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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Prediction: In some years, Nintendos console will be the most successful and last relevant


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Your text is to long, im to lazy to read it. 51 15.84%
Agree 72 22.36%
Disagree 169 52.48%
Results 30 9.32%
JNK said:
TheBlackNaruto said:


Okay before answering...what do you consider when you say "content" because that is a very braod term that incorporates a lot of things. For instance I argue that any game on PS3/PS4, 360/XB1, Wii/Wii U could be made on the PS2 it would just take up 20 disc, not have half the animations, the enviorment would be basically bare/ non exisitent, no real interactions with the enviorment or chracters, not as many weapons and you an go on and on. All of that "content" would not be there because the PS2 can not handle it.

So when you say "content" what are you are being very broad with your breakdowns.

thats graphics. Content eg is 3d world (like in ocarina of time) or big open worlds like in GTA.

Ocarina of time was impossible on the SNES. All ps3 games would be possible on ps2 (less animations, polygons, resolution, details and co).


You seem to be walking a thin line with this one/picking and choosing to fit an argument on this one....Okay so then Ocarina of time was possible on SNES...just 2D with less animations, polygons, resolution, details and co.

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23

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TheBlackNaruto said:
JNK said:
TheBlackNaruto said:


Okay before answering...what do you consider when you say "content" because that is a very braod term that incorporates a lot of things. For instance I argue that any game on PS3/PS4, 360/XB1, Wii/Wii U could be made on the PS2 it would just take up 20 disc, not have half the animations, the enviorment would be basically bare/ non exisitent, no real interactions with the enviorment or chracters, not as many weapons and you an go on and on. All of that "content" would not be there because the PS2 can not handle it.

So when you say "content" what are you are being very broad with your breakdowns.

thats graphics. Content eg is 3d world (like in ocarina of time) or big open worlds like in GTA.

Ocarina of time was impossible on the SNES. All ps3 games would be possible on ps2 (less animations, polygons, resolution, details and co).


You seem to be walking a thin line with this one/picking and choosing to fit an argument on this one....Okay so then Ocarina of time was possible on SNES...just 2D with less animations, polygons, resolution, details and co.


In that case it would be a completly new/other game. Ps2 and ps3 games will (aside from graphics) be and play very, very similar.

JNK said:

thats graphics. Content eg is 3d world (like in ocarina of time) or big open worlds like in GTA.

Ocarina of time was impossible on the SNES. All ps3 games would be possible on ps2 (less animations, polygons, resolution, details and co).

Again youre severely uninformed. Something with the scope of God of War 3 was absolutly impossible on PS2, you could never have the Titan battles properly on the PS2 or the overall grandeur, Infamous would have to be severely toned down, powers way less broad and less destructive, the freedom restricted and the physics and animations toned down, in the end itd be a much lesser game that played and flowed completly diferently. Games like Heavy Rain and Beyond Two Souls would sufer from bad animations, not enought details on the facial expressions and inability to fully use performance capture to work on the PS2. Even the games that theoreticaly could hapen would be severy less impressive, play differently and have to cut a lot of corners, most likely fail to cause the impact they did on the PS3/XOne.

And easy example with somethign from Nintendo and this gen, Xenoblade Chronicles is a game that you play and you see how much more it couldve been if it wasnt held back by the WiiU, every step of the way there are technical contrivencys and you see corners being cut every 5 minute.

DakonBlackblade said:
JNK said:

thats graphics. Content eg is 3d world (like in ocarina of time) or big open worlds like in GTA.

Ocarina of time was impossible on the SNES. All ps3 games would be possible on ps2 (less animations, polygons, resolution, details and co).

Again youre severely uninformed. Something with the Scope of God of War 3 was absolutly impossible on PS2, you could never have the Titan battles properly on the PS2, Infamous would have to be severely toned down, powers way less broad and less destructive, the freedom restricted and the physics and animations toned down, in the end itd be a much lesser game. Games like Heavy Rain and Beyond Two Souls would sufer from bad animations, not enought details on the facial expressions and inability to fully use performance capture to work on the PS2. Even the games that theoreticaly could hapen would be severy less impressive and most likely fail to caus ethe impact they did on the PS3/XOne.


i never played gow3 so cant tell anything about this. same with infamous. But i played TLOU and this one wouldnt even be a problem.

maybe you can link me a video from your gow3 boss battle thats impossible on ps2?

JNK said:

i never played gow3 so cant tell anything about this. same with infamous. But i played TLOU and this one wouldnt even be a problem.

maybe you can link me a video from your gow3 boss battle thats impossible on ps2?

Dude this is not an opinion, TLoU could never have happened on PS2, you simply didnt have the capacity to use performance capture and animate both movement and facial expressions like that game did on the PS3, you take that away from TLoU and you have an everyday cover based shooter with some stealth in it (and even those mechanics would sufer on the PS2, they were way less fluid back them just play any PS2/gamecube/OG XBox game and tell me if they dont feel way slower and clunkier) , its an entirely diferent game that would have been forgoten 1 month ater release without that. And I can link 1 thousand videos for you, it doesnt matter because you can just look and say "I think that coudl be done on the PS2", what you need is to talk with someone who understand tech well enought to school you on why certain physics, scenarios, AI and interactions would simply never work on a less advanced plataform like the PS2. I seriously cant be bothered and wont do all your research for you.

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DakonBlackblade said:
JNK said:

i never played gow3 so cant tell anything about this. same with infamous. But i played TLOU and this one wouldnt even be a problem.

maybe you can link me a video from your gow3 boss battle thats impossible on ps2?

Dude this is not an opinion, TLoU could never have happened on PS2, You simply didnt have the capacity to use performance capture and animate both movement and facial expressions like that game did on the PS3, you take that away from TLoU and you have an everyday cover based shooter (and even those mechanics would sufer on the PS2, they were way less fluid back them) with some stealth in it, its an entirely diferent game that would have been forgoten 1 month ater release. And I cna link 1 thousand videos for you, it doesnt matter because you cna just look and say "I think that coudl be done on the PS2", what you need is to talk with someone who understand tech well enought to school you on why certain physics, scenarios, Ai and interactions would simply never work on a less advanced plataform like the PS2.

thats just graphics were you talked about. Where is the GOW3 video?

JNK said:

thats just graphics were you talked about. Where is the GOW3 video?

Haha youre funy, and severely uneducated on anythign that deals with animating/programing a game. AI is not graphics btw another thing that couldve never have worked on PS2 for TloU, Ellie would be brain dead and hardly ever even interact wiht the world and enemys woul react much less organicaly, all that banter that goes around and are trigered by enviromental context, ye forget that on a PS2 game. Also animation is animation, its not realy graphics as it deals with a basilion aspects, like physics mechanics, wire frames, the actual graphics and a bunch of other systems that are necessary to make a 3D model move in a certain way. So ye you have 0 idea about wtfk youre talking about.

The same reason why your beloved Ocarina of Time would never work on SNES and would be a vastly superior game on Gamecube is why TLoU would never work on PS2. Aniamtions, scope, AI, physics etc.

And seriously do you honestly think something like The Witcher 3, thats has like 1 billion moving parts runing simultaneously, could even begin to run on a PS2 ? It coudl mayeb be achievable in a very downgraded version runing like crap with downgraded animations/field of view and everlasting laoding times on the PS3 but even that is a stretch.

JNK said:
deskpro2k3 said:
You have a very narrow view of things OP.

graphic quality might reach a peak, but the content within them wont.

which game content on the ps4 or even on the ps3 wasnt possible on previous generations (like ps2)?

We already had big open worlds in GTA San andreas and Elder scrolls morrowind as an example.

The content is already the same. Only the graphics are improving.



We haven't seen it yet.

And well, procedural world games are coming out.

There you have it. I hope I was able to broaden your mind.

CPU: Ryzen 7950X
Motherboard: MSI MEG X670E GODLIKE
SSD: Kingston FURY Renegade 4TB
Gaming Console: PLAYSTATION 5
DakonBlackblade said:
JNK said:

thats just graphics were you talked about. Where is the GOW3 video?

Haha youre funy, and severely uneducated on anythign that deals with animating/programing a game. AI is not graphics btw another thing that couldve never have worked on PS2 for TloU, Ellie would be brain dead and hardly ever even interact wiht the world and enemys woul react much less organicaly, all that banter that goes around and are trigered by enviromental context, ye forget that on a PS2 game. Also animation is animation, its not realy graphics as it deals with a basilion aspects, like physics mechanics, wire frames, the actual graphics and a bunch of other systems that are necessary to make a 3D model move in a certain way. So ye you have 0 idea about wtfk youre talking about.

The same reason why your beloved Ocarina of Time would never work on SNES and would be a vastly superior game on Gamecube is why TLoU would never work on PS2. Aniamtions, scope, AI, physics etc.


nope your saying graphics (animations, details and co are all graphics) and physics + co is game content and thats wrong. Not beeing able to show one single video about your points just prooves this.


good day.

JNK said:

Power consumption is already improving very very much.

Smart tvs wont have this problems.

Here is something about the a9x.

That CPU is already running fine on a mobile device.

Its stronger then a Macbook Pro Intel CPU (no ULV cpus)

And the a9x has a low wattage while the macbook pros intel cpus uses around 50 watt.

Mobile Graphic cards are improving as well. 

Smart TVs don't come with the hardware so they have to rely on the cloud with slow internet speeds all around the world ... 

And again the CPU doesn't factor into play when rendering graphics ... 

The actual intel chip itself only uses 28W according to them plus the benchmark you used only measures CPU performance, not the GPU which is extremely important ...

And the fact that you had to use a bigger form factor such as a tablet speaks volumes about your confidence in phones delivering near console quality graphics ...