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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - the Wii U is not getting replaced this year, guys

Soundwave said:
PowerXXX said:


I was talking for home consoles only.

But if you want to want to mention handhelds lets see.....

Nintendo announced in November 2003 that there will be a new handeheld next year

Announcement 2003 - Release 2004 (Two different years)

Nintendo announced 3DS in March 2010, reveiled it at E3 2010 and it was released in February 2011

Announcement 2010 - Release 2011 (Two different years)

The fact remains that these systems got announced/reveiled and released in different years. It is by no means the same thing as Sony did with PS4 (announcement/reveal and release in the same year 2013).


There's nothing complicated about showing a system and releasing it in the same year. 



I never said it's complicated. Actually i said that it is the right thing to do but people said Nintendo already done it with Wii (announce and release it in the same year) which is wrong and i proved it.

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Miyamotoo said:
bigtakilla said:

Because it initially released on Wii yes, if it would have been the second release I don't think it would be the same story.

So you saying 3 weeks made huge difference and those 3 weeks are reason why TP port on Wii is so successful!?


Partially, the other part is install base.

curl-6 said:
Thunderbird77 said:
curl-6 said:

Which might have something to do with the fact that outside of the Wii, their console userbase has declined with every generation since then.

You can't keep pissing off your fanbase forever. They'll eventually get fed up, and you'll find yourself without an audience.

There's nothing about pissing fanbase. In certain generations, the market bought more of competitors hardware. In the wii case, their strategy wn the 7th gen market. There's no "people leaving", consumers flow all the time.

Going from 60 million NES owners to 22 million Gamecube owners isn't "people leaving"?

It's definitely poeple leaving but I feel a large majority this was because of how rampant and easy piracy was during the PS1+PS2 days that eveyone moved away from Nintendo for these cheap <£5 pirated games on PlayStation, It's not the only reason but it added to it.

Soundwave said:
Nem said:


Oh... i see you are one of those that already decided what the NX will be. Lets enter the realm of fantasy again. Le sigh...

You made such a nice post above. Why are we going back to this? :/


What relam of fantasy? If I'm Nintendo I'm saving the next Animal Crossing for the next portable, whatever it is. The sales data overwhelmingly supports such a move, not doing so likely would cost Nintendo millions of dollars. 

This isn't a fantasy land where business performance has no bearing on game releases and that a company is making games because they're your friend or something ... real life doesn't work like that. 

This is a business, a cold, hard business, do not ever allow emotion to cloud that fact. 


I meant how you assumed the "fusion" concept. Was a tad contradictory with your other posts. 

Soundwave said:
bigtakilla said:

So you do acknowledge it's a bullshit business practice.


It was a great business practice if we're talking strictly from a business POV. 

you said it was dirty. why is it dirty?


Pavolink said:
bigtakilla said:

At the cost of pissing off the current fanbase, sure, and that is where the problem starts. Short term profits shouldn't be a higher priority than long term profits the people who buy your hardware can give you. You know, common sense.

Nobody outside of you and 100 people at most will be pissed.

a lot of people would be annoyed. youre kidding yourself if you dont think so. 


ps4tw said:
PerturbedKitty said:

its been a reau guys honestly think that this console is going to be dropped by the end of the year? it isnt happening. i have declared that it isnt happening, and that is the end of it.


That post is full of misconceptions. 

wow. my post has misconceptions? lol. let me correct all of yours real quick.

Firstly, the Dreamcast was replaced when it was selling for a lot, and remember that the Wii U has been performing worse than the Dreamcast.

dreamcast wasnt selling a lot. it sold like 10 million in what? two years? it was discontined because they werent making the money they needed to off of the software because of piracy. 

Secondly, Nintendo are not making money off of the Wii U. The R&D it would have taken to make it, as well as expected projections have all gone to hell. Nintendo will not have broken even on it, and more to the point, they would have made more money through general investment, which means the Wii U, as a business venture, has been a complete failure. 

nintendo is making money off the wii u. 

Thirdly, Nintendo isn't showing incredbile support for the Wii U, they are just doing damage control, releasing the bare minimum amount of first party games needed to keep the die hard fans in the Nintendo camp. It's merely doing the minimum possible of what the original business plan would have been.

i never said nintendo is showing incredible support. theyre supporting the software that is already out very well, but the hardware is a different story. 

Therefore it makes sense for them to bring out a replacement as soon as possible because they are not making money from it. 

no, thats ridiculous.



Soundwave said:
PerturbedKitty said:
Soundwave said:


Fact is no one's opinion on this matter means shit. 

The decision will be made ultimately by Nintendo's sales department. 

lol ok. Coming from a guy who has been participating in this thread for pages and pages and pages, it's all meaningless and none of our opinions matter. lol good job.

Regardless, one side is right and one side is wrong, and we will see who that's going to be in time. and it's going to be hilarious.

I know my opinion doesn't mean shit. You're kidding yourself if you think yours does. 

I've been following Nintendo for 25 years. They do whatever the fuck they want to do, often times at complete odds with whatever their fanbase wants. 

The fact is Wii U fans on this board have been wrong about 5000 different things this gen (Wii U is going to be a big success! Uh, no. Wii U is going to be almost as powerful as a PS4 or at least XB1! Uh, no. Wii U sales will explode after Mario 3D World and Mario Kart come out. Uh, no. Wii U will get a real Animal Crossing for 100% sure! Uh, no.) anyway so claiming massive confidence when I doubt you predicted any of this gen going this badly for Nintendo in the first place doesn't mean a whole lot. 

if your opinion doesnt mean shit then why are you spending so much time posting it on this website? thats kind of the point i was getting at with my previous post in case you missed it. 

are you not a part of this wii u fanbase? along with everybody else here who is arguing on your side? this is a civil war within the wii u and nintendo fan base. one side is going to be right and one side (yours) is going to be wrong, so this point you made here is completely useless. the wii u fanbase is always wrong and will be wrong again. yeah.. well obviously thats going to happen this time around. next time, post something that is worth my time reading.

RolStoppable said:
bigtakilla said:
Soundwave said:

It was a great business practice if we're talking strictly from a business POV. 

It's a great business practice if we think short term profits.


Selling people hardware that is going to be supported with software for years to come is short term thinking while trying to sell people hardware that will have seen its final release is all about the long term.

its not about selling the hardware at this point, its about maintaining consumer confidence. nintendo has to ride the wave that they themselves created and support this platform. so far, that is what they have been doing and they've done a pretty good job at it. would you rather nintendo have treated this like the saturn?  "nintendo needs to replace it as fast as possible." yeah.. that sounds like a great strategy for the long term lol. 

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PerturbedKitty said:
Soundwave said:


Selling people hardware that is going to be supported with software for years to come is short term thinking while trying to sell people hardware that will have seen its final release is all about the long term.

its not about selling the hardware at this point, its about maintaining consumer confidence. nintendo has to ride the wave that they themselves created and support this platform. so far, that is what they have been doing and they've done a pretty good job at it. would you rather nintendo have treated this like the saturn?  "nintendo needs to replace it as fast as possible." yeah.. that sounds like a great strategy for the long term lol. 

Then take a game that a lot of the userbase of the Wii U was looking forward to, and make a better version for the next console... Because fuck you guys. Lol. Great business strategy. No angry people there.

bigtakilla said:
PerturbedKitty said:

its not about selling the hardware at this point, its about maintaining consumer confidence. nintendo has to ride the wave that they themselves created and support this platform. so far, that is what they have been doing and they've done a pretty good job at it. would you rather nintendo have treated this like the saturn?  "nintendo needs to replace it as fast as possible." yeah.. that sounds like a great strategy for the long term lol. 

Then take a game that a lot of the userbase of the Wii U was looking forward to, and make a better version for the next console... Because fuck you guys. Lol. Great business strategy. No angry people there.

i personally know three people who bought a wii u early because zelda. i know this idea has been discussed that its dumb to buy a console for a game that is more than a year off, but that is where this idea of consumer confidence comes in. this kind of thing doesnt affect me because ill just buy anything nintendo makes no matter how shitty it is, but it doest affect the more rational nintendo fans because theyll drop their ass if nintendo fucks with them enough. not everyone is going to be like me, so i hope for nintendo's sake, they think about their fans and remain faithful to the people who carried them through this rough time in their history. its important. 

Nem said:
ps4tw said:

That post is full of misconceptions. 

Firstly, the Dreamcast was replaced when it was selling for a lot, and remember that the Wii U has been performing worse than the Dreamcast.

Secondly, Nintendo are not making money off of the Wii U. The R&D it would have taken to make it, as well as expected projections have all gone to hell. Nintendo will not have broken even on it, and more to the point, they would have made more money through general investment, which means the Wii U, as a business venture, has been a complete failure. 

Thirdly, Nintendo isn't showing incredbile support for the Wii U, they are just doing damage control, releasing the bare minimum amount of first party games needed to keep the die hard fans in the Nintendo camp. It's merely doing the minimum possible of what the original business plan would have been.

Therefore it makes sense for them to bring out a replacement as soon as possible because they are not making money from it. 


I'm pretty sure the Wii U has outsold the DC in total units. Also, the DC was rampant with piracy, not many games got to the 1m mark. That isnt the case with the Wii U.

Nintendo IS making money off the Wii U. Have you looked at the price? Also, games like Mario Maker, Splatoon, Mario Kart 8, Smash Bro's, amiibo's have been making them alot of money.

Nintendo isnt showing support for anything since Iwata passed away and we started having hardly any directs. This does not mean it doesn't exist.


Therefore, if it does come out, its not because of those reason, but likelihood is it won't. Also... because the president himself said it... haha... but i know we are supposed to selectively choose our quotes to make an 2016 homr console NX claim.

Firstly, sales were not mentioned. The Wii U has sold just a bit better than the Dreamcast in total units, but has done so at a much slower pace in s significantly larger market. Therefore it is unquestionable that the Wii U has performed worse in the market. 

You can't just deny what I said about the Wii U not making money without any sort of rebuttal. The price will not cover R&D when you factor in (it's obvious that you're not) shipping and manufacturing costs on top of the retailers cut. The business plan we know as a fact had much, much higher projections and therefore the costs almost certainly will not be covered by falling spectacularly door l short of their initial estimations. 

You fail to grasp what I mean by support. You talk of it as if a company wants to be friendly. That's not how it works. Support is merely the post product launch plan. There will be a plan that they are following and you'll find that they will be scaling back on all support due to it not being financially viable. 


I recommend that you Google business plans as it will help you understand what I'm talking about and why the Wii U will be seen by Nintendo as an unquestionable disaster, hence why a replacement sooner rather than later is in their best interest. 

ps4tw said:
Nem said:


I'm pretty sure the Wii U has outsold the DC in total units. Also, the DC was rampant with piracy, not many games got to the 1m mark. That isnt the case with the Wii U.

Nintendo IS making money off the Wii U. Have you looked at the price? Also, games like Mario Maker, Splatoon, Mario Kart 8, Smash Bro's, amiibo's have been making them alot of money.

Nintendo isnt showing support for anything since Iwata passed away and we started having hardly any directs. This does not mean it doesn't exist.


Therefore, if it does come out, its not because of those reason, but likelihood is it won't. Also... because the president himself said it... haha... but i know we are supposed to selectively choose our quotes to make an 2016 homr console NX claim.

Firstly, sales were not mentioned. The Wii U has sold just a bit better than the Dreamcast in total units, but has done so at a much slower pace in s significantly larger market. Therefore it is unquestionable that the Wii U has performed worse in the market. 

sales were mentioned. you mentioned sales. you said DC was selling a lot. it wasn't. not that it matters, but you're saying sales weren't mentioned, but they were. 

You can't just deny what I said about the Wii U not making money without any sort of rebuttal. The price will not cover R&D when you factor in (it's obvious that you're not) shipping and manufacturing costs on top of the retailers cut. The business plan we know as a fact had much, much higher projections and therefore the costs almost certainly will not be covered by falling spectacularly door l short of their initial estimations. 

the wii u is indeed making nintendo money. nintendo is making money on every console sold. in fact, that is something that was discussed extensively within the first 100 replies of this thread. thats not even taking account software sales. a lot of wii u games have sold a shit ton of copies and nintendo makes a lot of money off their first party games. and i mean A LOT of money (4 million copies sold of Smash makes a lot more money than 4 million copies sold of Uncharted for example). 

sure, they had higher projections, but that doesnt mean they had to reach those goals to make money. nintendo is very good at making money, and if they met their high projections, then we would probably be looking at wii-like profits, which is just crazy. you dont have to sell 100m consoles to be profitable. 

You fail to grasp what I mean by support. You talk of it as if a company wants to be friendly. That's not how it works. Support is merely the post product launch plan. There will be a plan that they are following and you'll find that they will be scaling back on all support due to it not being financially viable. 

sigh.. it is financially viable. if they replace it now, theyre going to miss out on a years worth of money they can still get from it. they already spent the R&D, so from a business perspective, they might as well use the wii u for what its worth. the wii u isnt a money pit that is losing them anything. theyre better off taking their time to ensure a successful launch of their next system and ride out whatever the wii u has left in it. there is still easy money to be made in the wii u. 

I recommend that you Google business plans as it will help you understand what I'm talking about and why the Wii U will be seen by Nintendo as an unquestionable disaster, hence why a replacement sooner rather than later is in their best interest. 

no, no, no. replacing it sooner rather than later is not the answer. that is a really shortsighted view of things.


ps4tw said:
Nem said:


I'm pretty sure the Wii U has outsold the DC in total units. Also, the DC was rampant with piracy, not many games got to the 1m mark. That isnt the case with the Wii U.

Nintendo IS making money off the Wii U. Have you looked at the price? Also, games like Mario Maker, Splatoon, Mario Kart 8, Smash Bro's, amiibo's have been making them alot of money.

Nintendo isnt showing support for anything since Iwata passed away and we started having hardly any directs. This does not mean it doesn't exist.


Therefore, if it does come out, its not because of those reason, but likelihood is it won't. Also... because the president himself said it... haha... but i know we are supposed to selectively choose our quotes to make an 2016 homr console NX claim.

Firstly, sales were not mentioned. The Wii U has sold just a bit better than the Dreamcast in total units, but has done so at a much slower pace in s significantly larger market. Therefore it is unquestionable that the Wii U has performed worse in the market. 

You can't just deny what I said about the Wii U not making money without any sort of rebuttal. The price will not cover R&D when you factor in (it's obvious that you're not) shipping and manufacturing costs on top of the retailers cut. The business plan we know as a fact had much, much higher projections and therefore the costs almost certainly will not be covered by falling spectacularly door l short of their initial estimations. 

You fail to grasp what I mean by support. You talk of it as if a company wants to be friendly. That's not how it works. Support is merely the post product launch plan. There will be a plan that they are following and you'll find that they will be scaling back on all support due to it not being financially viable. 


I recommend that you Google business plans as it will help you understand what I'm talking about and why the Wii U will be seen by Nintendo as an unquestionable disaster, hence why a replacement sooner rather than later is in their best interest. 


Oh... you are privvy to the R&D costs and how much the Wii U makes per sale? Ofc it had higher projections though. That doesnt mean those were projections to break even. We do know that the Wii U is sold at a profit per unit though.

Friendly company? Not at all. Smart company. If you think you can ensure sales of later products by botching your current ones, i do sugest you don't try to make a business.

Also business plans are drawn yearly, company strategy plans are made every 2 years. This is because externals factors are extremely volatile and change constantly. So... i don't know what your point is. If you think that the whole support in terms of software of a platform's life is already decided at launch, you are not familiar with games development. Games are developed in 2 year (plus delay) cycles, so its therefore a complete impossibility what you sugest.

I don't need to google business plan. I have a marketing degree.