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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Twilight Princess HD is the most dissapointing Zelda remaster


Do you like the current TPHD?

Yes, because... 88 51.76%
No, because... 82 48.24%

I've been on and off replaying Twilight Princess on the Wii for the last year...
And I honestly don't think there is a Nintendo game that has aged worse graphically...
I was hoping Nintendo would wait one more generation to remake/remaster TP...
While there is a visual improvement, to me it seems pretty minimal...
I definitely don't blame anyone for being disappointed...
TP is one of my favorite Zelda titles, so I think I will get TPHD just so that my eyes bleed a little less, but I'm not so sure I'll be recommending it to anyone on the fence about double dipping...

Have a nice day...

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I don't know much about Tantulus, but I think for what it is, it's fine. Not spectacularly great as a remaster, but it does show improvements graphically. I can see the graphics are clearer than they used to be. I don't know how much more are they going to add, but we'll see.

As for the amiibo, I like the design of Wolf Link and Midna. At this point, I don't know what people want amiibo to be used for. I think the new challenge is interesting and it does provide a reward that you may not necessarily need. Plus, we don't know how it connects from TP to Zelda Wii U.

A little bit of perspective



I play Legend of Zelda games for the dungeons and the collecting stuff, not so much for the visuals. For those who don't like the visuals here, please don't buy the game. Go even further and contact Nintendo and let them know the upgrade does not go far enough. As for me, I liked TP and I want more of the same in the next Zelda.

I wouldn't say it's the "most disappointing", partially because that implies the others have been disappointing but also because I had realistic expectations for what is a filler title. I wasn't expecting an overhaul as significant as the N64 remasters received, and Twilight Princess was never as aesthetically pleasing as Wind Waker. Short of a major graphics overhaul (which would massively increase development expense and effectively rule out a remaster happening), Twilight Princess was never going to look beautiful in comparison to WW:HD. As it is, I think the bump up in resolution and the higher quality textures look decent, though sadly the geometry has aged poorly. The original TP aged far, far worse than the original Wind Waker did.

As for the amiibo extras, yes, the implementation sucks, and the Wolf Link cave isn't something I'm interested in. I'd also point out there's absolutely no indication Hero Mode is locked behind amiibo, which is what the OP implies, but is instead, as with Wind Waker HD, available from the beginning, which is something I welcome.

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Asriel said:
I wouldn't say it's the "most disappointing", partially because that implies the others have been disappointing but also because I had realistic expectations for what is a filler title. I wasn't expecting an overhaul as significant as the N64 remasters received, and Twilight Princess was never as aesthetically pleasing as Wind Waker. Short of a major graphics overhaul (which would massively increase development expense and effectively rule out a remaster happening), Twilight Princess was never going to look beautiful in comparison to WW:HD. As it is, I think the bump up in resolution and the higher quality textures look decent, though sadly the geometry has aged poorly. The original TP aged far, far worse than the original Wind Waker did.

As for the amiibo extras, yes, the implementation sucks, and the Wolf Link cave isn't something I'm interested in. I'd also point out there's absolutely no indication Hero Mode is locked behind amiibo, which is what the OP implies, but is instead, as with Wind Waker HD, available from the beginning, which is something I welcome.

Hero mode (x2) is in the game. Damage x4 (or x2 Hero Mode) is locked behind Ganondorf amiibo.

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Pavolink said:
Asriel said:
As for the amiibo extras, yes, the implementation sucks, and the Wolf Link cave isn't something I'm interested in. I'd also point out there's absolutely no indication Hero Mode is locked behind amiibo, which is what the OP implies, but is instead, as with Wind Waker HD, available from the beginning, which is something I welcome.

Hero mode (x2) is in the game. Damage x4 (or x2 Hero Mode) is locked behind Ganondorf amiibo.

I think the implication here I have a problem with is that you're implying that Super Hero Mode is something people will have to go out of their way to experience; such a mode is made entirely for Zelda superfans, many of whom will already have the Ganon Amiibo. Amiibo DLC has been until some new ones released in 2016* entirely inconsequential, and Super Hero Mode is no exception since the majority of players either won't know it exists or won't care because Hero Mode is enough. As an aside, thank the sweet Hylia that they made Hero mode activate immediately instead of after a playthrough. 


Now this all doesn't mean I disagree entirely with Pavo. So far TPHD is the most underwhelming of the upgrades; but that's almost fine with me since TPHD was the most underwhelming game of the four remade. Nothing was gonna make the game look good short of a complete overhaul, and even when OoT was overhauled it still hade some really poor parts (such as the outdated sounsfonts). If they upgraded the music and made it less tedious, by the overpriced definition of Zelda it's probably worth the cost. 


*The two I'm speaking of are Shovel Knight and Wolf Link. SK I'm fine with because actually it's meant to be DLC, and I'd probably have hopped on it physical or not to support Yacht Club for their efforts. Wolf Link I'm fine with to my knowledge; if it came out or comes out soon that TPHD digitally is the same price as the retail bundle I'll have an issue. Right now you can buy the game for $60 with extra level thing which is almost definitely ENTIRELY bonus content or choose to play the normal way-too-long game as it is for $50. If you want the amiibo later for the side content, just pay the extra three bucks over MSRP. The game is complete without it, and as long as they don't spam advertising for it in-game it's not like you'd ever know it's there. 


I don't include the Splatoon amiibos in this list because people only argued around launch that those were DLC because they were worried the DLC crap gave you an edge. It's been proven time and again to be mediocre additional gun mods and costumes that are beaten out by anything you buy within a week of starting the multiplayer. 

You should check out my YouTube channel, The Golden Bolt!  I review all types of video games, both classic and modern, and I also give short flyover reviews of the free games each month on PlayStation Plus to tell you if they're worth downloading.  After all, the games may be free, but your time is valuable!

Yeah, it's the worst remaster by miles. At least, visually, let's see about gameplay improvements. I'd like them to do a remake instead of a remaster, but, well...

A simple lighting upgrade (per pixel illumination, HDR) would have worked wonders as far as improving the game's look. As it is, the DX7 era lighting and shading stick out like a sore thumb in 2016.

It's a shame that the second most successful Zelda to date after Ocarina of Time was given such a lacklustre update.

mZuzek said:
cannonballZ said:
Pavolink said:

I was holding my breath waiting for the new additions, but now that I know it is locked behind amiibo this is a no no to me. BTW, I was expecting to get, if everything else was right, the digital version. I want to embrace our digital future as soon as possible.

Then Ninty needs to make Digital Amiibo!!!!

They just need to make all the amiibo-locked stuff in every game DLC. I mean, it's still a bad practice, but at least people don't have to go around trying to find expensive figures they don't want just for some extra content. If they had made the new dungeon a $10 DLC and the extra damage thing $2, at least everyone could have these things. (Hopefully they'd be cheaper than that though)

I know I wanted that Wolf Link amiibo from the very moment I saw it, but then again I live in a place where Nintendo isn't exactly a very strong presence in the market (well officially, they're not even here anymore), and I want the digital version of TPHD, so getting the amiibo without the physical game will be quite the challenge.

I'm in the total reverse. I don't want the Amiibo at all. So it's blocking me from buying the game right now. Because there's no just game version. Me, I don't care how much the game was improved or not. I just want it. I never got the GC one. And never wanted the Wii one. So this coming out finally gave me the chance. It's a port. I don't really care that Nintendo is being lazy on it. It's not a remake.