curl-6 said:
Miyamotoo said:
curl-6 said:
It's just that I almost never see you acknowledge negatives. When you post, it seems you only ever seem to accept positive things.
I wrote numerous times how Nintendo totally screw up Wii U and made so many mistakes regardless Wii U, Nintendo is only to blame for terrible Wii U sales beacuse mistakes they made. Also like I wrote in other thread, I have maybe positive views but in same time very possible views, no one my view is not unrealistic.
Whenever you predict future events, you always seem to choose the most optimistic view rather than the most likely. E.g. Pikmin 4 is coming to Wii U, NX will be a big hit, Zelda U will be one of the highest selling Zeldas, Metroid will be at E3, etc. Even if you turn out to be right with some of them, surely you realize that expecting all these things to come true is wildly optimistic?
None of those are most optimistic views or wildly optimistic.
-Pikmin 4 definitely not most optimistic, we have 3 choices, coming, cross platform, and not coming. I said that will be Wii U title or cross platform, not coming at Wii U is definitely pessimistic view.
-I never said that NX will be big hit, I said that will definitely be more popular than Wii U was. That definitely isn't most optimistic view.
-Zelda U being one of the highest selling Zelda games also isn't most optimistic views, most optimistic view would be saying that will be highest selling Zelda ever.
-Metroid announcement at E3 also isn't most optimistic view, most optimistic view would be Metroid will be launch next year.
So none of those are most optimistic views or wildly optimistic.