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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - the Wii U is not getting replaced this year, guys

Conina said:
bigtakilla said:
Miyamotoo said:

While you pretend like TP dont exist, didnt port on Wii, didnt beine Wii launch title and having much bigger sales than GC version!?

1. Did, consumers confidence drop after TP being ported on Wii? Ofcourse not.

2. Did Wii owners were already able to play TP through BC? Yes, they were.

And again you just ignoring pure facts and still you don't have one single solid argument why Nintendo will not port Zelda U on NX, while is same time people provide multiple solid arguments why Nintendo will do that.


Also just look results of this Poll.


And yet whether or not Zelda U would be ported to NX has been brought up in several threads. Why is that? Because of TP, so yes consumer confidence has been effected.

Why is that? Because a vocal minority (the same handful of people everytime) doesn't seem to get that a cross-gen release of the next Zelda game is the best option from a business perspective and to offer that game to a bigger audience.

People who claim that they "love to give Nintendo their money"... but if Nintendo should dare to launch the home console successor after 4 years instead of the usual 5 years to strenghten their position against the competitors, they act like Nintendo killed their firstborn.

People that place the success of the Wii U console over the success of Nintendo as a whole.

And the same handful of people come to dispute it, lol. 

If Nintendo was going to make the game multiplat, being transparent would have been a great way to keep confidence. That didn't happen and for a reason.

Also, just because the current console of a company is failing, doesn't mean taking a reason some people bought the console for and putting it on another system is alright. It tends to piss those people off. This in turn effects peoples view of Nintendo in whole.

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sethnintendo said:

Wow, this thread looks like it will make it to 1000 posts easy. I'm not even going to attempt to read all the comments.  I'm thinking the NX console version isn't releasing till early-mid 2017.  They might drop the handheld version holiday of this year though.

It will get there.

bigtakilla said:

If Nintendo was going to make the game multiplat, being transparent would have been a great way to keep confidence. That didn't happen and for a reason.

Yeah, I can tell you the reason: they can't announce the "NX version (name subject to change)" before they officially announce that platform!

Conina said:
bigtakilla said:

If Nintendo was going to make the game multiplat, being transparent would have been a great way to keep confidence. That didn't happen and for a reason.

Yeah, I can tell you the reason: they can't announce the "NX version (name subject to change)" before they officially announce that platform!

They could have waited for the NX to be announced before revealing the project, There were reasons behind that too.

AAA300 said:
bigtakilla said:

1: Showing people a game in hopes to get them interested in your hardware (what E3 is all about) then a year later letting them know they are getting an inferior version of a game is screwing them over.

2: If it does offer a different playstyle then it could be justified, but nothing shown in the patents hint at a different playstyle.


1) Its not inferior if gameplay  is the same. The NX title could just run with less load times and may look better. If you can't deal with that then you didn't want the wii u version anyways.
2)It may be a new controller but if its just faster load times and sharper graphics people will buy it. Just look at the many rereleased games on ps4 - last of us/ gow 3/ uncharted.


I love when people say I'm wrong, and then pretty much give the textbook definition of how I'm right. Second time it's happened.

If two games are the exact same, but one has slower load times and lower resolution that would make it the __________ version.

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RolStoppable said:
Conina said:
bigtakilla said:

If Nintendo was going to make the game multiplat, being transparent would have been a great way to keep confidence. That didn't happen and for a reason.

Yeah, I can tell you the reason: they can't announce the "NX version (name subject to change)" before they officially announce that platform!

More importantly though, who is going to have confidence in the Wii U when Nintendo already confirms in 2015 that nobody needs to buy a Wii U in order to play the next Zelda?

In other words, Nintendo has been acting in accordance to what bigtakilla wants, yet he is saying the opposite would have been better.


It comes from people who did buy the Wii U not being duped into shelling out cash for an inferior version. But you're getting warmer Rol.

GameCube owners got totally fucked on Twilight Princess. Not only did they have the game delayed several times for the Wii launch window, the real slap in the face was that they had to sit and wait an extra couple of weeks on top of that while random soccer mom could play the game on Wii, but they couldn't, lol. And the physical release was very limited on the GCN, like one print run and that's it.

I wouldn't be that surprised if Nintendo does the same thing again.

bigtakilla said:
AAA300 said:


1) Its not inferior if gameplay  is the same. The NX title could just run with less load times and may look better. If you can't deal with that then you didn't want the wii u version anyways.
2)It may be a new controller but if its just faster load times and sharper graphics people will buy it. Just look at the many rereleased games on ps4 - last of us/ gow 3/ uncharted.


I love when people say I'm wrong, and then pretty much give the textbook definition of how I'm right. Second time it's happened.

If two games are the exact same, but one has slower load times and lower resolution that would make it the __________ verloading                 I love it when people are in complete denial. By your veiw Zelda oot was better on the GameCube and was an insult to the n64 fanbase. I was answering your statement of them being screwed and they wont be. If you can't get faster load times on the wii u its hardware limitations, and cannot be changed. Like many multi platform games one system may have a small edge in loading because its slightly more powerful like ps4-xbox one. This is not getting "in your words" SCREWED. If the gameplay is the same its going to be fine. The NX should just run it smoother with its better hardware. It's not like there 2 totally different games.

Thunderbird77 said:
gabzjmm23 said:
Thunderbird77 said:
gabzjmm23 said:

there is a chance NX can be a minimal upgrade of the Wii U and with the patent gamepad that is a slim version of WiiU's gamepad.  it would put those WiiU owners in a situation of 'not again'.

most from the people i know just wanted a traditional console but knowing nintendo it won't happen.

If it's a wii u successor, no there isn't any chance of that happening. what patent of slim gamepad are you talking about?

Wii U is a traditional console already. All their consoles except the wii are traditional consoles.

the scroll shoulder buttons and/or the touch screen patent one.  their consoles are inclined more into some gimmick/innovation in a sense, than their what they had.  Like Wii U on a Pro controller would be in a better price range and a better overall console to sell than with the gamepad.  

i know it would be hard to just copy what the twins are, and Nintendo wanted to differentiate themselves, but the 3rd party doesn't know how those gimmicks would work, and it would be hard for 3rd parties to accommodate a inferior and way different console than the twins.  

Four nos. patents are just that. Their consoles are traditional. a wii u with a pro controller would retail for only $50 less from the start. The "twins" aren't hard to copy, nintendo does a better job in hardware all the time.

That is why if Nintendo have gone through a Pro Controller with $250 with good marketing, Wii U would sell better. We all know it is easy to copy the twins and add Nintendo's exclusives would surely get good HW sales. but NIntendo doing a Nintendo really hurt them.  

Any back on topic, not sure what are the cons on separate launch between NX portable in late 2016 then NX HC on 2017.  There would be gamers who wanted both, and only HH especially japanese gamers.  But launching on different dates may impact the overall hype.

gabzjmm23 said:
Thunderbird77 said:
gabzjmm23 said:
Thunderbird77 said:
gabzjmm23 said:

there is a chance NX can be a minimal upgrade of the Wii U and with the patent gamepad that is a slim version of WiiU's gamepad.  it would put those WiiU owners in a situation of 'not again'.

most from the people i know just wanted a traditional console but knowing nintendo it won't happen.

If it's a wii u successor, no there isn't any chance of that happening. what patent of slim gamepad are you talking about?

Wii U is a traditional console already. All their consoles except the wii are traditional consoles.

the scroll shoulder buttons and/or the touch screen patent one.  their consoles are inclined more into some gimmick/innovation in a sense, than their what they had.  Like Wii U on a Pro controller would be in a better price range and a better overall console to sell than with the gamepad.  

i know it would be hard to just copy what the twins are, and Nintendo wanted to differentiate themselves, but the 3rd party doesn't know how those gimmicks would work, and it would be hard for 3rd parties to accommodate a inferior and way different console than the twins.  

Four nos. patents are just that. Their consoles are traditional. a wii u with a pro controller would retail for only $50 less from the start. The "twins" aren't hard to copy, nintendo does a better job in hardware all the time.

That is why if Nintendo have gone through a Pro Controller with $250 with good marketing, Wii U would sell better. We all know it is easy to copy the twins and add Nintendo's exclusives would surely get good HW sales. but NIntendo doing a Nintendo really hurt them.  

Any back on topic, not sure what are the cons on separate launch between NX portable in late 2016 then NX HC on 2017.  There would be gamers who wanted both, and only HH especially japanese gamers.  But launching on different dates may impact the overall hype.

I agree with the loss of overall hype if seperate release of a so called unified platform, makes it ununified hah :(