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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Favourite musical track in Xenoblade Chronicles X?

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That skiddle diddle doo all song is burned into my head. I actually have it but I can't NOT think of it! Help!!

On topic, this game has some incredible music at times. Love it.

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Truly one of the most beautiful songs

I don't know the names, but the caves' theme, the battle theme that says "I need a bigger gun" very catchy. Also Noctilum is great though I think I heard another version in one youtube video that I liked even more.
This soundtrack is pretty good though I miss the masterpiece that the previous game was. Every song was memorable and epic.

Too hard to pick for me so many awesome songs, I may post the ones I like the most later


stpaulmagic said:

My favorite is definitely the Noctilum theme so far. I haven't been to Cauldros yet though.

Yeah, I love the Noctilum daytime theme. Oblivia's daytime theme is pretty awesome also.

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Despite not playing it, I've listened through the whole OST :p

Definitely good, though halfway through, a lot of the songs felt the same.. so my pick probably goes to

The Key We've Lost

probably the latter

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Sylvalum's night theme song. It's OUTSTANDING.

[Switch Friend code: 3909-3991-4970]

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Almost all of them. I love every battle theme based on enemy type and your current gear.

This is gonna be hard...

From what I heard in the game so far:
1. Sylvalum Night Theme
2. ThemeX
3. Noctilum Day & Night Theme
4. Black Tar (Skell battle)
5. Wir Fliegen (Overdrive theme)

Kind of odd no one has said the Promordia theme (both day and night), I think it's spectacular. It has that epic sound to it..

Not sure if it's my favorite but it's up there. The Key We've Lost is also fantastic. Overall I really think this music is the one of the premier soundtracks in gaming this year. Absolutely stunning!