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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - the Wii U is not getting replaced this year, guys

Thunderbird77 said:
TheLegendofDS said:

Actually you are both right Zelda U was announced in Jan.'13 and it was revealed/showed for the first time in June'14.

We already knew it was in development since SS was finished, does that mean it was announced in 2011? In 2013, nintendo openly said a new Zelda was being developed for wii u. In 2014, it was announced.


Ok,I don't get the point you are trying to make here.Did we know the Zelda team was working on a game after SS?Yes.Did we know it was Zelda U?No. No matter the speculation that we the fans make it doesn't change the fact that until Nintendo said in Jan'13 that Zelda U was in development that all we had was an assumption after the direct we had a known fact that the team behind SS was making the next Zelda, for all we knew they were making something else or members of the team were making another game like the Animal Crossing team after New leaf did they make a AC game for Wii U,no some of their members made Splatoon.So yes Zelda was announced in Jan'13 and showed at E3'14. Zelda U is not the only Nintendo game like this in the same direct they announce Zelda they also announced MK and 3D Mario but only showed them at E3 that year,#FE was announced with them only showing artwork of both franchises and it wasn't really showed until Apr'15, let's not forget StarFox Zero announced at E3'14 1st showed E3'15,we also already know about Pikmin 4 and that it was almost finished and we are yet to see it.

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Pavolink said:
bigtakilla said:

common sense.


Common sense is to put on the NX. Not to waste the project on the Wii U because 10 people on a forum will be mad.

At the cost of pissing off the current fanbase, sure, and that is where the problem starts. Short term profits shouldn't be a higher priority than long term profits the people who buy your hardware can give you. You know, common sense.

Thunderbird77 said:
Miyamotoo said:

You really don't know nothing. (Link in post above).

You don't know anything. Zelda U was announced in june 2014. Saying that a zelda game is in development is like saying a new mario is also in development. By your logic, ALL of nintendo's future hardware and many of it's software is already announced, because we know they're in development.

Yup, proves my point you don't know nothing. Pure fact is that they announced Zelda for Wii U in Januar 2013. At E3 2014 they just showed that Zelda U that already had announcement.

No, by logic (not just mine), announced software is only software that Nintendo confirmed is working on, (like they done with Zelda U in Januar 2013), not software we asussiming Nintendo is working on.

Do you realize your posts don't have any sense!?

TheLegendofDS said:
Thunderbird77 said:

You don't know anything. Zelda U was announced in june 2014. Saying that a zelda game is in development is like saying a new mario is also in development. By your logic, ALL of nintendo's future hardware and many of it's software is already announced, because we know they're in development.

Actually you are both right Zelda U was announced in Jan.'13 and it was revealed/showed for the first time in June'14.

Actualy I am only right because we talked about when Zelda U is announced, not showed.

Miyamotoo said:
bigtakilla said:
Conina said:

Yeah, I can tell you the reason: they can't announce the "NX version (name subject to change)" before they officially announce that platform!

They could have waited for the NX to be announced before revealing the project, There were reasons behind that too.

You realise that they announced Zelda U in January 2013!? And early announcement of NX game for NX would even more weaker Wii U sales in meantime. Again, business logic.

That's my point. It's that EA business logic that is there to undermine the fans that buy their consoles. The only problem is this isn't the NES/SNES era when they could pull an EA. Not to say in Jan it wasn't made just for Wii U and along the way that didn't change, but when that happens they need to be transparent about it. Not still putting smiles on their faces and pretending you still need to buy a piece of hardware you no longer need to buy. (Assuming of course it is going to both NX/Wii U).

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Miyamotoo said:
TheLegendofDS said:

Actually you are both right Zelda U was announced in Jan.'13 and it was revealed/showed for the first time in June'14.

Actualy I am only right because we talked about when Zelda U is announced, not showed.


I was trying to be the middle man since Zelda was announced in the direct in Jan'13 and the first time we saw it was at E3'14 since some people may only consider the game being showed as the actual announcement but that proved to be fruitless by his response to me and to you that he doesn't really have point of argument in this discusion.

The "I'm going to be pissed off" Wii U fanbase is getting so annoying I'm actually starting to hope Nintendo does them dirty like they did with Twilight Princess.

Zelda U for NX first, Wii U owners have to wait 2 extra weeks to play it.

Like seriously, were XBox fans this insane about the first XBox being replaced by the XBox 360 after only 4 years? 

Soundwave said:
The "I'm going to be pissed off" Wii U fanbase is getting so annoying I'm actually starting to hope Nintendo does them dirty like they did with Twilight Princess.

Zelda U for NX first, Wii U owners have to wait 2 extra weeks to play it.

So you do acknowledge it's a bullshit business practice.

bigtakilla said:
Soundwave said:
The "I'm going to be pissed off" Wii U fanbase is getting so annoying I'm actually starting to hope Nintendo does them dirty like they did with Twilight Princess.

Zelda U for NX first, Wii U owners have to wait 2 extra weeks to play it.

So you do acknowledge it's a bullshit business practice.


It was a great business practice if we're talking strictly from a business POV. 

Soundwave said:
bigtakilla said:

So you do acknowledge it's a bullshit business practice.


It was a great business practice if we're talking strictly from a business POV. 

It's a great business practice if we think short term profits.