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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Final Fantasy 15 has two types of Magic, Director on role of women in the game

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Would you like to have female characters playable in Final Fantasy XV?

Yes 54 79.41%
No 10 14.71%

So women are mere beacons along the road that trigger more story event as a male group of heroes approach them? Damn Tabata, you misoginist pig.

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BasilZero said:

Kinda sad we wont see any playable female characters in FFXV.

In all fairness, women tend to get in the way when it comes to Final Fantasy, so maybe it's better this way. :P

BasilZero said:


Terra, Celes, and of course our goddess Lightning proves you wrong :O


Terra does get in the way, though. :P

And Lightning gave birth to Lightning Returns, so there's ultimate proof of my claim!

Sad that we can have a girls-only club game (FF10-2) but not a male version without complaints.

arcaneguyver said:
Sad that we can have a girls-only club game (FF10-2) but not a male version without complaints.

yea and the last 3 FF games had female protags too

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arcaneguyver said:
Sad that we can have a girls-only club game (FF10-2) but not a male version without complaints.

Hey in all fairness FFX-2 copped a lot of shit too

I don't care if one gender is playable or not, as long as the game is good. I didn't have any issues at all with FFX-2's all female group back when I was a kid. If it were an all-female group in this game, I'd feel the same way if there were no playable guys. The fact that the director even has to explain himself about their role in the game speaks volumes, though.

arcaneguyver said:
Sad that we can have a girls-only club game (FF10-2) but not a male version without complaints.

Sequel vs main series title. Pretty sure no one complained about controlling only Zack in Crisis and Vincent in Dirge. But I get your point.

If this was called 'FFvsXIII' still and you only controlled the main guy, pretty sure no one would care then too.

Hmm, pie.

arcaneguyver said:
Sad that we can have a girls-only club game (FF10-2) but not a male version without complaints.

No one is seriously complaining. Those who are in a tiny minority, most of it is just parody. My brother however genuinely refused to play X-2 because the cast was all female lol. Again he didn't represent 99% of FF players who didn't care

The reality is though this is going to get compared to mainline FF (not X-2). Where there is typically around 7 playerable characters, around 3-4 of which would be women.  The variety of characters in the maincast has been a big cornerstone of the series for a long time. 

Having 2 types of magic is intriguing.

As for the gender representation this is another fine example of hypocrisy on the part of so called feminists. There are a significant number of games with female protagonists (which is great btw) and as noted the prior entry in the Final Fantasy universe utilised one. If games that are dominated by female characters are not sexist then the same rule must apply in reverse. Otherwise there is no consistency or logic in the argument.