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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - So Xenoblade X has an 84 on metacritix because there is too much to do and the world is too big?

I withhold judgement, but I haven't seen anyone say it's too big or has too much to do, Reggie.

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DolPhanTendo said:

It's not a crime.Ithink he is saying that if it is a good  game rate it at so. Don't seriously downgrade a game for minor problems because every game has minor problems. Look at MGS 5 had similar minor statements but still got in the 90's. Its like they do not want to give Nintendo another good score out of spite. Because that is what most gaming journalism is 

Exactly.  A 95 should be average.  Then, if there are minor faults, they can drop it down to a 92 or 93.  Anything in the 80s is obviously spite, as it represents a below average game.  An 84 means basically unplayable.

I think these weren't the complains I've read. The main criticisms are being too vague and obscure explaining gaming mechanics, some collectible missions are hard because they tell you to find it in an entire continent (c'mon, that's way too much), little character background, a plot with highs and lows... I think that the criticisms may be valid and well argumented in a lot of cases (except the fully automated guy, that's ridiculous). I know that even with these flaws I will enjoy it a lot, but the game isn't flawless.

84 is a very good score in my book. A couple points more shouldnt make any difference if you want the game.

Imo stop worrying about reviews. This gen literally made me not care anymore. So many games that got 9s and I hated and so many games that got 6s that I loved. I just stopped caring about anyone's opinion but my own. I suggest others do the same. I do like hearing about bugs and technical stuffed like digital foundry does.

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Honestly, I don't listen or watch reviews of games anymore, unless it's by a YouTube personality that I'm a big fan of, like, Somecallmejohnny.
As method114 said, the only opinion that should matter about a game you play, is your own, since you're the one who is playing it.
I'm not getting X because of feedback that I've heard from reviews, I'm getting it based off of the footage of gameplay and cutscenes I've seen, as I saw them I thought "This looks really awesome. Plus I loved the first game, so I'm definitely getting this one."

People care wayy to much about arbitrary scores.

Im not surprised. The japanese scores werent that great either and the complaints were pretty much the same. I made a whole thread about this few months ago.

Weak story, lame music and big but underdeveloped world or something like that. Pretty good reasons to rate it 8 or even 7 since the original XC perfected all these points flawlessly. Hell even the original game overwhelmed me at times with its large worlds and many cutscenes

Because the review system is biased to begin with, if talk about about metacritic here.

The reasons don't really bother me...though it's understandable if reviewers had a problem with it. Personally, I think people should stop putting so much weight into the numbers, and more into the content of the reviews themselves. If the cons don't bother you, then try it out. I know nothing I've read has dissuaded me from enjoying it...other than the potential lack of dual audio. Still have my fingers crossed on that...but I suppose I'll live even without it. I played through Tales of Xillia in English, can't imagine this being any worse than that.

Just a few more days now...*paces*

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334