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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Gaming Professionals & Nintendo Enthusiast Rumor: Nintendo preparing new Zelda Wii U trailer for a big event

Pavolink said:
Meelow said:
Happy New Year!

Here's the video.


Thanks Meelow to bring us the video.

It looks good to be fan made, except for the ending. So cheap the logo, so, the video is fan made or it is unfinished.


The thing about the end is we seen Nintendo being really lazy before, remember the first Hyrule Warriors trailer? And the rumor did say this was the first draft.


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Well, that must be fake. After the great Super Mario Maker and x-mas tv ads, that video looks really, really amateur and sloppy.

Haha, that video is definitely legit!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

Yo guys, it turns out this video is real!

It was made by Creative Minds and Souls, LLC and they submitted it to Nintendo as a pitch for a potential Zelda commercial. It wasn't made by Nintendo, and will likely never see the light of day, but it's still real! Well, sort of anyway.

Video seems to be taken down, just when this actually got interesting. Should I happy or sad about the fact that I didn't see the video?