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Forums - Gaming Discussion - New LA Noire details emerge, could be on 360?

Could be SONY jsut feels like they don't need to spend money on a game that might end up being a timed exclusive anyways. Remeber they said they don't pay for exclusives. The game is coming out on the PS3 regardless so why pay extra.

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Considering Sony is footing the bill for the entire project, I find it hard to imagine that Sony would settle for anything other then a full PS3 exclusive.


Dallinor said:
Considering Sony is footing the bill for the entire project, I find it hard to imagine that Sony would settle for anything other then a full PS3 exclusive.

"Phil Harrison and Brendan McNamara can't stand each other, McNamara & Company's tendency to miss milestones did not help either, but had very little to do with Phil's decision"


That's from the surfer girl link.. so not sure if its true, but its a possible reason.


Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


Dallinor said:

This is bizarre...

Sony suddenly stops funding an exclusive IP at least a year into production?

This just doesn't ring true. What would be the point? Both Sony and Rockstar would have signed contracts before development started. So why would Sony suddenly break these contracts and pull out? They've probably already invested quite a large amount of money in the project.

Either Sony see the title as a pointless money drain, or this is, indeed, just a wild rumour.

Brendan Macnamara (Team Bondi's president): "The project is wholly funded by Sony Computer Entertainment America. We have a long-term exclusive arrangement with SCEA."

 I thought we already knew that LA Noire wasn't an exclusive? Since when was Sony ever funding it? When Sony announced that they were partnering with Rockstar for a new PS3 exclusive, they didn't even announce a title - but they stated quite clearly that it wasn't LA Noire.

 Please find a quote to link on Sony funding LA Noire. That's completely new to me and I'm amazed that hasn't received extensive coverage if it's accurate.


This is a complicated tale to relate, but L.A. Noire was fully funded by Sony according to Brendan McNamara. Who is the president of Team Bondi. Rockstar was merely to publish the title for them on the PS3. The title was obviously exclusive. Rockstar is developing a exclusive game with a new intellectual property for the PS3, but at this time neither has confirmed what that title will be, but it isn't L.A. Noire. Further more both Take 2 and Rockstar reached this agreement with Sony.

Sony probably feels the money wasn't well spent, and saw no reason to throw good money after bad. They might also have other budget concerns. Exclusive games development may be a finite fund from which to draw. Perhaps a better opportunity for that money has arose recently. Like purchasing an exclusive title nearer to completion, or perhaps to fund what they feel is a better prospect.

This wouldn't be unprecedented for one of the big three to do this. These things do happen occasionally the title is picked up by someone else who is willing to take the risk, on what is basically a half finished game which is probably only half priced. Sony after all has picked up discarded Microsoft titles in recent history.

I would say if the rumor is true it would be interesting to see if either of the other manufacturers pick it up, or another large third party developer. I hope it isn't a case of Sony leaving Rockstar holding the bag.

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Surfer Girl.


Dude, jack denied the game was L.A NOIRE, he said it was a completely new IP from e3 07.

On topic:

I really dont care if it does go to the Xbox 360, it will allow more poeple to enjoy the title. Also I dont think its going to be all that good anyway. And to close my post, I think if GTA 4 can fit on a DVD most games can fit on one single 9GB dvd.


Soriku said:
DOATS1 said:
la noire was never exclusive in the first place. people just thought it was for some wacky reason.

rockstar are working on another exclusive for ps3 that hasn't been named yet.

I'm pretty sure the exclusive was LA Noire. After all, it was funded by Sony at first and would have been exclusive if they didn't stop so I don't think they have a PS3 exclusive in development ATM...

Wrong, It was stated that there are 2 Rockstar exclusives in the works for the PS3, both of which was not LA Noire.

I forget where I heard this, and maybe it has changed since. Someone link it up if the source is found.


oops, i read more of the thread/ nevermind 

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