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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Prediction: In some years, Nintendos console will be the most successful and last relevant


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Your text is to long, im to lazy to read it. 51 15.84%
Agree 72 22.36%
Disagree 169 52.48%
Results 30 9.32%

Can't tell Nintendo fans nothin'! They're better at spinning things than contestants on Wheel of Fortune. How can you still talk trash from a distant 3rd place in a 3-man race? You think because MS and Sony haven't made significant improvements in certain areas (in your opinion) that this gives Nintendo an edge? Also, the OP states that Nintendo has all these popular characters than the other 2 lack. Well, Nintendo has those well-known characters now and it's not helping Nintendo out of 3rd place.

None of those titles are newer than 15 years old. It's Nintendo that lacks the ability to make anything significant in my opinion. Splatoon gets a whole lot of noise made from Nintendo hardcores but I don't know anyone who's not a Nintendo devotee who's played the game. Don't try to put Sony and MS in a box to justify Nintendo's shortcomings.


A mouse & keyboard are made for sending email and typing internet badassery. Not for playing video games!!!

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fatslob-:O said:
Teeqoz said:

Sony is worth 30 Billion, and Nintendo has 4.4 billion (7.5 billion including short term investments) in cash. Just some slight corrections. I mean, you were only off by about 45% on Sony's value, and about 300% (150% when including short term investments) on Nintendo's cash. :-3

I would call that a huge oversight ...


Either you missed the sarcasm in my post, or I'm missing the sarcasm in yours. Rest assured though, I was being sarcastic.

Nintendo got lucky with the Wii cause it's a fad. Other than that, Nintendo consoles haven't been big in 20 years when n64 came out with Mario 64.

I love Nintendo games, but without another Wii-like gimmick, I don't see them doing any better than n64, Gc, or wiiu.

Teeqoz said:

Either you missed the sarcasm in my post, or I'm missing the sarcasm in yours. Rest assured though, I was being sarcastic.

You edited your post, didn't you ? 

I caught your clear message but I don't think you caught mine with the wink ...

So, basically this comes down to Nintendo exclusives are better than MS and Sony exclusives. So people will stop buying Sony and MS hardware and they will one day see the light and only buy Nintendo hardware.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


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fatslob-:O said:
Teeqoz said:

Either you missed the sarcasm in my post, or I'm missing the sarcasm in yours. Rest assured though, I was being sarcastic.

You edited your post, didn't you ? 

I caught your clear message but I don't think you caught mine with the wink ...


I did not edit my post after you quoted it, just check the post where you quoted me and compare it to my post you quoted.

Like I said though, maybe I just missed the sarcasm in your post, and you knew I was being sarcastic from the start?

Can't see PS3 and ps4 graphics difference? Want Nintendo to succeed? Man. You are dreaming. Graphics have a long way to go. As for Nintendo future will tell. But it's a fans wishful thinking rather than prediction.

Teeqoz said:

I did not edit my post after you quoted it, just check the post where you quoted me and compare it to my post you quoted.

Like I said though, maybe I just missed the sarcasm in your post, and you knew I was being sarcastic from the start?

What about before I quoted it ? I can still quote your unedited version of the post before I've yet to see the changes ... 

I knew what you were getting at but did you know what I was getting at ?

FentonCrackshell said:

Can't tell Nintendo fans nothin'! They're better at spinning things than contestants on Wheel of Fortune. How can you still talk trash from a distant 3rd place in a 3-man race? You think because MS and Sony haven't made significant improvements in certain areas (in your opinion) that this gives Nintendo an edge? Also, the OP states that Nintendo has all these popular characters than the other 2 lack. Well, Nintendo has those well-known characters now and it's not helping Nintendo out of 3rd place.

None of those titles are newer than 15 years old. It's Nintendo that lacks the ability to make anything significant in my opinion. Splatoon gets a whole lot of noise made from Nintendo hardcores but I don't know anyone who's not a Nintendo devotee who's played the game. Don't try to put Sony and MS in a box to justify Nintendo's shortcomings.


Agreed. This article shows how incompetent Nintendo is. This company can't develop a decent HD console and fans talk trash about Sony / MS.

fatslob-:O said:
Teeqoz said:

I did not edit my post after you quoted it, just check the post where you quoted me and compare it to my post you quoted.

Like I said though, maybe I just missed the sarcasm in your post, and you knew I was being sarcastic from the start?

What about before I quoted it ? I can still quote your unedited version of the post before I've yet to see the changes ... 

I knew what you were getting at but did you know what I was getting at ?


I did edit my post, but it would've appeared in the quote when you were writing your reply.

If you knew what I was doing then no, I don't know what you are doing :-3