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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Basileous Productions presents.........Final Fantasy Type-0 HD (PS4) Review and Discussion

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What would you give this game from a score of 1 to 10

10 3 7.32%
9 5 12.20%
8 16 39.02%
7 4 9.76%
6 2 4.88%
5 2 4.88%
4 2 4.88%
3 1 2.44%
2 0 0%
1 4 9.76%

I gave it a 9. I've really enjoyed the story and gameplay. I honestly thought it was better in a lot of ways than Fallout 4.

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havent played it yet

Just finished the game myself!

I really liked it although the smaller production values are unfortunate at times but the amount of content is staggering. The soundtrack is amazing as usual for Square Enix and the story, although convoluted at times, is actually really interesting. It reminds me of FFXIII in that regard. A great story poorly told. The gameplay was fun enough but the camera and the lock-in system was awkward. The opening and ending cutscenes are amazing. I just wish the whole game had that kind of clever grasp on storytelling. I would give it a strong 8/10.

And now I just got the Platinum trophy! I wasn't planning on getting it when I started the game but I was only missing a few trophies after a normal playthrough of about 30 hours so I went ahead and did it.