no chance for rational arguments.

ow please.. like us peasants can truly notice the difference that our input lag has halved at 60 fps.. only the glorious master race would sense that


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

Its not really noticeable until you game on it then try to go back. Same as 90, 120 etc. Etc.

Its all about game's logic - physics, animation etc. U can make 30 FPS game that " feels " smooth. Multiplatforms, direct comparisons are another story.

This issue is very similar with keyboard + mouse vs  console 's gamepad debate - sure, gamepad maybe has less precision, but if there is nobody in the place who can play kb/m and everyone play on gamepads, there is no difference in overall results.

I can even see a difference in 480p mode, aka both sides running @30 fps. Another flawed comparison, always exaggerating the 30 fps side. The 2 sides should run in synch at 30 fps.
Actually I see less of a difference in 60 fps mode. Which is odd as I can usually tell when a game is 60fps on tv.

If it isn't 4K ultra 3D at 240HZ running 120FPS I can't even see it. Like looking at a cloud made out of cotton balls! Just unclear fuzziness. I didn't see a single white blood cell in the spilling pools of blood. NOT ONE! Might as well watch it on a cardboard box with a piece of foil for a screen...geezo peets.