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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The PC Platform is becoming the new home and definitive platform for the Final Fantasy Series (Prediction and Discussion Thread) (UPDATE 2025: Fulfilled)


What Final Fantasy game are you hoping will be released on PC/Steam next the most??

Final Fantasy I 9 7.20%
Final Fantasy II 1 0.80%
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD remaster 22 17.60%
Final Fantasy IX 12 9.60%
Final Fantasy XII 23 18.40%
Final Fantasy XV (per announcement) 44 35.20%
Final Fantasy Tactics War of the Lions 14 11.20%

Why are some people arguing that another platform happens to be getting some attention from SE?, why does it bother some of you that much that you'd come into the thread to move goal posts and downplay such good news?.

Anyway I think it's good that PC has been getting some love from SE and JRPG devs in general, though I'm not into as many JRPG's as I used to be I still think it's good news all around and more money for the devs/studios in the long run.

Also there is absolutely nothing wrong with digital gaming what so ever so physical only folk should drop and leave the thread if they feel they need to dispute something that has no part of this thread.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

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Surely, it has the most advantages just by virtue of being a platform with no defined characteristics and thus has the potential to easily out perform consoles.

At the same time, the games have been defined and designed for their drastically earlier released console counterparts. 

So its a pretty vacuous claim.

Good Shite though

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

BasilZero said:
Boutros said:
If you don't mind waiting 5 years.

Depends on what game you are talking about ;p - obviously FFXIII would fit with this response


But in terms of recently released games (2-3 years wise)

-Final Fantasy XIII-2 was released almost 3 years after the PS3/Xbox360 versions
-Lightning Returns FFXIII will be releasing on Steam 1 year and 10 months after the PS3/Xbox360 versions
-Final Fantasy Type-0 HD was released 5 months after the PS4/XBO versions
-Final Fantasy IV was released almost 3 years after the iOS/android versions
-Final Fantasy IV The After Years was released almost 2 years after the iOS/android versions
-Final Fantasy V was released 2 years and 6 months after the iOS/android versions
-Final Fantasy VI was released 1 year and 10 months after the iOS/android versions

It looks like its getting better although ya gotta wait but its worth it!!

It's good but it's not carling good.  


Definite platform is getting all the games when they come out.  not years later. 

OneKartVita said:
BasilZero said:

Depends on what game you are talking about ;p - obviously FFXIII would fit with this response


But in terms of recently released games (2-3 years wise)

-Final Fantasy XIII-2 was released almost 3 years after the PS3/Xbox360 versions
-Lightning Returns FFXIII will be releasing on Steam 1 year and 10 months after the PS3/Xbox360 versions
-Final Fantasy Type-0 HD was released 5 months after the PS4/XBO versions
-Final Fantasy IV was released almost 3 years after the iOS/android versions
-Final Fantasy IV The After Years was released almost 2 years after the iOS/android versions
-Final Fantasy V was released 2 years and 6 months after the iOS/android versions
-Final Fantasy VI was released 1 year and 10 months after the iOS/android versions

It looks like its getting better although ya gotta wait but its worth it!!

It's good but it's not carling good.  


Definite platform is getting all the games when they come out.  not years later. 

lets not move the posts, this is a positive thread and thus far it's involved people not caring about the platform to suddenly start caring when it's clear they don't.

Also Cider/Vodka/WIne>Beer.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

BasilZero said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:


Surely, it has the most advantages just by virtue of being a platform with no defined characteristics and thus has the potential to easily out perform consoles.

At the same time, the games have been defined and designed for their drastically earlier released console counterparts. 

So its a pretty vacuous claim.

Good Shite though


Can you be less vague and less cryptic on what you are saying? Sounds like you are just posting for the heck of posting lol.

Games are "defined" and "designed" - so I'm guessing that makes the PS4 and the Vita obsolete as well right?

Not sure where you got PS4 and VIta from. Unless the game is redesigned for PC, i.e not a straight port, its not definitive by any means, it still has the limitations of the console it was released on (i.e designed for). Higher Reso and Framerate on a game for the snes isn't anything to write homeabout.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

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BasilZero said:
OneKartVita said:

It's good but it's not carling good.  


Definite platform is getting all the games when they come out.  not years later. 

Using that argument - then the Vita would be disqualified now wouldnt it - considering it technically only has one Final Fantasy game ;p - especially since you have to rebuy the game again on the Vita even if you owned a physical copy of the game from the PSP. Same with Nintendo's VC on the Wii, WiiU and 3DS or Sony's "PS2 Classics" on their PS3 and PS4 platforms.

The definitive way to play final fantasy has been to own whatever console it's been coming out on first.  So recently that would be ps4/ps3/psp/ps2/ps1.


Either way there's nothing definite about consistently getting the releases years after they've come out.  


Don't get me wrong,  it's great but not definitive. 

Chazore said:
OneKartVita said:
BasilZero said:

Depends on what game you are talking about ;p - obviously FFXIII would fit with this response


But in terms of recently released games (2-3 years wise)

-Final Fantasy XIII-2 was released almost 3 years after the PS3/Xbox360 versions
-Lightning Returns FFXIII will be releasing on Steam 1 year and 10 months after the PS3/Xbox360 versions
-Final Fantasy Type-0 HD was released 5 months after the PS4/XBO versions
-Final Fantasy IV was released almost 3 years after the iOS/android versions
-Final Fantasy IV The After Years was released almost 2 years after the iOS/android versions
-Final Fantasy V was released 2 years and 6 months after the iOS/android versions
-Final Fantasy VI was released 1 year and 10 months after the iOS/android versions

It looks like its getting better although ya gotta wait but its worth it!!

It's good but it's not carling good.  


Definite platform is getting all the games when they come out.  not years later. 

lets not move the posts, this is a positive thread and thus far it's involved people not caring about the platform to suddenly start caring when it's clear they don't.

Also Cider/Vodka/WIne>Beer.

I am neither being positive or negative.  Just pointing out the misuse of the word definitive.  You're being negative with your reply, saying I'm moving the proverbial goal posts and that part about caring.  no need for that.  


If you don't want to debate the topic and have a go at me please don't press that reply button.  


It's as easy as pouring a pint of superior carling :)

OneKartVita said:

I am neither being positive or negative.  Just pointing out the misuse of the word definitive.  You're being negative with your reply, saying I'm moving the proverbial goal posts and that part about caring.  no need for that.  


If you don't want to debate the topic and have a go at me please don't press that reply button.  


It's as easy as pouring a pint of superior carling :)

This whole "misuse" of the word and yet this gen we've got the word "exclusive" losing a lot of it;s meaning and being misused a lot and yet that'd not corrected as much, Definitive doesn't mean "the platform that gets it first", Basil already listed what makes it definitive on PC and I'd agree with him on that but certainly not on who gets it first, that doesn't matter because in the end what matters is the platform that has them all *in the end* and that is to say PC is looking to be that platform as it has no gens, it has full BC and has for years.

No ened to tell me I;m being negative with your being negative, nice try.

Also don't tell me what to do just as a heads up, if you have issues with commanding others then don't bother.

It's easy pouring out some Vodka/Cider/Wine ;)

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

BasilZero said:

I'm surprised they havent said "My favorite gaming platform is the definitive platform" - they might as well say that so we can all move on.



That's pretty mucxh where it;s going to end up on this site anwyay =P, it's clear that the ones making arguments against have never liked the platform you speak of anyway and hardly do.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

BasilZero said:
Chazore said:

lets not move the posts, this is a positive thread and thus far it's involved people not caring about the platform to suddenly start caring when it's clear they don't.

Also Cider/Vodka/WIne>Beer.

Nah its fine. If people can make valid arguments rather than false or vague claims - then I would agree with them - but so far all I got was games were "defined" for older systems and "Physical discs" are better than digital l0l. I'm surprised they havent said "My favorite gaming platform is the definitive platform" - they might as well say that so we can all move on.

Dr.Henry_Killinger said:

Not sure where you got PS4 and VIta from. Unless the game is redesigned for PC, i.e not a straight port, its not definitive by any means, it still has the limitations of the console it was released on (i.e designed for). Higher Reso and Framerate on a game for the snes isn't anything to write homeabout.

Its simple how I got the PS4 and Vita. Both have Final Fantasy games both physical and digital.

So what?

However none of the games are "defined" using your logic for those two systems since they were ports themselves or re-releases.

I never called them Definitive.

I.e Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD remaster is a remaster of two PS2 games and was remastered originally on the PS3 however were ported over to the PS4 and the Vita. Same with Final Fantasy Type-0 HD - the game was originally designed for the PSP but was remastered for the PS4. All the PSVita titles are digital re-releases of what they had on the PS1 and PSP.

A remaster is not a direct port. A re-release is. If it is a remaster it is taking advantage of the new platform.

Also your posts @ bolded/italic/underlined - is contradicting each other. You say ports have the limitations of the console - if that is the case then higher resolution and framerate would also be limited specifically 720p or 1080p and at 30 FPS which in this case is incorrect - I'm guessing you never played a FF game on PC?

Resolution and framerate are not the only limitations of the game. Having played KH2 on PC with unlocked framerate, I know the difference. It certainly looks better, but the mechanics of the game haven't changed and the same is true for FF. 

Especially since you mentioned higher resolution and framerate for a SNES game when the PC doesnt have any SNES ports - only the Wii, WiiU and 3DS have any ports from Nintendo's old systems. Again, please do research before posting claims as you did.

It's an example. The same applies universally. Wii ports of SNES games are no more definitive than PC ports. 

Definitive =/= Better

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank