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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The PC Platform is becoming the new home and definitive platform for the Final Fantasy Series (Prediction and Discussion Thread) (UPDATE 2025: Fulfilled)


What Final Fantasy game are you hoping will be released on PC/Steam next the most??

Final Fantasy I 9 7.20%
Final Fantasy II 1 0.80%
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD remaster 22 17.60%
Final Fantasy IX 12 9.60%
Final Fantasy XII 23 18.40%
Final Fantasy XV (per announcement) 44 35.20%
Final Fantasy Tactics War of the Lions 14 11.20%

Holy GD necro Batman.

I have barely looked into the numbers, but while it does seem that PC sales indeed lag behind console, I have to rescind my original statement that I won't buy Final Fantasy on PC. I bought VI, VII, and VIII as well as XIV, obviously. These are my favorite FF games and I couldn't help myself, they were on sale. Only one I've played on PC was FFVIII and obviously FFXIV. I will say that I also own all the releases, except pixel remaster, on PS4/PS5.

A warrior keeps death on the mind from the moment of their first breath to the moment of their last.

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Other than Nintendo games it's becoming the definitive platform for Japanese games in general at this point which is a fantastic development compared to 10-15 years ago. Also it got deleted so do you remember what the initial post of the thread was like?

BasilZero said:
killer7 said:

 You hate on consoles you simply won't play their exclusives, period!!

Damn, recently I was told I hate Nintendo and love Sony.

I was told I hated PC and loved mobile devices before

I was told I hated Sony and Nintendo because I have an xbox and enjoying playing on it.

And now I'm being told I hate consoles because I love playing on PC.

Y'all cant make up your minds on this lol.

I'd recommend against replying to him. With stuff like the ridiculous PC comments he's either a troll or is such a low quality poster that he's not worth engaging with.

Last edited by Norion - on 23 January 2025

dharh said:

Holy GD necro Batman.

I have barely looked into the numbers, but while it does seem that PC sales indeed lag behind console, I have to rescind my original statement that I won't buy Final Fantasy on PC. I bought VI, VII, and VIII as well as XIV, obviously. These are my favorite FF games and I couldn't help myself, they were on sale. Only one I've played on PC was FFVIII and obviously FFXIV. I will say that I also own all the releases, except pixel remaster, on PS4/PS5.

Which versions of VI and VIII did you get/play?

I played the Switch version of Pixel Remaster but havent played the Steam version yet, was waiting for them to patch in the boosts which they did last year.

I did play the delisted Mobile remake for FF6 last year.

As for FFVIII - I played the original PC release which got released on Steam years ago, had to mod it otherwise it was almost unplayable. Havent played the remaster version on any consoles or the Steam version but I do have them on all the consoles and on Steam as well.

Planning to play FFVIII Remastered on Switch soon.

I've gotten all of the FF games across all platforms except for Stranger of Paradise which I only have on Steam and PS4 instead of Xbox.

Norion said:

Other than Nintendo game it's becoming the definitive platform for Japanese games in general at this point which is a fantastic development compared to 10-15 years ago. Also it got deleted so do you remember what the initial post of the thread was like?

Its been 10 years but if I remember right, I was talking about how Steam had the most FF games across the platforms back then (PS4, Xbox One, WiiU, 3DS)

So I had a list of games similar to my bump post earlier

Back then there was only these on Steam

-FF3 (3D Remake)
-FF4 (3D Remake)
-FF5 Mobile remake
-FF6 Mobile Remake

While the consoles (PS4 and XBO - minus WiiU) had

-FF13 (Xbox)
-FF13-2 (Xbox)
-FF13 Lightning Returns (Xbox)

Some of the responses were arguing that Mobile was the definitive due to the fact that they had the same games as Steam but had the live service games like FF Record Keeper, etc.

Edit: IV After Years Remake was also on mobile and Steam.