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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Blast from the past - what console gives you your fondest gaming memories?

In my case, it´s the SNES.Surely being my first console is part of the reason, but yeah even taking nostalgia glasses off, that system was too good. Memories of Mario World, Castlevania 4, Street Fighter 2, Final Fantasy 6, Chrono Trigger, Super Mario RPG, F Zero, Star Fox (still the best one to this day imo), MegaMan X, Contra 3, Super Metroid, TMNT Turtles in Time....the list goes on and on.

Honorable mentions go to the original Playstation and the short lived Dreamcast.

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Without a doubt the Super Nintendo.

That gen was when I realized that gaming was a passion and also where I fell in love with RPGs. Secret of Mana (MULTIPLAYER!!), Chrono Trigger, FFVI (or FFIII, as it was on the SNES here in the US), basically anything that said Squaresoft on it. Almost every look-back-on-it moment from my gaming past is on the SNES.

PS1 i still come time and time again back to this masterpiece of hardware, i still buy and play games for the system. A lot of underrated games who go for not much money on the internet unlike with a lot of the older Nintendo stuff from that time. The hardware is very reliable unlike with the Sega consoles i owned. And i can play all my PS1 games on PS2 and PS3 with texture filtering or progressive scan making the PS1 games supirior to the Saturn and N64 in graphics.

The PS1 has tons of exclusives and sprite based games like Alundra, SotN, YuGiOh, Castlavania Chronicles, Klonoa, R-Types and what have you.

Without a second thought, the N64. Loved it back then. Followed by Dreamcast solely for Shenmue/crazy taxi.

I would have to say the original Nintendo. I was so young and impressionable back then. The snes would have to be a close second though.

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I gotta go with ps2, that console had so much variety and countless classics in it for me. Games like jak and daxter, ratchet and clank,sly cooper,dark cloud, kingdom hearts,final fantasy x and xii, dmc and god of war all have a special place in my heart.


N64 for sure. Nostalgic? Of course but isn't that the point?

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A Tie between Master System and PS1 for me since both had good games I played all those years back.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

SNES in 1992-1995. Nothing else even compares.

d21lewis said:
SNES in 1992-1995. Nothing else even compares.

Remember all the rage that was Street Fighter 2 back then?