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Forums - General Discussion - Favorite Phone?(Edit: Poll fixed)


Company of Favorite phone?

Apple 16 25.40%
Samsung 9 14.29%
LG 1 1.59%
HTC 1 1.59%
Huawei 2 3.17%
Google 4 6.35%
Microsoft Windows 5 7.94%
Sony 21 33.33%
Motorola 2 3.17%
Other 2 3.17%

Xperia Z5 Premium, I can't even begin to describe how beautiful this phone is. Even if 4K is too much for that size, the upscaler in this phone is beyond impressive, makes every image looks sharp and vibrant while keeping the natural reproduction of colors.

And that mirror back is really, really useful. Super selfies ftw. :p

Around the Network

Happy with my Z3 Compact. Best Phone I ever had, however for my next Phone I might choose Samsung because of VR.

But for the next 2-3 years I will not buy a new phone.

Only a 4K VR Phone with a 90hz VR Mode. And positional tracking via dual cams, would justify an upgrade from the Z3 for me.

The Z3 does everything and Phone VR is neat but not at the point where I think it justifies an upgrade.

Windows phone all the way. Things are sparse in the hardware front (had a 920 before side-grading to the 830), but I really dislike iOS and Android interfaces. Windows Phone 8.1 was a much more unique experience than W10 because they're trying to entice new buyers that are used to annoying things like hamburger menus and holding down the home button to reach the top half of the screen, but I'm hopeful to see some solid new hardware that can one day replace my laptop with a fully functioning Windows OS.